A Crystal Journey Blog
Learn about the amazing healing properties of stones & crystals and how you can use them for growth & well-being in your home, work, and life!
- Community Questions 7
- Crystal Color Round-ups 4
- Crystal Games 1
- Crystal Healing Properties 28
- Crystal How-Tos 49
- Crystal Shapes 1
- Enneagram Crystal Pairings 8
- Gifting Crystals 3
- Myers Briggs Crystal Pairings 2
- SBCo. Crystal Shop Round-ups 2
- Seasonal Crystal Guide 5
- The Crystal Affinity Membership Experience 2
- Zodiac Crystal Pairings 15

The Perfect Crystals for Enneagram Type Five - The Investigator
We’ve already covered the best crystals for Type One, Two, Three, and Four so let’s take a look at my top crystal picks for Enneagram Type Five!

5 Crystals To Help You Set — and Maintain — Boundaries
Setting and maintaining boundaries should be an important part of everyone's life. Personal boundaries allow us to thrive in all aspects of life—from relationships to work-life balance and everything in between.

The Perfect Crystals for Each Myers Briggs Guardian Temperament
Myers-Briggs personality type, The Guardian, is very traditional and dutiful. Guardians are cautious, focused, and humble in all that they do. They pride themselves on being dependable hard workers and will bend over backward to help others.

7 Crystals Every Nurse Needs
Nurses are an integral part of our healthcare industry. They work tirelessly for extremely long hours to help those who are sick and injured feel comfortable and happy during often difficult times.

Crystals for Your Zodiac Sign—The 8 Best Aquarius Crystals
Free-thinkers, revolutionaries, rebels at heart—today I’m talking about Aquarius and the crystals that bring out the best in the Water Bearers among us.

Top 11 Crystals for Men
Crystal energy is here to support us all. Although the majority of our crystal family is women, there are a few men in our tribe as well, and I love it! So, I want to take a minute to talk to you about men and crystals!

Tap into The Grounding Energy of Crystals
Spring is the perfect time to connect with Mother Earth and tap into the amazing grounding energy she offers. Of course, there are some amazing stones and crystals that can help you support that connection!

The Best Crystals for Your Zodiac—Aries, Taurus & Gemini
When astrology and crystals come together, the energy is just extraordinary! Every zodiac sign naturally pairs with certain crystals, and using these crystals can help you resonate at your highest vibration.