5 Soothing Crystals to Improve Your Sleep

I’m turning to our amazing community of Crystal Lovers again to answer your questions! Today, I’m focusing on a question that I hear time and time again.

“My sleep isn’t great. I have a really hard time falling asleep and once I do, I’m in and out of sleep all night. Are there any crystals that can help me improve my sleep?”

Raise your hand if you feel this?! I know I do! With everything going on in the world and in our lives, it’s no surprise that sleep can be elusive for many of us. But thankfully there are some amazing crystals that promote great sleep and can help you wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed! 

Let’s take a look at my 5 favorite sleep-promoting crystals and how you can use them to improve your sleep habits.

1. Howlite

The perfect crystal for anyone dealing with sleeping difficulties, Howlite has a soothing energy that can help you alleviate any pent-up stress, anger, and negativity you are feeling. It will clear the negative energy from your body allowing you to get a good night’s sleep. And really, who doesn’t want better and more restful sleep?!

By simply placing a piece of Howlite under your pillow, you can harness that calming energy for a wonderful night’s sleep. I love Howlite palm stones or flat stones for this!

2. Selenite/Satin Spar

If you are looking for a night of deeper sleep, Selenite/Satin Spar is the crystal for you! In fact, it can be used by anyone to improve their sleep. Selenite/Satin Spar emanates calm, clear energy, the perfect energy to create a space for a great night’s sleep. It’s one of the best crystals for insomnia!

By connecting with Selenite/Satin Spar before you go to bed and keeping it in your space before you sleep puts you into a calm state, readying your body, mind, and spirit for a restful night. If you head to bed and sleep seems out of reach, I recommend keeping a piece of Selenite/Satin Spar on your bedside table, placing a Selenite/Satin Spar wand under your pillow, or burning a candle in a Selenite/Satin Spar candleholder before you go to bed!

You’ll wake up feeling refreshed, recharged, and ready to face the day!

3. Amethyst

Clear your mind and still your thoughts before bed with Amethyst. This crystal helps to relieve stress and anxiety and fills your space with serene and soothing vibrations. We just can’t help but relax when in the presence of Amethyst. 

Amethyst calms the mind, removes negative energies that keep you awake, and can also help you get rid of any nasty nightmares you’ve been battling. 

You can meditate with your Amethyst before sleeping, place a small palm stone under your pillow, or keep an Amethyst geode or cluster on your bedside table or dresser. This will help you leave your insomnia and restlessness in the past. Get ready to embrace a great sleep!

4. Moonstone

It would be quite ironic if Moonstone wasn’t a great crystal for sleep—I mean it’s called Moonstone after all. And so, it should come as no surprise that it is great for sleep! 

Moonstone helps reduce emotional stress and allows you to work through your emotions. This in turn makes it easier to calm your mind, giving your body the ability to fall asleep. Moonstone—especially Rainbow Moonstone—also brings with it a sense of groundedness that can help ease us into our nightly slumber.

Try placing Moonstone under your pillow or mattress, or anywhere in your bedroom—it’s been said to bring on vivid dreams as well so be ready!

5. Lepidolite

Sometimes called the “Stone of Transition”, Lepidolite is the ultimate relaxation crystal. Lepidolite is a powerful stone for countering stress, worry, grief, and fear. Energetically, it lifts a weight off of your shoulders and gives you space to just be. An excellent crystal for sleep disorders, Lepidolite brings with it an aura of deep relaxation. 

If you find yourself unable to turn off your brain at night, Lepidolite helps to diminish your stress and anxiety. 

One of the most exciting things about Lepidolite is that it balances your mental and emotional energies. This actually helps the body with sleep disturbances and nightmares, giving you a more rejuvenating sleep. It brings peace, harmony, and balance to your life—and what could be better for a restful night’s sleep?!

Try placing a piece of Lepidolite in your bedroom to create a sleep sanctuary full of calming energy! 

Sleep is such an important part of our lives—without it, everything seems a lot harder. Thankfully, with the help of crystals, you can improve the quality of your sleep. Whether you suffer from insomnia, are a new parent, or are working through some tough emotional issues, these crystals can help restore your sleep and bring a sense of calm serenity to your life.

Have you used a crystal to improve your sleep? Drop a comment below and let us know which crystal helped you!


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