A Crystal Journey Blog
Learn about the amazing healing properties of stones & crystals and how you can use them for growth & well-being in your home, work, and life!
- Community Questions 7
- Crystal Color Round-ups 4
- Crystal Games 1
- Crystal Healing Properties 28
- Crystal How-Tos 49
- Crystal Shapes 1
- Enneagram Crystal Pairings 8
- Gifting Crystals 3
- Myers Briggs Crystal Pairings 2
- SBCo. Crystal Shop Round-ups 2
- Seasonal Crystal Guide 5
- The Crystal Affinity Membership Experience 2
- Zodiac Crystal Pairings 15

Crystals for Your Zodiac Sign—The 8 Best Scorpio Crystals
Like every zodiac, there is an upside and downside to every Scorpio characteristic. Thankfully, there are some amazing crystals out there that can help bolster their strengths and weaknesses!

Crystals for Your Zodiac Sign — The 8 Best Libra Crystals
Like every zodiac, there is a positive and negative side to every Libra characteristic. Thankfully, there are some amazing crystals out there that can help bolster their strengths and weaknesses!

How To Use Crystals for Deep Focus & Concentration
Working with crystals that support focus and mental clarity is a great way to improve your concentration. Let’s chat about how you can use these crystals in your daily life to benefit from their awesome energies!

The Perfect Crystals for Enneagram Type Four — The Individualist
Defined by their uniqueness, Enneagram Type Fours aka The Individualists are creative people who strive to be special and different from the people around them.

Crystals for Your Zodiac Sign—The 8 Best Gemini Crystals
It’s time to get to know the twin of the zodiac calendar, Gemini, and what crystals work best for their celestial-driven energy!

7 Crystals Every Teacher & Childcare Worker Needds
Being a teacher can be stressful, and oftentimes they aren’t given the recognition they truly deserve. But we all know how important teachers of all types are to the families and children they support.

The Healing Properties of Sodalite
If you are looking for a crystal to help you be your very best self, then it’s time to introduce you to Sodalite. This beautiful blue crystal is all about opening up and expressing yourself.

Top 11 Crystals for Men
Crystal energy is here to support us all. Although the majority of our crystal family is women, there are a few men in our tribe as well, and I love it! So, I want to take a minute to talk to you about men and crystals!

5 Crystals That Help Boost Memory
Hey hey, Crystal Lovers! I am back with another question from one of our community members. I love answering questions and helping people along their crystal journey!

The Best Crystals for Your Zodiac—Cancer, Leo & Virgo
Bring out the best in yourself while finding ways of working on any areas of your life that you feel need a little extra TLC through your crystal practice. Today, I’m covering Cancer, Leo, and Virgo. So for all my crabs, lions, and goddesses out there, we’ve got the best crystals to pair with your zodiac sign!