8 Crystals to Support Fertility, Pregnancy & Birth

The journey through fertility, pregnancy, and birth is beautiful, complicated, and is above all else emotionally draining. Whether you are trying to get pregnant, working through fertility issues, in your second trimester, or preparing for birth, you are bound to experience a wide variety of emotions and stresses.

And while there is so much positivity in the journey, it’s nice to have a little extra assistance. Thankfully, Mother Earth is there to help!

I truly believe that every woman can use a little more support during these times. So, I’ve rounded up the 8 crystals I believe are perfect to assist you through it. 

1. Rubellite—Supports Birth

If you are feeling anxious about upcoming labor and delivery, Rubellite is the perfect crystal to spend some time with. Rubellite helps you connect with universal love and take away your fears and replace it with tenacity. 

It’s completely normal to have fears surrounding the birth of a child—it is a physically exhausting process and can be hard on the body. Rubellite can help to diffuse these fears and put your mind at ease before the arrival of your little one. 

2. Green Moss Agate—Supports Birth

Seen as a stone of new beginnings, Green Moss Agate can give you the physical energy and confidence to get through the labor and birthing process. It can help you move past any deep-seated fears and blockages that might be holding you back when you’re facing labor and delivery. It has historically been used by midwives to lessen the pain and bring with it a good birth experience for mom and baby. 

Green Moss Agate also increases hope and optimism, and improves your self-esteem and self-confidence, giving you everything you need to power through such a physically and emotionally draining experience. This crystal will be in your corner reminding you, “You’ve got this!”

3. Moonstone—Supports Fertility, Pregnancy & Birth

The moon has always been associated with feminine energy and Moonstone harnesses that same energy—it has even been referred to as the stone of fertility. Moonstone is associated with new beginnings, making it the perfect crystal to support pregnancy, fertility, and birth—because bringing a new life into the world is the newest beginning. 

The energy of Moonstone is a natural hormone regulator which can aid in conception, making it the perfect companion crystal to support fertility. It has also been said to help with morning sickness and fatigue during pregnancy. Moonstone also emits soothing energy that is perfect for easing fear, tension, and stress which soon-to-be moms tend to experience. 

Moonstone can help aid contractions, and after birth, it is a supportive stone for breastfeeding moms. It truly is an all-around winner for pregnancy, fertility, and birth.

4. Red Jasper—Supports Pregnancy

Historically, Red Jasper has been used as a supportive crystal during pregnancy. It is a strong Root Chakra stone and is a wonderfully grounding stone full of strength and vitality. It can help you feel nurtured and secure—perfect for when you are pregnant. Red Jasper helps in growing a strong baby, can help to ease your pain throughout your pregnancy, and help you achieve less painful labor.

This super maternal stone is most effective when in contact with the skin, so while you are pregnant try wearing Red Jasper jewelry or holding a palm stone each day. 

5. Satin Spar (aka Selenite)—Supports Pregnancy

Satin Spar (also referred to as Selenite in the crystal world) has a beautiful soothing energy that anyone can take advantage of at any time in their life. But for those who are pregnant, it is a wonderful support to help you keep your vessel energetically clear… because during pregnancy you are the most important vessel, mama!

Satin Spar is known as the crystal to clear any type of energy—whether it's the energy of physical items, energetic bodies, or the energy in a space. But to those in the crystal space, it is also known as a protector of pregnancy and motherhood. Satin Spar has a deep connection with the female energy of the moon, which makes it perfect for trying to conceive and also easing the side effects of pregnancy.

6. Garnet (Almandine)—Supports Fertility

Almandine Garnet is a very Earth-connected crystal that can enhance your vitality. Physically, it supports the health of both the ovaries and testes, making it an excellent crystal for fertility—as well as sexuality and libido. Emotionally, Almandine Garnet is just as powerful for those trying to conceive. Its grounding energy helps to release panic, worry, fear, and anxiety, all issues that can trouble those struggling with fertility issues. 

Almandine Garnet also cultivates a sense of safety, security, and abundance.

7. Shiva Lingam—Supports Fertility

Shiva Lingam is a beautiful stone that carries a strong feeling of divinity and sacredness in its energy. Shiva Lingam is an egg-shaped, tan-colored stone that is an extremely powerful fertility stone. What makes it so powerful is that it is effective for both men and women. Shiva Lingam encompasses both male and female energies and represents their union in the stone. 

Shiva Lingam is known to assist in the healing of infertility in both men and women. 

8. Mookaite Jasper—Supports Pregnancy

Mookaite Jasper is a super grounding crystal that is wonderful for living in the here and now! It is also a wonderful crystal to support your body during pregnancy. It can help the body cope with physical stress and is ideal for when we push our bodies to extremes. 

And don’t be fooled, pregnancy is a time when women push their bodies to their limits. You can keep a piece under your pillow or wear a bracelet to help support your body’s health and healing throughout your pregnancy. 

Mookaite Jasper is also an excellent crystal to help facilitate communication between mother and baby during pregnancy.

I hope that these crystals can help elevate your fertility, pregnancy, and birthing journeys and bring some positive, healing energy to you. I’m wishing every one of you good luck on your pregnancy journey, and I hope that some of these crystals can be a support to you throughout!


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