7 Crystals to Combat Anxiety and Depression

No matter what your mental health looks like at this moment, it is completely normal for us to have days when we are all sunshine and rainbows, and other days when we just can’t shake that dark rain cloud. 

For those who find themselves beneath that rain cloud more often than not, depression or anxiety might be the root cause. Depression and anxiety can show up in your life in a variety of different ways—you may be losing sleep, feeling exhausted, or not eating. Or your symptoms may be more mental or emotional—you have a hard time focusing, tend to hold onto negative thoughts, and are losing interest in things that once brought you joy.

Now, I am not suggesting that depression and anxiety can be cured by simply replacing your negative thoughts with positivity—these are complex mental health issues that can have deeply rooted causes. 

But crystals can be effective tools for you to use to help combat some of the common feelings that come with anxiety and depression. I’ve pulled together a list of crystals that can help you shift your negative thinking, keep your mind clear, and serve as a way forward. 

These healing crystals can bring love and positivity into your life and serve as your companion while you work on your depression and anxiety. 

1. Orange Calcite

Orange Calcite is a burst of positive energy that is great at balancing your emotions and helping you to relieve feelings of fear, anxiety, and depression. Orange Calcite uses its uplifting energy to help you move past your problems and maximize your potential.

2. Ocean Jasper

The calming effect of Ocean Jasper makes it a wonderful companion while working through your feelings of depression and anxiety. It stimulates the Heart Chakra and Root Chakra, which inspires feelings of happiness, joy, security, and support.. Ocean Jasper is a natural stress reliever and helps you to communicate more positively with yourself and others. It gives you the space to express yourself with love and compassion.

3. Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is an amazing grounding crystal, and while you may not initially see the connection, it is a wonderful friend to have while working through depressive feelings. When you are deep in depression, it can feel as though nothing is holding you to earth, like there isn’t solid ground under your feet. Smoky Quartz can help you find your way back to yourself and the things in life that bring you joy. It is also a wonderful transformation crystal—helping you release negative thoughts and embrace a more positive outlook.

4. Rubellite

Rubellite has a strong connection with your Root and Heart Chakras. This loving and grounding energy combination provides you an opportunity to ease the mental stress that comes from depression and anxiety. Rubellite brings serenity and calmness to your emotional body and also gives you an extra boost of fervor to help you move past anxious thinking.

5. Lepidolite

The soft, soothing energy of Lepidolite is a wonderful stone when you are trying to put yourself first. It has a gentle energy that can help balance your nervous system and keep it in harmony. This balance is perfect for people who find themselves fighting through depression. Lepidolite helps to ease the emotional rough edges that come along with feelings of depression and anxiety.

6. Prehnite

Prehnite is the premier anti-anxiety crystal with an energy that will help bring calm to your heart and mind. This beautiful green crystal brings peace and protection to your space, body, and mind. It often also features inclusions of Epidote, which helps to release negative and low vibration energies (like anxiety and fear) from your energy body, making this duo an anxiety-fighting powerhouse. 

7. Howlite

If you are struggling with depression and anxiety, it may be negatively affecting your sleep. Late nights and middle-of-night wake-ups can be a thing of the past with Howlite. The calming energy of Howlite is great to help you get a good night’s sleep. Simply place a Howlite wand or flat stone under your pillow and have a wonderful night’s slumber. This white and black stone helps clear out pent-up stress and negativity and helps you move past overwhelming feelings.

I hope these crystals can bring clarity, joy, and a renewed calmness into your life. If you have any questions about how best to use these crystals, drop a comment below and I will get back to you.


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