Celebrate The Summer Solstice with These 8 Crystals

The summer solstice is almost here and I am ready to celebrate all things sunny and warm! The weather has a huge impact on our moods and energies and, for me, there is nothing better than some sunshine to brighten my mood and bring positive energy into my day.

Falling on Sunday, June 20th this year, the summer solstice marks the first day of summer and is the longest day of the year. The sun takes a moment after it's reached the highest point in the sky to just hang out and stand still. When you translate solstice from its Latin derivative, solstitium, you get a conjuncture of “the sun” and “stands still”. 

The summer solstice is the perfect time of year to celebrate and connect with the light inside of each of us—and the light inside those around us. Whether you mark the day with your own ritual or celebration, or you simply enjoy the extra sunlight and the energy that brings, crystals can be a wonderful accompaniment to the day.

I’ve put together my 8 favorite crystals that always vibrate with summer solstice energy. Let’s take a look, Crystal Lovers!

1. Rhyolite (Rainforest Jasper)

A doorway into the natural world, Rhyolite—or Rainforest Jasper—has a deep connection to Mother Earth. It can help you to recognize that everything in our world is connected and use that knowledge to help find balance and heal yourself and the Earth. Rhyolite uncovers the interconnectedness of the web of life and lets you fully understand your place in the world. If you are looking to be filled with renewal, invigoration, and energy this summer solstice, be sure to include Rhyolite in your crystal practice.

2. Chrysoprase

Every time I look at a piece of Chrysoprase, I see beautiful, tropical beaches—the green color screams summertime to me! At its root, Chrysoprase is a heart-healing stone. Its energy can actually expand the Heart chakra and give you everything you need to feel and express love. It is also a wonderful crystal to help you deepen your connection with nature by encouraging positive, healing thoughts towards the Earth.

3. Citrine

Hello, yellow! Citrine is another amazing crystal linked to the sun and its stunning yellow pigmentation makes you feel all kinds of sunshiney! It’s all about manifesting action and vibrance—perfect for the summer solstice when you are brimming with ideas and energy. Citrine is also known for its ability to awaken the powers of your creative energy. Spend some time with Citrine this summer solstice and let its energizing focus help you manifest your summer dreams and make them a reality!

4. Moss Agate

Another crystal with an inherent connection to Mother Earth, Moss Agate (both red and green) has strong, grounding energy that can help you connect with powerful Earth energy. Along with balance, Moss Agate brings peace and stability into your life—great for summer, spring, winter, or fall, really! By giving you the strength to hold your inner vision, Moss Agate is a great crystal to help you make your summer dreams a reality. 

5. Orange Calcite

It’s all sunshine and smiles with Orange Calcite around! These citrus-colored crystals bring a literal ray of sunlight into the dark corners of your energy field, encouraging you to shake off those winter blues and refocus on the brightness of your dreams and goals. Orange Calcite is imbued with joyous energy that resonates so well with the summer solstice. Its vital energy encourages the flow of energy and can serve as a catalyst for the release of past traumas that may be holding you back, giving you space to welcome joy and optimism back into your life! How can you not be overcome with delight looking at these bright, beautiful crystals?

6. Carnelian 

A fire stone through and through, Carnelian’s color alone makes me think of summer sunsets. Carnelian can vary from pale orange to deep red-orange and has an energy that spreads vitality. It is a great crystal for boosting your courage, creativity, and compassion. Carnelian is unique in that it is both stimulating and empowering as well as stabilizing and nurturing! It’s a great crystal to keep you energized and increase your personal power and physical energy—perfect for those long summer days!

7. Sunstone

Of all the crystals on our beautiful planet Earth, Sunstone is a true reflection of the qualities of the sun—openness, warmth, mental clarity, and the willingness to bring love and kindness to others. It carries the frequency of Solar Light representing strong leadership and the know-how to use your knowledge for the greater good. Sunstone transforms anger into happiness, judgment into joy. It takes the negative energy and emotions surrounding you and turns them into positivity and warmth.

8. Amber

Amber has a connection to the sun that is unlike any other crystal or stone. It has been referred to as a form of solidified sunlight because it is created through the synthesis of light by plants and trees. Most crystals are born within the Earth, but Amber’s direct link to the sun makes it a wonderful source of Light energy. Its warming energy protects against negative energy and is often used by those with Seasonal Affective Disorder. Bringing this beacon of light and positivity into the summer amplifies this energy, making Amber a wonderful companion during the summer solstice. 

Ready to get outside and enjoy the longest day of the year? Great! Take some time to explore these crystals and see what resonates with you. I truly believe that a crystal chooses us as much as we choose a crystal! 

Happy Solstice, Crystal Lovers!


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