The Healing Properties of Bumble Bee Jasper

This stone is one that you’re going to be a buzz about… get it?! I want to talk to you about the beautiful Bumble Bee Jasper, a stone that Mother Nature designed to look just like its namesake, the bumblebee! With intricate stripes and swirls of black, grey, yellow, and orange, Bumble Bee Jasper makes an immediate visual impression. 

One of the things I love about our Earth is its ability to continually surprise us. And that’s just what it did in the 1990s when Bumble Bee Jasper was first discovered. Imagine, stumbling upon this stone just thirty years ago—simply amazing!

So let’s take a look at what else Bumble Bee Jasper has been hiding all these years! 

Let’s get geological!

Bumble Bee Jasper is a composite mineral that isn’t actually a true Jasper. It doesn’t consist primarily of microcrystalline quartz, like most Jasper—instead, it is a sedimentary rock that contains sulfur, manganese oxides, arsenic sulfides, calcite, aragonite, realgar, and orpiment. 

Each color comes from a specific mineral—the yellow layers come from the sulfur, the black from the manganese oxides, and the orange from the arsenic sulfides. An important note: because Bumble Bee Jasper contains sulfur, I always recommend washing your hands after handling this stone.

The healing properties of Bumble Bee Jasper

Much like its vibrant colors, Bumble Bee Jasper is full of bright, positive energy that can enhance your everyday life.

Bumble Bee Jasper is rooted in the second and third chakras (Sacral and Solar Plexus, respectively) and is an amazing stone for clearing blockages in those chakras. Because of this, Bumble Bee Jasper brings a fire to your creative side and can actually inspire you in brand new ways.

When inspiration hits, it’s easy to get distracted and see that initial boost of energy fizzle. With Bumble Bee Jasper, you can hold onto that inspiration and see it through. It can help you overcome obstacles that you are facing in your creative life. This is especially true when it comes to the people and projects we care most deeply about.

One of the things I love the most about Bumble Bee Jasper is how it brings your passion and your purpose together to guide you towards what is best for you in life. 

Bumble Bee Jasper stimulates your mental acuity in the most interesting way. It helps you to notice and react to the golden opportunities that come your way, giving you the chance to make the most of every day. In essence, it sharpens your instincts and puts you in touch with your gut reactions.

If you’re looking for an adventure, spending some time with Bumble Bee Jasper can help you. Whether it’s a career change, a cross-country move, or an extended overseas holiday, your heightened instincts will lead you down the most beneficial path and Bumble Bee Jasper will instill a renewed sense of adventure.

Bumble Bee Jasper is also a stone of motivation—it encourages you to accomplish goals in areas of your life that are best suited to your spiritual self. In the same vein, it works to increase your mental clarity and sharpness while boosting your courage, assertiveness, endurance, and concentration.

Finally, Bumble Bee Jasper is an awesome stone to turn to when you need to jumpstart your confidence. It is a proven antidote to fear, indecisiveness, and hesitation. 

How to use your Bumble Bee Jasper

There is so much amazing energy that you can benefit from when using your Bumble Bee Jasper—let’s chat about how you can make the most of this gorgeous stone.

When it comes to meditation, you can amplify Bumble Bee Jasper’s energy by placing it directly on your stomach—remember, this stone is great at helping you connect with your gut instincts! Accept that vibrant energy into your physical body!

If you are looking to get the most out of your creative side, try placing Bumble Bee Jasper wherever you undertake your creative pursuits. Whether it be a studio, a workspace, or even your living room, surround yourself with Bumble Bee Jasper—I love companion hearts and palm stones for this purpose. 

It’s also a great stone to keep with you while traveling—it will help keep your adventurous spirit alive while you are on vacation and also guide you to the most worthwhile pursuits while you’re away. Pack a small Bumble Bee Jasper palm stone with you and I guarantee you won’t regret it! 

When you are looking for a stone or crystal to add a little sting to your creative side, I hope you consider Bumble Bee Jasper and the many benefits it can bring. Not only is it extremely attractive, it also has SO many wonderful qualities to add to your daily life!

Keep shining, Crystal Lover!


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