Crystals for Your Zodiac Sign—The 8 Best Leo Crystals

As the weather continues to heat up, so does the Zodiac! Welcome to Leo season friends! Passionate, fun-loving, and vibrant, Leos are ruled by the summer staple… the sun! The fire sign Leo is defined by positive vibes, confidence, and more charisma than most people would know what to do with.

Born between July 23 and August 22, Leos often feel like the world revolves around them—they are ruled by the sun after all! The fiery Lion is a born leader who is not afraid to take center stage and, in fact, thrives when all eyes are on them. At their best, they exude confidence, warmth, and acceptance but can lean towards jealousy and controlling behaviors at their worst.

Leos are hard workers—you’re never sad to see a Leo in the role of their dreams and winning a promotion because you know they worked for everything they have. Their natural tendency to lead sometimes feels like a birthright, but Leos need to be cautious that they don’t lean too far into the “I know everything” attitude and keep their unsolicited advice to themselves.

Because Leos work just as hard in their social lives as they do in their professional lives, it should come as no surprise that they are social butterflies. They tend to be popular with lots of different friend groups. They do crave attention from others—Leos are constantly seeking the approval of others.

Lions also love a little bit of drama! This doesn’t mean they are causing drama, just that they love to perform for a crowd and like to add a little flair to everything they do. When they are with their friends, they are always "on”—conversations are just another opportunity to grab center stage and some attention.

The fifth sign of the zodiac, Leos can help you see the bright side of things. They are vivacious, creative, independent, and engaging. Lions have a great sense of self-worth and never miss a chance to celebrate themselves. 

Like every zodiac, there is a positive and negative side to every Leo characteristic… good thing there are crystals that can help bolster their strengths. Let’s take a look at 4 crystals for Leos’ strengths:  

1. Pyrite 

Leos have BIG dreams—from fame and fortune to glitz and glamor, Leos want it all. But taking those dreams and turning them into reality can be a lot of hard work. Thankfully, Leos also have a great work ethic to go along with their big dreams. When they are looking for a little help manifesting their dreams and keeping their passions burning, Leos can turn to Pyrite. Pyrite, sometimes known as Fool’s Gold, can help passionate Leos transform their dreams into reality. Pyrite brings out your natural leadership qualities and helps you tap into your passion. If anything is holding you back from achieving your dreams, Pyrite will help you overcome any fears that are holding you back and let you move towards the life you were meant to have. 

2. Labradorite 

I’ve talked a lot about how much Leos love to be in the spotlight—when tapped into with intention and love, it’s one of their best traits! But Leos have been feeling down or when they just haven’t felt like themselves, you might need a little push to help them rediscover themselves. So, when they want to bring out their showy side, they can turn to Labradorite. Labradorite is a little showy itself, and Leos can tap into the magic of this phenomenal crystal to bring out their inner light. Labradorite is also great for helping Leso connect with their intuition—this stunning crystal connects you with higher consciousness and guides you towards the everyday magic in your life.

3. Tiger Eye 

It takes a lot of courage and motivation to be a Leo—they are extremely hard working and have no problem getting up in front of large crowds for whatever reason. To keep Leos moving forward, they need Tiger Eye in their corner. Tiger Eye is linked to the sun, just like Leos, so it can give them a powerful boost to their courage and motivation. It can re-energize them and keep their vivacious energy flowing no matter what they are facing.

4. Carnelian 

Passionate Leo is all about having fun, creating beauty in the world, and generally just bringing excitement and joy to the world. They can tap into their creativity and passion through Carnelian. This beautiful orange-red crystal looks just like the fire that lives inside every Leo—it is an amazing motivator and helps to kickstart your creativity. It’s great for when you are in a creative rut, but also is perfect to keep Leos at their very best. Carnelian also pumps up the passion in your life, another personality trait of the Lion that can always use a positive boost!

And here are 4 crystals that help to mitigate the challenges Leos face:

5. Hematite

We can all use protection from negativity from time to time. And Leos are no different. Because they have such boisterous, always-on personalities they often have negative energy directed their way. To help Leos stay in their zone of positivity, Hematite is here! A beautiful dark grey stone with a mesmerizing sheen, Hematite has been used for protection for centuries. Its deep connection with the earth brings protective, grounding energy that keeps negative vibes at bay.

6. Garnet (Almandine)

When Leos falter—as we all do from time to time—they start to see themselves as inadequate and unworthy of the leadership roles and spotlight that they have worked so hard for. While they are positive, outgoing people, when they start to feel down, those feelings always turn inwards and they blame themselves. Almandine Garnet can help the Lion release any feelings of inadequacy. Not only that, but this beautiful red crystal will show them how to feel secure and solid enough in themselves to let their light shine again. 

7. Citrine 

Leos can become quite wrapped up with what other people think of them. They put a lot of weight on the approval of others and when they don’t get that approval, they start to doubt, well, everything. This doubt has a negative impact on their life, so finding a way to believe in themselves and squash those feelings of, “Am I enough?” is key for Leos. Citrine is just the sunshiney crystal to do the job. It helps Leos create the life they want and to realize that they have the personal will to do so—with or without the praise and approval of others.

8. Rubellite 

Leos have a lot of people in their lives—they are happiest when surrounded by a crowd of friends and family… or even strangers! But just like anyone else, Leos have their fears that they grapple with. For them to be able to release those fears and move forward in their lives, Lions need to tap into more universal love. That’s where Rubellite can help—this crystal is all about bringing more love into your world. It helps you let go of your fears and step forward into the life you want to live. And besides, having a bit more love in your life is never a bad thing! 

If your zodiac sign is Leo, I hope these crystals can help you tap into your boundless creativity, rhea for your lofty goals, and connect with your inner self!

If you’re looking for more zodiac crystal pairings, you’re in luck!


5 Crystals To Help You Set — and Maintain — Boundaries


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