Crystals for Your Zodiac Sign—The 8 Best Aquarius Crystals

Free-thinkers, revolutionaries, rebels at heart—today I’m talking about Aquarius and the crystals that bring out the best in the Water Bearers among us. 

Aquarius is represented by the Water Bearer, a mystical healer who brings life to the land. And while it seems to make sense that Aquarius would be a water sign, it is actually an air sign. This air sign is a rebel at heart—they are eccentric and nonconformist, radical and compassionate, humanitarian and innovative. They love to work on teams and seek out different communities of like-minded people. 

Aquarians are big thinkers, but they need to stay grounded and focused on their friends, families, and their immediate surroundings. They tend to focus on the big picture and neglect those around them. They need to remember that progress starts small and that every baby step towards their goals is a win.

The Water Bearers are known to be stubborn—but this isn’t always a bad thing. It comes from their strong conviction and their deep spirit of egalitarianism. Once they have a chance to make a difference and enact change, their willful spirit softens. 

Let’s jump into the 8 best crystals for Aquarius! Starting with the crystals that help bolster their strengths:

1. Aquamarine

As I mentioned above, Aquarians tend to be seen as aloof when it comes to their relationships. And that’s where Aquamarine comes in! This gorgeous Caribbean blue crystal helps you connect with your feelings and keep them top of mind. It can also be a very powerful communication tool—Aquamarine helps you take your thoughts and dreams, and turn them into your reality. If stubbornness is your sticking point, Aquamarine can help you become more adaptable and flexible. 

2. Fluorite

Ready to amplify your focus and attack your day with a clear mind? Then you are ready for Fluorite! This amazing crystal brings calm energy that encourages concentration and improves the flow of creative ideas—perfect for big thinking Aquarians! 

3. Carnelian

Creativity is a mainstay of Aquarius and Carnelian gives you an amazing creative boost. This vibrant crystal is an excellent source of inspiration and can help keep you energized through your marathon brainstorming sessions. Carnelian will also bring a sense of wellbeing and deep happiness to your life. 

4. Herkimer Quartz

If you are looking to expand your horizons, reach higher heights, then Herkimer Quartz—often called Herkimer Diamond—is the crystal for you. These crystals are beautiful and they are also very powerful high vibration crystals that can help to boost your clairvoyant abilities. They carry very spiritual and positive energy. Try keeping Herkimer Quartz near you when you sleep—you’ll fill your space with light and the crystal will encourage lucid dreaming as well. 

And here are 4 crystals that help to mitigate the challenges Aquarians face:

5. Golden Tiger Eye

This gorgeous golden-hued crystal is perfect for Aquarians because it brings balance to your life. It shows you how to balance extremes. Right or wrong, good or bad, light or dark—you’ll start to understand the unity that ties opposites together. It helps to bring practical yet compassionate reasoning to the choices you make. 

6. Petrified Wood

There isn’t much more grounded you can get than Petrified Wood—it starts its life rooted to the earth. This grounding energy helps to stabilize your energy when you are not feeling like yourself. But most of all for you, Aquarius, Petrified Wood brings patience. Just like a tree, Petrified Wood promotes slow, steady growth—mentally, physically, and emotionally—and helps to enhance and build your patience with others and with yourself.

7. Lepidolite

The soothing energy of Lepidolite can help Aquarians who have a difficult time expressing their emotions. This crystal encourages the flow of emotions and helps to soothe any emotional pain or trauma you’re experiencing naturally. Lepidolite also attracts lightheartedness which is perfect for the always-on Water Bearer.

8. Rhodochrosite

At its core, Rhodochrosite is a crystal of self-love. This crystal helps you to dig deep into your core and see the real you—it helps to clearly see your gifts and to fully embrace the brightness of your light. As an Aquarius, this self-awareness allows you to love who you are and see how amazing you are. Rhodochrosite also encourages you to stay in a heart-centered space rather than leaning on your intellectual abilities all the time.  

I hope that these crystals can help all our Aquarian friends out there focus on the bigger picture and continue to make the world a better place. 

If you’re looking for more zodiac crystal pairings, you’re in luck!

Keep shining, Crystal Lover!


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