6 Blue Crystals to Carry With You

Blue skies, blue oceans, blue crystals! There is something so lovely and calming about the color blue and that characteristic often translates into blue crystals. The color blue brings to mind beach vacations and open spaces, clear skies, and relaxation.

But there is a lot more to the color blue than meets the eye. Let’s explore everything there is to know about the color blue and I’ll share with you 6 of my favorite crystal beauties that are not only strikingly blue but also boast extraordinary healing properties.  

Unpacking blue

Blue is often seen as a relaxing color and there is a good reason for that. It’s been proven to lower our heart rates, body temperature, and blood pressure—just seeing the color blue can have a physically relaxing effect.

Blue symbolizes wisdom, deep understanding, steadfastness, and dedication. It is the color we associate with introspection and looking within ourselves. Blue represents serenity and peace and is often linked to spiritual fulfillment. 

When used in the business world, the color blue brings with it notions of stability and strength—it’s no wonder 33% of the top brands in the world have blue logos. 

There are two shades of blue that appear within the chakras. Blue is associated with the Throat Chakra which helps you with all types and facets of communication. Indigo is associated with the Third-Eye Chakra which helps you connect with the spiritual realms and improves your intuition.

6 blue crystals to bring on your crystal journey

1. Blue Lace Agate

This light blue Agate crystal features bands of white that make it look like the perfect summer sky. Blue Lace Agate is an amazing communication stone—connected to the Throat Chakra, it helps you become more articulate and gives you the power to be heard. It also bolsters your self-confidence, allowing you to share your truth with others. The calming energy of Blue Lace Agate is suited to its soft blue coloration. This crystal can help soothe your anxiety and stress by helping you feel grounded and stable in your life.

2. Turquoise

Much like the color blue, Turquoise is the crystal of wholeness. The color turquoise is named after the crystal—the blue-green shade brings to mind exotic beaches and crystal-clear oceans. Turquoise lets us see every piece that makes up our whole selves and act with an understanding of our wholeness. This connection to the whole person makes Turquoise a wonderful crystal to help with your overall state of well-being. It’s a great stone to balance your emotions and infuses your life with clarity, tranquility, and vitality. 

3. Aquamarine

If ever there was a crystal that was the embodiment of the ocean, it’s Aquamarine. It has cool, calm energy that helps to relieve any stress or anxiety you are experiencing. It is an amazing crystal to help you work through emotional trauma—Aquamarine’s cleaning powers feel like taking a swim through crystal clear waters. You come out the other side feeling renewed and refreshed. Aquamarine is a Throat Chakra and Heart Chakra crystal. This combination helps you see—and express—that you are a beautiful person inside and out. Work with Aquamarine to build your resilience and inner strength so you can take everything that comes your way in stride.

4. Lapis Lazuli

With a celestial blue color that summons images of the night’s sky, Lapis Lazuli is a universal symbol of truth and wisdom. Much like the color blue, Lapis Lazuli is connected with the Third Eye Chakra. It has a deep connection to intuition and inner vision—if you are looking to connect with your authentic self, Lapis Lazuli can help you discover it. It also helps you see the importance and value of the knowledge that you hold within yourself. Lapis Lazuli gives you the tools you need to tap into the power that is already inside of you and use it to become the person you’re meant to be. Take charge of your life and move forward confidently with Lapis Lazuli in your corner.

5. Chrysocolla

Invoke the energy—and visual cues!—of calm rivers and powerful streams with Chrysocolla. Found in a variety of shades of blue from cyan to blue-green, Chrysocolla is a powerful yet soothing stone. And while its color will have you thinking of flowing waterways, it also helps you embrace the currents of life and shows you how to welcome change into your life. Another Throat Chakra crystal, Chrysocolla helps you connect to your inner-self and accept just how important your knowledge and experiences are to how you live your life. Let Chrysocolla help you embrace the ever-changing nature of the world and teach you how to go with the flow!

6. Blue Calcite

Another soft blue crystal that is sure to bring calm into your life, Blue Calcite is one of the most soothing crystals in the mineral universe. If you are energetically sensitive, Blue Calcite can help you lay your emotions aside so that you can finally relax—it will shield you from the energies of the people around you while you take a moment to yourself. And when negativity does come your way, Blue Calcite will take that energy and transform it into positive energy. Being a Throat Chakra crystal, it also supports calm and level-headed communication. So if you tend to get heated when having difficult conversations, Blue Calcite is the blue crystal for you. 

There are a lot of subtle differences between each blue crystal's ability, it is so interesting to see their similarities, too. Calming energy, positive communication, and a sense of soothing tranquility are common characteristics of all the blue crystals we’ve explored. 

And they are all linked to either the Throat or Third Eye Chakras—so interesting! 

So, the next time you are looking for a crystal that can bring calm and serenity into your life, start by exploring blue crystals—odds are they are just waiting to bring a bit of peace into your life!

Keep Shining, Crystal Lovers!

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