A Crystal Journey Blog
Learn about the amazing healing properties of stones & crystals and how you can use them for growth & well-being in your home, work, and life!
- Community Questions 7
- Crystal Color Round-ups 4
- Crystal Games 1
- Crystal Healing Properties 28
- Crystal How-Tos 49
- Crystal Shapes 1
- Enneagram Crystal Pairings 8
- Gifting Crystals 3
- Myers Briggs Crystal Pairings 2
- SBCo. Crystal Shop Round-ups 2
- Seasonal Crystal Guide 5
- The Crystal Affinity Membership Experience 2
- Zodiac Crystal Pairings 15

Crystals for Your Zodiac Sign—The 8 Best Leo Crystals
Welcome to Leo season friends and we’ve got the perfect crystals for the mighty Lion!

The Perfect Crystals for Each Myers-Briggs Artisan Temperaments
What I love about the Myers-Briggs test, as well as other personality tests, is that they give us a really simple way to determine what kinds of crystals can help us in our lives.

7 Crystals to Combat Anxiety and Depression
No matter what your mental health looks like at this moment, it is completely normal for us to have days when we are all sunshine and rainbows, and other days when we just can’t shake that dark rain cloud.

Can I Sleep With Crystals Under My Pillow?
I had an interesting DM in my inbox this week, and I wanted to share it with all of you. A community member has been struggling with their sleep recently and had questions about how to best use her crystals to help.

7 Crystals Every Nurse Needs
Nurses are an integral part of our healthcare industry. They work tirelessly for extremely long hours to help those who are sick and injured feel comfortable and happy during often difficult times.

Crystals for Your Zodiac Sign—The 8 Best Pisces Crystals
It’s time to take a deep dive into the best crystals for Pisces! We’re going to look at the best crystals to help focus on their positive traits and crystals that help to mitigate their challenges.

7 Crystals To Help You Cope with Anxiety
Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the stress and pressure of daily life? So many of us are affected by stress and anxiety on a daily basis. Well, thankfully, there are some wonderful crystals that can help soothe your mind and actually get to the root of what is creating anxiety in your life.

8 Crystals to Support Fertility, Pregnancy & Birth
The journey through fertility, pregnancy, and birth is beautiful, complicated, and is above all else emotionally draining. And while there is so much positivity in the journey, it’s nice to have a little extra assistance. Thankfully, Mother Earth is there to help!