The 9 Best Aries Crystals

Loud, proud, audacious, and ambitious—who else could I be talking about but Aries? I’m taking a deeper look at the lovely ram and the crystals that complement their strengths and counteract their weaknesses. 

Born between March 21st and April 20th, all Aries are actually the baby of the zodiac as they are the first sign on the calendar. Astrologers believe that each sign can absorb the lessons that have been learned by the signs that have come before it. But Aries aren’t privy to any handed-down knowledge—they have to move forward with blind optimism which isn’t a problem for the strong-headed ram who happily dives in head first! 

Because of their “act now, ask questions later” approach to life, these fire signs tend to learn lessons the hard way. The ram has a courageous nature and has very little personal anxiety but this can sometimes lead to them being unnecessarily reckless. 

Ruled by Mars, Aries can be very competitive and passionate. Underneath their competitive edge often lurks something a bit more sinister—insecurity. Aries often wonder if they are good enough and this need to be the best they can be fuels their need for competition. 

They are amazing leaders who use their positivity and cheerful disposition to build fruitful communities. Their honesty, courage, and driven nature help them to become strong leaders in all aspects of their lives. Aries also need to be wary of trying too hard—their constant need to win and succeed leaves them vulnerable to internalized stress and pressure. 

Aries are said to have explosive tempers and while they don’t hold grudges, it’s wise to try to avoid their fiery side whenever possible. When they are at their best temperament, rams are upbeat and playful people who aim to live their lives to the fullest. 

Rams are extremely giving, generous people. Making others smile is one of their highest states of happiness. Above all else, Aries are extremely energetic. They never seem to tap out their energy levels and would be happy partying—or working, or just being up!—all night long! 

Let’s jump into the 9 best crystals for Aries! Starting with the crystals that help bolster their strengths:

1. Carnelian 

Aries are extremely passionate and courageous people—it’s one of their best traits! A typical firestone, Carnelian is the perfect crystal to support the fiery personality of Aries. What I love about Carnelian for Aries is that while it is a stimulating and empowering crystal it has a stabilizing and nurturing influence as well. This Aries crystal will keep the ram energized and grounded, day and night!

2. Emerald 

The adventure-seeking ram is always looking for new things to occupy their time and interest. Emerald is the perfect crystal for Aries because it brings hope to those who work with it. And that hope helps when you are ushering in new beginnings. Aries can use Emerald whenever they embark on a big change in their lives.

3. Garnet 

Aries are most happy when they are #1—it doesn’t matter what they are trying to achieve, they thrive when they find success. The beautiful red Garnet can help Aries reach new heights. This stone brings courage and strength to help Aries push through any obstacles they face. Garnet is also a wonderful stone for success. Aries can meditate with Garnet when they are working towards a goal to tap into its power.

4. Ruby 

Fiery and brave, the baby of the zodiac likes to take risks—if any of the zodiacs needs a little bit of protection, it's Aries! Ruby is the perfect stone to help Aries remove the negative energies that surround them. It helps keep them safe as they adventure and leads them down the right path when they start to border on the side of recklessness.

And here are 5 crystals that help to mitigate the challenges Aries’ face:

5. Amethyst 

Amethyst is a great crystal for Aries to work on balancing their big emotions. This calming crystal helps you keep a clear mind while helping you achieve balance. For the ambitious ram, Amethyst can also help them channel their ambition in a healthy way that gives them space to achieve their goals while still being compassionate for themselves and others.

6. Citrine 

Aries can be quite strong-headed—they are the ram after all! When it comes to accepting criticism, Aries can have a difficult time accepting candid words from others. Citrine helps to boost your self-worth so that you will be willing and able to accept criticism with grace and understanding. 

7. Lava Stone 

It should come as no surprise that Lava Stone is a perfect pair for the fiery Aries. It has a wonderful calming energy and is known to help keep your temper in check. This is helpful for Aries—Lava Stone can absorb their too-hot emotions and let calmer heads prevail!

8. Red Jasper 

I mentioned before that most Aries like to jump in head first to everything they do. Red Jasper can help combat that instinct—it helps you think clearly and from a grounded place before acting. With Red Jasper in their corner, Aries will be able to take more time to think through their actions and cut back on their sometimes reckless behaviors without losing their love of adventure.

9. Rose Quartz 

When you are working with so much fire energy, it’s no surprise that Aries tend to sometimes have short tempers and aggressive nature. But with the help of Rose Quartz, Aries can balance that aggressive nature with compassion and love. 

I hope that these crystals can help all our Aries friends out there keep a cool head while also striving to be the best they can be!

If you’re looking for more zodiac crystal pairings, you’re in luck!


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