A Guide To Healing Crystals for The Seven Major Chakras

From your head to your toes—your crown to your roots—there are seven major sacred energy centers throughout your body. These seven centers are responsible for your life force energy… physical, emotional, and spiritual. These energy centers are also known as your chakras.

We want to aim at having all seven chakras clear and free from blockages and in balance. When all chakras are open and balanced, you are in resonance with your soul and the universe, and you’re able to reach your full potential. 

What are Chakras?

The term chakra comes from the ancient Sanskrit word for wheel. I like to think of chakras as wheels of energy—these wheels are spinning simultaneously, unseen, in your body creating energy and life force. This energy runs through you, from the base of your body to the top of your head and even beyond that for chakras outside of the 7 listed in this blog. 

When the wheels are balanced and spinning in unison, life is good! Everything from your conversations and relationships to your interests and goals just flows smoothly. 

However, at some points in your life, your chakras can become blocked by the energy that you are constantly exposed to and/or absorbing—this can be mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual energy. When a blockage occurs, the chakras become imbalanced and interrupt how energy flows through your body. This will have a negative impact on your emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. 

Crystals are a wonderful way to clear your blockages and bring you back into alignment. You can tap into their unique energy to focus on different chakras to shift the energy in your body. 

Let’s take a look at each of the 7 major chakras, and the crystals that complement each one.    

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The Root Chakra is what keeps us grounded to the earth—it is located at the base of your spine and is also known as the Muladhara Chakra. It is associated with earth elements and the colors red and black. 

The Root Chakra is responsible for feelings of grounding, safety, and stability. When your Root Chakra is unblocked, we feel balanced, secure, and safe. Things in your life just seem to flow more easily and gracefully. 

When your Root Chakra is blocked or out of alignment, life can be much more difficult for us. Your survival instincts kick in—you act out of a place of fear and insecurity in everything you do. This can lead to anxiety, stress, and depression. 

If your Root Chakra is unbalanced or blocked, these crystals can help you bring it back into balance: 

  1. Black Obsidian — a fantastic stone of protection.

  2. Black Tourmaline — offers you protection, purification, and strength. 

  3. Bloodstone — known for its powerful grounding and protective energies.

  4. Garnet (Almandine) — helps to alleviate worry and panic while instilling a sense of calm and stability. 

  5. Hematite — helps to absorb negative energy as well as provide calming energy in times of worry.

  6. Red Jasper — helps you to stay grounded, centered, and energized.

  7. Smoky Quartz — takes negative energy and transforms it into positive energy with the help of Mother Earth.

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

The second chakra is the Sacral Chakra and it represents your creative and sexual energy. This is where you can find pleasure and play within your body—it sits just below the navel. It has warm, nurturing energy that is closely associated with the element of water. It is also closely associated with the colors orange and yellow.

The Sacral Chakra is responsible for your abilities to be creative, sexual, emotional, and connected with yourself and others. When it is balanced and spinning unfettered, your life is filled with movement, pleasure, satisfying relationships, creativity, and an overall sense of energetic abundance. It is also closely linked to fertility in both men and women. 

When the second Chakra is blocked, you may find you are emotionally sensitive, withdrawn, missing your normal creative zeal, and have a low libido. This blockage can lead to reproductive issues, depression, and emotional instability. 

If your Sacral Chakra is unbalanced or blocked, these crystals can help you release the blockage:

  1. Carnelian — helps boost creativity and motivation.  

  2. Orange Calcite — brings in high-vibrational, energetic, and joyful energy. Increases creative flow.

  3. Peach Moonstone — a calming stone that resonates powerful Goddess energy.

  4. Peach Satin Spar Selenite — provides a greater sense of well-being.

  5. Shiva Lingam — supports fertility, sexuality, confidence, and balance. 

  6. Sunstone — increases your personal power and lets your light shine.

  7. Tangerine Quartz  —  amplifies energies of creativity, inspiration, and courage.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

The third chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra, is associated with the element of fire. It’s quite fitting as the third Chakra is the home of your personal power—this is where your inner warrior lives! Your self-confidence, self-esteem, and inner strength can be found in the third chakra, which can be found in the upper abdomen below the breastbone in the center of your body. 

The Solar Plexus Chakra is connected to the colors yellow and gold and is linked to your intellect, ambition, and how you treat yourself both physically and mentally. When the Solar Plexus Chakra is aligned, you feel self-confident, self-assured, and fully present in your daily life. When negativity comes your way, you can easily move forward without holding onto the circumstances.

When the third chakra is out of alignment, you’ll notice a drop in your self-esteem, you’ll have a hard time trusting yourself, and making decisions will become particularly difficult. You can also suffer from anxiety and poor digestion. 

If your Solar Plexus Chakra is unbalanced or blocked, these crystals can help you bring it back into balance:

  1. Amber — slow and steady energy; increases confidence, mental clarity, and creative self-expression.

  2. Citrine — vibrates with abundance, optimism, and sunshiney energy.  

  3. Golden Healer Quartz — exudes joyful energy. Nurtures grace, ease, and flow.

  4. Golden Tiger Eye — helps bring balance and move past your fear and anxiety, and take action in your life.

  5. Pineapple Calcite — helps during times of transition. Boosts your self-esteem and positivity.

  6. Pyrite — willpower, confidence, and manifestation

  7. Yellow Jasper — brings protection and discernment and provides inner strength and mental clarity.

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Just as you’d expect, the fourth chakra, the Heart Chakra is where our love, compassion, and deep connection with others is located. It is located in the center of the chest and includes the heart, lungs, and the entire surrounding area. The Heart Chakra is connected with the colors green and pink and functions as the bridge between the lower (physical) and higher (spiritual) chakras.

The Heart Chakra not only controls our relationships with others but also helps us foster our self-love. It is connected to how we give and receive love for others and from ourselves. The fourth Chakra is beautifully emotional and when it is balanced, it brings forgiveness, joy, love, and compassion into your life.

When the Heart Chakra is out of balance, you can be plagued by negative thoughts towards yourself, jealousy, mistrust, and co-dependence. It can also lead to high or low blood pressure, and feelings of unworthiness. 

If your Heart Chakra is unbalanced or blocked, these crystals can help you bring it back into balance:

  1. Green Aventurine — helps calm your nerves and release negativity and energy blockages.

  2. Jade — helps you tap into the love and abundance of the universe. 

  3. Kambaba Jasper — helps balance the light and shadow sides of ourselves.

  4. Malachite — heals emotional wounds and carries you through to the other side of transformation. 

  5. Peridot — removes blockages to receiving and opens one up to universal abundance.

  6. Rhodonite — stone of compassion, love, and generosity.

  7. Rose Quartz — the crystal of universal love—love for ourselves, each other, the Universe, and the Divine.

5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

The first of the spiritual chakras, the fifth chakra is the Throat Chakra. It is the center of your voice—this Chakra is where your truth can openly flow from. The Throat Chakra is all about how you express yourself and communicate with others. It is connected with the color blue and sits just above the collar bone in the neck. 

The fifth Chakra houses your ability to speak your truth, express your ideas, and have a deeper understanding of your intentions. When in balance, you will be able to express what you need in life, you will be able to listen more carefully, and live authentically—it will help you live your truth.

When your Throat Chakra is out of balance, you’ll have a difficult time expressing your desires, or asking what you want or need from others. It can also lead to a sore throat and neck or shoulder pain. 

If your Throat Chakra is unbalanced or blocked, these crystals can help you bring it back into balance:

  1. Amazonite — gives you a boost of authenticity and helps you speak your truth.

  2. Angelite — facilitates truth and your ability to speak with confidence and knowledge. 

  3. Aquamarine — guides you through change and soothes feelings of anxiety and fear. 

  4. Blue Calcite — helps to release stress. Vibrates calming and centering energy.

  5. Blue Lace Agate — Surrounds you with peace and calm. Enables you to speak from a place of clarity.

  6. Celestite — Opens you up to angelic communication, enhances inner vision; raises your vibrations.

  7. Chrysocolla — fills you with tranquility, peace, intuition, patience, and unconditional love. 

6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

The sixth chakra represents our sixth sense—the Third Eye Chakra is the access to all your intuition and inner wisdom. The sixth Chakra is located at the center of your forehead, between the eyebrows. It is integral to how we see the world around us and how we perceive our inner dialogue. It is associated with the color indigo and functions as a bridge between the Throat and the Crown Chakras.

This chakra is the channel for your soul’s truth and your inner vision. When your Third Eye Chakra is unblocked, you will be able to trust your intuition and uncover what is most important to you in life. You’ll experience a vivid imagination, clarity, and a depth of inner wisdom.

When your sixth Chakra is blocked, you will distrust your thoughts and decisions, lack clarity, and become cynical. It can also result in headaches, migraines, and an inability to focus.  

If your Third Eye Chakra is unbalanced or blocked, these crystals can help you bring it back into balance:

  1. Azurite — brings inner strength and heightens your psychic powers.

  2. Herkimer Diamond — helps you boost your clairvoyant abilities. 

  3. Labradorite — boosts your intuition, helps you access higher dimensions, and shields your aura from negative energy.

  4. Lapis Lazuli — helps you open up to the guidance of your inner vision. Boosts your intuition.

  5. Purple Fluorite — a protective crystal that helps you keep your dreams free of negativity, and helps to fine-tune your mental acuity.

  6. Sodalite — helps you tap into your inner knowing and increase your ability to connect with your intuition.

  7. Turquoise — helps to balance your emotions to achieve inner peace.

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

The seventh chakra is the Crown Chakra—it represents your spiritual being. This Chakra is the embodiment of the fact that you are a divine being who is having a human experience while you are on earth. The Crown Chakra is where you find enlightenment and where you connect with all the wonders of the universe. It is located at the top of the head and is connected with white and violet colors. 

When the seventh chakra is aligned, you can tap into your higher self, feel a deep spiritual connection, and see the bigger picture. Beyond the bigger picture, you will also be able to see where you fit into the tapestry of our universe—it imbues you with a sense of purpose and overall well-being. 

When it is out of alignment, you may start to struggle with everyday activities, become overly sensitive to the divine aspect of Self, and feel unmoored in the world around you. This can lead to confusion, headaches, insomnia, and nightmares.

If your Crown Chakra is unbalanced or blocked, these crystals can help you get it back in balance:

  1. Amethyst — calms a busy mind and provides Divine protection.

  2. Charoite — stimulates one’s higher consciousness and provides clarity in one’s spiritual purpose.

  3. Clear Apophyllite  — helps to develop faith and trust in the divine process of the universe.

  4. Clear Quartz — a master healer that can be used to clear all chakras and can also be programmed with intention.

  5. Clear/White Calcite — helps to remove energetic blockages.

  6. Lepidolite — brings calming energies and is fantastic for those going through the grieving process.

  7. Satin Spar/Selenite — helps to clear out unwanted energy and clear the aura.

It is completely normal for our chakras to slip out of alignment—it is all part of the human experience. But that doesn’t mean you need to leave them unbalanced. By working with healing crystals, you can realign your chakras and bring your body, mind, and spirit back into alignment.

The next time your Chakras are unbalanced, choose a healing crystal that resonates with the chakra in question and work with it. This could mean meditating with it or even just wearing a piece of crystal jewelry to help you connect with the crystal’s energy.

I hope you’ve found this guide helpful and as always, if you have any questions about chakras, drop a comment below.

Keep Shining, Crystal Lovers!


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