The Best Crystals for Your Zodiac—Aries, Taurus & Gemini

When astrology and crystals come together, the energy is just extraordinary! 

Every zodiac sign naturally pairs with certain crystals, and using these crystals can help you resonate at your highest vibration! 

To get the most out of your zodiac-crystal pairing, be sure to look up your match for all your zodiac signs—Sun, Moon, and rising! Whether you are wearing them, keeping them in your home, or carrying one in your bag, these crystals will work in symbiosis with your personality—highlighting your most positive qualities while helping you tackle some of the areas you feel need work.

The next three zodiac signs we’re digging into are Aries, Taurus, and Gemini. So if you are a ram, a bull, or a twin, I’ve rounded up three crystals that are the perfect match for your zodiac energy!

And if you are a Capricorn, Aquarius (like me!!), or Pisces, read our post covering which crystals are best for your zodiac sign! Cancer, Leo, and Virgo—check back on March 16th for your crystal companions! Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius—we’ll be sharing all about your crystals on April 13th!

Aries — March 21–April 19

A powerful fire sign, you are passionate, committed, and independent, Aries. You thrive on getting things done—to-do lists don't stand a chance against you! You are a confident leader with a cheerful disposition and love the chance to face a challenging situation head-on. You live your life with blind optimism and bring impulsivity and love of life to everything you do! 


Carnelian is rooted in the fire element making its energy the perfect match for fiery Aries. It is a crystal that will not only boost your confidence and spark your creativity, it will also help you take the leap when you need to take action in your life. Carnelian is a great motivator that pairs perfectly with your go-get-’em attitude, Aries! So next time you have a big idea and aren’t sure how to bring it to life, consider meditating with Carnelian. It will help you take your thoughts and ideas and turn them into a plan of action!


If you are finding yourself in an energetic rut—feeling tired, unmotivated, uninspired—Citrine is the perfect mood booster. Any not-too-motivated Aries should keep Citrine near their workspace or other places where they could use a bit of encouragement. Citrine also helps you accept constructive criticism. This is especially important for you, Aries, who sometimes struggles with the feeling of being judged. Citrine can help you become more open to feedback and use what works well for you!

Hematoid Quartz

No two pieces of Hematoid Quartz are the same—just like no two fiery Aries are the same! The unique red streaks throughout the crystal are inclusions of Hematite. These inclusions add a depth of balance and stability to the energy of this variation of Quartz and to your world. The calm, grounding energy of Hematoid Quartz is a wonderful influence on the passionate Aries. It can help you clear your mind and bring balanced, positive energy to your life!

Taurus — April 20–May 20

You, Taurus, love to live a life of luxury. If you could spend your life in a spa, you probably would! But you are more grounded than giving in to those desires every day. You feel best when you are secure in your savings account, your job, and your love life. The Earthly Bull is a hard worker who is ambitious, focused, and extremely resilient. In your personal life, you are loyal, reliable, and strong-willed … you are the bull after all!

Tiger Eye

A planetary crystal for Taurus, Tiger Eye is a stone full of vitality as well as practicality—perfect for the grounded but vibrant bull. Tiger Eye is a great stone for the career-minded Taurus. It brings with it an energy of clarity and focus, helping to bring your intellectual mind to the forefront. It also opens up your mind, Taurus, allowing you to look at problems from every viewpoint. Wear Tiger Eye daily to bring a renewed energy and focus to your everyday life!

Black Tourmaline

The perfect crystal for easing your anxiety, Black Tourmaline is great for the constant worrier inside you, Taurus. You tend to worry about your security in all aspects of your life. Black Tourmaline can help relieve the chronic anxiety that you often struggle with. It is also a great crystal for leaving behind the negative energy you are surrounded by every day!

Petrified Wood

Petrified Wood is such a stunning stone, and is created when wood literally turns to stone. As an earth sign, Taurus has the perfect energetic connection with the earthly Petrified Wood. It is a great stone to support your goals and dreams, especially when it comes to your career and finances. It can also be a powerful stone for love—if you notice that you hold yourself back when it comes to matters of the heart, Petrified Wood can help give you a push in the right direction!

Gemini — May 21–June 21

Feel like you are being pulled in a million different directions? Just another day for a typical Gemini! You are playful, curious, and the social butterfly of the zodiac. You often find yourself juggling passions, hobbies, careers, friend groups, and priorities. Geminis are free thinkers, who like the freedom to move from interest to interest. Gemini’s short attention span means your fluidity is integral to your happiness!


Moonstone is a Gemini birthstone, so you may already have a piece of it in your collection. 

Looking for balance, Gemini? Moonstone is the perfect crystal to help you balance your head and your heart. Meditating with Moonstone is a great way to relax your nerves, and bring balance back to your life. Moonstone also highlights your creativity and joie de vivre while easing your anxiety and nervousness!  

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is the most versatile and powerful healing crystal in the mineral kingdom. This makes it a great crystal for anyone, but as a Gemini, you can use Clear Quartz to magnify your positive energy. It is also an extremely adaptable stone—much like your personality, Gemini. If you feel yourself getting down in the dumps, Clear Quartz can help you remove the negative energy blockages in your body so you can return to your happy-go-lucky self!

Blue Apatite

The uplifting energy of Blue Apatite is a great match for bubbly Geminis. Its energies bring a positive outlook on life and a hopeful attitude to those that keep it with them or use it in their meditations. It’s also an incredibly powerful crystal for creativity and inspiration—it can bring with it creative solutions to problems that sometimes seem unsolvable. Think of this as your “a-ha” moment crystal!

Don’t forget to keep an eye out for my next post on the best pairings for Cancer, Leo, and Virgo (March 16th) and Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius (April 13th!)


The Healing Properties of Moonstone


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