Crystals for Your Zodiac Sign—The 8 Best Pisces Crystals

It’s time to take a deep dive into the best crystals for Pisces! We’re going to look at the best crystals to help focus on their positive traits and crystals that help to mitigate their challenges. 

While February 19th to March 20th is at the beginning of our calendar, Pisces is the last symbol on the zodiac calendar. That means Pisces have had the chance to absorb all the lessons learned by every other sign that came before them. This is often seen as the reason why Pisces is the most sensitive, empathetic, and compassionate member of the zodiac family.

If the two fish swimming together hadn’t tipped you off, Pisces is a water sign. They are seen as being more laid-back in comparison to the other water signs, Scorpio and Cancer. But just like their counterparts, Pisces are known for feeling deeply. Pair this with their compassion and sensitivity, it’s no surprise that they often get bogged down in their emotions. 

And while feeling their emotions deeply really is positive, it can lead some Pisces to become moody. They also have a hard time pulling themselves out of negativity when something goes wrong in their life. 

I mentioned before that they are also very empathetic—it is ingrained in their personality to do whatever they can to make sure the people around them are happy. This makes them a great “shoulder to cry on”, but does leave them vulnerable to being taken advantage of by those who are less selfless and more selfish. 

They also have a hard time accepting help from others. Even though they are the ones always ready to lend a helping hand, Pisces tend to keep themselves closed off to the aid of others. They feel that the rest of the world doesn’t take the time and energy to understand them the same way they do for others and this leads to them feeling misunderstood. 

The Fish is also known for being one of the most artistic zodiac signs—they are exceptionally creative, have a penchant for daydreaming, and are always open to new ideas. You can often find Pisces partaking in a creative hobby—art, music, design, and writing—or even making it their full-time career.

There are so many wonderful traits that Pisces embody. Let’s take a look at 4 crystals that support Pisces' strengths.

1. Mangano Calcite

For compassionate Pisces, I always recommend working with Mangano Calcite. This gorgeous pink crystal helps you enhance your compassion and amplify your love for others. And while Pisces already have a deep well of compassion for others, Mangano Calcite can help you focus that energy and help you use your compassion to help people. This crystal can also help you release your own emotions which is wonderful for the ever-emotional Fish.

Check out this stunning rare Lilac Mangano Calcite Cluster in the Sara Bryki Co. Online Crystal Shop.

2. Carnelian

Carnelian is an amazing stone to boost your creativity in both life and arts. Pisces are exceptionally creative and this crystal can help to bring new inspiration into your life when you are facing a block and can also help you hold on to your creative spark when you are working through a project. Carnelian will also amplify your motivation, helping you see projects through to the end. Whether you are working on a new painting or trying to plan dinner, Carnelian will help to keep you inspired.

3. Unakite Jasper

With so many emotions swirling around, Pisces sometimes need a bit of help to release those emotions. Unakite Jasper can be that helping hand. This beautiful Jasper crystal releases any attachment you may have to your emotions and helps to regulate the flow of emotions in a person. It is both a Heart Chakra and Root Chakra stone. Its grounding energy is coupled with love energy to create an ally when you need compassion and love—for yourself as well as others.

4. Turquoise

Pisces is known as the most psychic of all the zodiac signs—Pisces are very intuitive and often have deep connections with those around them. Amplify the power of your intuition, dear Fish, with the help of Turquoise. This crystal has been used for thousands of years to help improve intuition. Turquoise is connected to the Third Eye Chakra, the chakra that helps us connect with our inner intuition. This beautiful blue-green crystal also helps you understand your thoughts and emotions so that you can make the most of what you learn from your intuition.

And here are 4 crystals that help to mitigate the challenges Pisces face:

5. Rhodonite

Even though Pisces are extremely creative, their deep connection to their emotions can sometimes cause them to lose sight of themselves. Rhodonite is a perfect match for creative Pisces—it helps you see the unique gifts that are within you and tap into those gifts. It gives you a self-confidence boost that allows you to let your light shine so all can see. It is also a great crystal to help you balance your energies and promote self-love!

6. Garnet

Stuck in your feelings, Pisces? Garnet is an amazing crystal to help you release any pent-up feelings of inadequacy and boost your self-esteem. This wine-colored crystal is your very own personal powerhouse—it helps strengthen your self-esteem, inner strength, personal magnetism, and confidence. Garnet can help Pisces trust in themselves and gain confidence in their power.

7. Orange Calcite

I mentioned before that Pisces can often find themselves bogged down by negativity. Because they feel their emotions so deeply, when they dip into a negative mindset, it can be very difficult to find their way out of the negative spiral. Orange Calcite has the high-vibrational, uplifting energy that Pisces need when they find themselves in a negativity spiral. It brings cheerful energy that can help you shift your mindset back to positivity. As a bonus, it also is a great aid when you have a creative block!

8. Rubellite

It’s time to release your fears, brave Fish! When Pisces find themselves holding onto fear, they can turn to Rubellite for help. Rubellite is a crystal of love—the kind of love that goes deep (sound familiar, Pisces?!). This love, universal love, touches everything and can help you dispel the fears that are holding you back. Meditate with a Rubellite crystal to feel your fears melt away and embrace a deep, all-encompassing love.

So, Pisces, I hope these crystals can help you continue to feel deeply and empathetically, while also releasing any negative energy that comes your way!

If you’re looking for more zodiac crystal pairings, you’re in luck!


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