The Perfect Crystals for Enneagram Type Four — The Individualist

There is something powerful about knowing your Enneagram Type. For me, I love the deep insights it gives me about my personality and how I react in certain situations. It helps you look deep within yourself, examine your fears and motivations, and gives you a tangible understanding of who you are. 

Your Enneagram Type is also a wonderful way to find a crystal that can support your personal needs. It isn’t always easy to narrow down your search for a new crystal, but your Enneagram Type lets you focus on areas of your personality that are complemented by a specific crystal. 

We’ve already covered the best crystals for Type One, Two, and Three, so let’s take a look at my top crystal picks for Enneagram Type Four!

Not sure what your Enneagram is? Take the test and find out!

Type Four — The Individualist

Defined by their uniqueness, Fours aka The Individualists are creative people who strive to be special and different from the people around them. Whether it is their choice of fashion, work, or lifestyle, they are often described as “off-beat” and “quirky”. 

They are exceptionally creative and spend a lot of time reflecting on life and who they truly are deep down. These thoughts and feelings fuel their creative endeavors and help them continue to create new projects. They have an innate ability to create without being affected by the thoughts and expectations of others. 

Fours have a hard time accepting their full selves—they focus on their flaws and undervalue the positive aspects of themselves. They also tend to idealize other people who they see as better than them. One of their biggest fears is that they are missing the happiness that other people experience. They overcompensate by focusing on what makes them unique and special. 

Sadness is a key emotion of Fours—they feel as though they cannot be loved for who they are but instead of fighting this feeling, they embrace it. In this sense, sadness almost becomes an intentional part of their personality. When a Four can get out of their own way and open up themselves to love and acceptance from others, they will experience exponential growth.

6 Perfect Crystals for Enneagram Type Four

1. Rhodochrosite 

Fours are exceptionally creative—wherever they decide to focus this creativity, they will make waves. They have amazing talents, but they aren’t always able to share that with the world. By working with Rhodochrosite, Fours can not only acknowledge but also nurture their talents and natural gifts. This beautiful pink stone gives Fours the space to be comfortable letting their talents shine for the world to see. Rhodochrosite is also an amazing crystal for self-love—something that Fours can always use a little more of! Rhodochrosite will help Fours let go of their insecurities and let their inner child come out to play!

2. Almandine Garnet

I mentioned before that Individualists tend to see themselves as lacking. They look at other people and see the things that they aren’t or that they wish they were instead of focusing on their own positive characteristics. With the help of Almandine Garnet, Fours will be able to release those feelings of inadequacy and boost their sense of self-worth. A gorgeous, deep-red crystal, Almandine Garnet gives you the confidence to be your best self and helps you focus on the things in your life that truly matter. It gives you improved self-esteem and a fresh outlook on life.

3. Sodalite

While extremely creative, Fours can have a hard time when it comes to decision making—their minds are constantly moving which doesn’t leave a lot of room for focused thinking. By working with Sodalite, Fours can quiet their minds to take on making big decisions. Sodalite has calming energies that can help to clear your mind. This clarity of mind opens you up to more logical thinking, problem-solving, and, yes, decision-making that may have otherwise been lost in the shuffle of an overactive mind. It’s also a great stone for writers as it shows you the beauty of the world and gives you the words to communicate that beauty to others.

4. Black Onyx

Individualists live a lot in their heads—they are constantly looking back on their pasts and can be described as flighty because of this. When they need to find themselves back to the present moment and ground themselves, Black Onyx can help. Black Onyx is a Root Chakra crystal making it exceptionally grounding. It has supportive and stabilizing energy that Fours can benefit from. Black Onyx is also a wonderful protection crystal that can help keep negativity away—even if that negativity is coming from within yourself. 

5. Ocean Jasper

While sadness might be a descriptor that a lot of Fours use to describe themselves, they don’t need to get lost in that sadness. Instead, they can embrace optimism and joy in their lives. And if they need a little help with that, Ocean Jasper is ready! This unique crystal encourages you to embrace happiness and joy even if you’d rather stay sad and sullen. Its upbeat energy reminds you just how amazing you are and its grounding nature keeps you tethered to earth. Ocean Jasper is also a calming influence and lets you adopt a very “go with the flow” mentality, which complements Four's creative nature. 

6. Carnelian

Creativity is one of Four's strong suits—they are creative beings who love to use their creativity to express who they are. When Fours find that their creativity is waning, or maybe they are just looking for an extra boost, they can turn to Carnelian. It keeps you energized and empowered, stimulates your creativity, and amplifies your personal power. A real heavy hitter for The Individualist!

These 6 crystals will help support Enneagram Type Fours through their highs and lows. They will help Individualists break through their weaknesses and bolster their strengths. If you’re a Type Four, let me know in the comments if any of these crystals resonate with you!

Keep Shining, Crystal Lovers!


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