6 Crystals for Wealth and Prosperity

Crystals for wealth and prosperity are an amazing way to help set your intentions and manifest what you want for yourself in all areas of your life. This can include an abundance of love, health, wealth, harmony, and prosperity. No matter what your goal, crystals can help you on your abundance journey. 

Whether you are focused on a new career, improving your physical health, trying to reach a specific goal like buying a home, or you would like to see your account balance continue to increase, each of these 6 crystals works in a different way to help you achieve your goals.

Now keep in mind, it’s not as simple as having these crystals, and then bam! you win the lottery or you are in perfect health or you instantly reach your goals. These crystals will give you the focus and energy you need to work towards a wealthy and prosperous life. It’s all about taking the energy of these crystals and pairing them together with your intentions—this is how you will start to experience wealth and abundance in your life. 

1. Jade

This gorgeous green crystal is often known as a stone of abundance and good luck. If you are looking to reach a financial goal, Jade can help you manifest prosperity and wealth. All the good things that exist in our universe flow into Jade and generous Jade shares that good luck and prosperity with the rest of the world. Working with Jade will also bring happiness and harmony into all aspects of your life—your family, your friends, your business. 

2. Peridot

There must be something about the color green that in itself attracts wealth and abundance—it is the color of money after all as well as the lushness of the earth! Peridot is another powerful green crystal for abundance and prosperity that can affect more than just money—it can bring abundance to all areas of your life. Peridot has a warm, calming energy that, when applied to your business endeavors, helps to move you closer towards success. Peridot also helps to boost your self-confidence and believe deeply in your self-worth so you can manifest wealth and abundance into your life. 

3. Pyrite

Colloquially known as “Fool’s Gold”, Pyrite is the perfect stone to work with if you are trying to develop an abundance mindset. Pyrite will teach you that life is full of opportunities—it helps to strengthen your confidence and see beyond the scope of what is right in front of you and the fear that may bring. It also gives you the wisdom to work through any business and work challenges or obstacles that come your way. If you are looking to cultivate abundance and prosperity, place a piece of Pyrite in your workspace or carry it with you throughout your day. 

4. Moss Agate

Known as the stone of wealth, Moss Agate is a beautiful green crystal (green again, a coincidence? I think not!). Moss Agate attracts abundance of all kinds! It has long been seen as a lucky amulet. If you place it in your garden, your blooms will be brighter and your crops fuller. If you keep it in your workspace, your business will grow and expand. If you carry it with you every day, you’ll see abundance coming your way every day. It can also help you stay grounded and rooted in the world which helps once all that wealth and abundance comes to you.

5. Orthoceras

Orthoceras fossils have been around for thousands of years and their ancient energy can help bring wealth and prosperity into your life. These black and white beauties promote a sense of pride and success in your business while attracting wealth and prosperity. Orthoceras gives you a much-needed self-confidence boost while tapping into your inner wisdom. Orthoceras can help you move past feelings of inadequacy that may be holding you back from being fully open to an abundance mindset. 

6. Citrine

Warm and welcoming, Citrine has high vibrational energy that closely aligns with that of wealth and abundance. Also, Citrine is one of the most powerful crystals that you can use for manifestation—put these two together, and you have a powerhouse crystal to deliver wealth and abundance in your life. If you own a brick-and-mortar business, try placing a piece of Citrine next to your cash register. Work online? Keep Citrine near your desk or workspace to attract money and wealth. This crystal also boosts your confidence and self-esteem which can help you go after your dreams and reach your financial goals.

Whatever kind of wealth you are looking for, these six crystals can bring wealth, success, abundance, and prosperity into your life. 

Remember, it is important to work with these crystals—you can’t simply expect to hold a piece of Pyrite and find $1,000 or get a promotion. Instead, you need to manifest and visualize your version of success while working and co-creating with these stones. When working together with your crystal, you’ll be amazed at the life you can manifest for yourself.

Keep Shining, Crystal Lovers!


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