7 Crystals Every Nurse Needs

If the last two years have taught us anything, it’s that nurses are an integral part of our healthcare industry. They work tirelessly for extremely long hours to help those who are sick and injured feel comfortable and happy during often difficult times. 

Working in some of the most difficult settings imaginable—and that’s even when there isn’t a two-year pandemic raging—nurses are quickly burning out. And really, it is no surprise. While they work with empathy and compassion, they often don’t receive the appreciation and respect that they deserve. 

Thankfully, there are a lot of crystals that can help nurses make it through their next 12-hour shift. I’ve rounded up my 7 favorite crystals that every nurse needs to protect them and help them manage the difficult demands of their job. 

1. Satin Spar Selenite

Nurses take in a lot—as hard as they try to stay detached from everything that is happening around them, they are bound to bring back a bit of that energy after a long day at work. Satin Spar Selenite is a great crystal for nurses because it is the most powerful clearing and cleansing crystal. It clears negativity from your mind and replaces it with positive energy, keeping you in a positive frame of mind. Satin Spar Selenite has an uplifting energy that can bring so much happiness into your life each day. Use it to cleanse your mind, your aura, and even your workspace—nurses should consider wearing Satin Spar Selenite jewelry to keep their energy clear and positive all day long. 

2. Petrified Wood

A wonderfully grounding energy will be yours when you work with Petrified Wood. This is a calming stone and its grounding energies are very protective. It also brings a burst of vitality and physical energy that can carry you through a tough day. This is why I love Petrified Wood for nurses—it comes as no shock that nurses work long, long, long hours. Petrified Wood is the support and perseverance you need to make it through those days with your patience intact. 

3. Rubellite

Thanks to its incredibly passionate vibration, Rubellite gives off an energy of universal love to anyone who comes into contact with this beautiful pink crystal. And this universal love brings grace and a sense of ease into your life—two things that nurses can use in their day-to-day lives. This is another crystal that helps to develop and deepen your compassion and some even believe it will help lead us towards a new age of compassionate love for all humankind. 

4. Hematite

A protection stone through and through, Hematite makes a great partner for nurses. This wonderfully grounding stone absorbs negative energy around you and within you. It also helps to prevent you from taking in other people’s negative energy—which is integral for nurses who are surrounded by people going through very difficult, often negative times. Hematite also helps to keep you calm by imbuing you with tranquil energy when you are stressed or worried. It will also give you a self-confidence boost and make you feel more courageous in difficult times.

5. Rose Quartz

I mentioned before that nurses invest a lot of empathy and compassion into their patients. Because of this, they don’t have a lot left over for themselves. By working with Rose Quartz, you can start to deepen your well of compassion and learn how to be compassionate with yourself as well as others. Most people think of Rose quartz as a love stone, and that is exactly what it is—a stone that supports all kinds of love! That includes love for yourself. Rose Quartz can help you open up to loving the person you are and teach you how to be more compassionate with yourself. For a lot of people, it’s a lot harder to receive the kind of love and support they give to others—Rose Quartz gives you the ability to see you are worthy of love!

6. Amethyst

Amethyst is another great protection stone to help nurses safeguard their energy and emotions. When you keep Amethyst with you, at work, or in your home, you wrap yourself up in an energetic bubble of light and happiness. It also helps to enhance your intuition which can bring clarity to any situation you may find yourself in. It is also deeply connected to divine love and has powerful healing energy—this makes Amethyst a fantastic crystal for anyone. But I do believe that nurses, in particular, can benefit from working with Amethyst—and it doesn’t hurt that it is such a stunner!

7. Ocean Jasper

Much like the calming influence of its namesake, Ocean Jasper provides calm, uplifting energy. It is especially powerful during difficult times and can help you reframe your reality into a more positive, optimistic outlook. Ocean Jasper brings a stillness, a quiet strength that can help nurses persevere through the rough days. It is also a very popular crystal to promote physical healing at the cellular level. If you are struggling with sleeplessness, depression, or anxiety, Ocean Jasper can help offer you some relief. 

If you are a nurse, I hope this article helps you find a crystal that can support you when you are working. And if you happen to know a nurse, be sure to share this with them! As many nurses as we can support, the better!

Keep Shining, Crystal Lovers!


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