Top 11 Crystals for Men

Crystals are for everyone! Their energy is here to support us no matter who we are and what we look like. Although the majority of our crystal family is women, there are a few men in our tribe as well, and I love it!   

So, I want to take a minute to talk to you about crystals and men! Because the reality is every single article, every single Facebook Live, every single Instagram post that I put out there is for men and women! We can all use crystals to improve our lives and tap into some really powerful energy.

At the same time, we all know that men and women are different—we think differently, we act differently, and so it makes sense that crystals will resonate with us in different ways.

So whether you identify as a male or you are shopping for the men in your life, I’ve put together a list of the best 11 healing crystals for men. 

1. Orthoceras—For Knowledge 

Orthoceras are fossilized remains of a prehistoric cephalopod that date back 400 million years, give or take. Orthoceras are said to have been one of the most intelligent forms of ocean life and that is why this stone possesses the energy of ancient knowledge. Working with this stone opens you up to that immense energy and also brings with it a strong life force energy that can be used in any area of your life. It is also an excellent stone for transformation and business growth—because they seem to go hand-in-hand with knowledge.

2. Labradorite—For Introspection

Connecting with Labradorite is a great way to connect with the magic in everyday life. It is also a great stone for looking inside yourself and exploring your conscious and unconscious belief patterns that bring on negative emotional states. For men, Labradorite can help you become aware of the thought patterns that are holding you back and help you overcome them.

3. Obsidian—For Clarity & Protection

If you find yourself faced with countless problems to overcome, don’t give in to the frustrations that arise. Instead, turn to Obsidian—the crystal to help men clear their minds. Obsidian also helps you see yourself more clearly. You’ll discover your inner truth, face your mistakes, and find the path forward to be your best self. It is also an amazing stone for protection—it sends negative energy back to where it came from and keeps your energy positive at all times.

4. Pyrite—For Wealth

Pyrite is the perfect stone for men who are looking for support in their financial and career aspirations. It invites abundance, wealth, and prosperity into your life while also guiding you in the right direction and giving you the motivation you need. Keeping Pyrite around your workspace or on your person is a great way to tap into this energy and can serve as a visual reminder to keep going after your goals.

5. Hematite—For Grounding & Focus

There is something about this grounding stone that works so well with masculine energy. Hematite’s energy helps you feel safe, stable, and secure. This grounding energy can also help to improve your concentration, enhance your focus, and up your memory recall. It’s a great stone for anyone working on long-running projects or complex tasks.

6. Tiger Eye—For Courage

Ready to look into the eye of the tiger and face your fears? Then it’s all about Tiger Eye for you! One of the most popular stones for men, Tiger Eye is the Warrior’s Stone that helps you face your fears. It helps you acknowledge those fears, understand them, and then let them go so you can move past them. Tiger Eye also inspires purpose and ambition to help you keep moving forward. 

7. Petrified Wood—For Transformation

If you are looking to make a change in your life, Petrified Wood is the stone for you. It can help you reach your goals and also to truly understand what those goals should be. Petrified Wood has a deep connection to Mother Earth and can help you stay grounded throughout your transformation. And it also helps to ensure you have the patience to stick out the transformation process, which can often be a slow—but oh so rewarding—process.

8. Sodalite—For Communication

Sodalite is another amazing stone for focus—its deep blue color helps you focus your mental energy on whatever is on your plate. It’s also a great crystal for communication and self-expression for men. It can give you the confidence to express yourself when you are communicating with others and when you are communicating with your inner self. 

9. Malachite—For Love

Looking for love? Malachite is the perfect crystal for men to attract love. Malachite can help you open up to love with wise, masculine energy. Just a note—masculine energy doesn’t mean “male”. No matter what gender you identify with, we all resonate both masculine and feminine energies (think Yin and Yang) and we all present with a greater dominance of one or the other. Masculine energy resonates with assertiveness, action, logic, and willpower. Feminine energy resonates with intuition, creativity, nurturing, and fluidity.

Malachite encourages you to recognize and move past negative behaviors that have not served you in past relationships, leaving you ready to give and receive love. If you are hung up on finding the “perfect” partner, Malachite reminds you that life isn’t perfect and helps you embrace the perfection of imperfections in other people. 

10. Howlite—For Serenity

A powerful crystal for soothing energy, Howlite clears out any pent-up stress, anger, or negativity that may be trapped inside you. If you are struggling with anxiety and/or depression, Howlite can help rid you of those overwhelming feelings. This stone also reminds you to be kind and gentle with yourself—some men can be extremely self-critical and Howlite gives you the gentle reminder that you are enough.

11. Agate—For Stability

One of the most popular crystals for those just starting their crystal journeys, Agate is a wonderful crystal for stability. It is a crystal with lower vibrational frequencies but don’t take this as a negative—this just makes Agate an even more powerful stone for grounding. Agate will keep you grounded and can pull you back from the edge of panic—it is a great stone for hope, security, and inner strength.

Alright, guys, I want to hear from you! If you’ve already started your crystal journey, what initially piqued your interest in the world of crystals? And if you’re just getting started, what crystal is speaking to you?! Drop a comment below and let me know!


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