Crystals for Your Zodiac Sign—The 8 Best Gemini Crystals

It’s time to get to know the twin of the zodiac calendar, Gemini. Geminis tend to go a mile a minute, be extremely smart, and have a knack for handling change. They are also very curious people who like to know what is going on around them—and beyond them!—at all times. This has won them the “biggest gossip” superlative in the zodiac because they always want to be the first to know everything.

Born between May 22 and June 22, Gemini is an Air sign. They are super kind but because of their Air element and their twin nature, they can seem standoffish at times. 

They say variety is the spice of life, and Geminis love a bit of spice! They crave variety—they are adaptable, and their curious nature makes them the perfect person to jump from interest to interest in their life. But because of this versatility, they often only dip their toes into each thing they undertake, never becoming an expert in any one area but instead becoming a Jack of all trades. 

Governed by Mercury, the messenger planet of communication, it should come as no surprise that Geminis are big on communicating. Talking, texting, tweeting—no matter what form the communication takes, Geminis are there, expressing their emotions and sharing their thoughts with the world.

But because Geminis move fast and love a little gossip, they often speak before their thoughts have fully caught up with their brain. They need to focus on being thoughtful with their words to avoid hurting those around them. Another great characteristic of Geminis, though, is their uncanny ability to recover from their embarrassing moments—so when they misspeak, or mistweet, they are quick to move on and let the past be the past. 

This ability to move on goes hand-in-hand with Geminis’ short attention span. The Twin is always ready to try something new, but don’t think that means they will be slowing down anytime soon. Their hyperactive nature means that they are their best selves when they can move in and out of their ideas and interests as they please.

So, let’s jump into the 8 best crystals for Gemini! Starting with the crystals that help bolster their strengths:

1. Blue Kyanite

Blue Kyanite, one of the most popular forms of Kyanite, is a great crystal for Geminis. Not only does it help to keep them clear of negativity it also helps them tap into their truth and communicate clearly. Blue Kyanite is connected to the Throat Chakra, where our truth is centered. When Geminis use this crystal, they open up their Throat Chakra and can communicate authentically in a clear, concise manner. 

2. Carnelian 

Geminis are creative—they bounce from creative endeavor to creative endeavor with as little as a blink of an eye. It can seem as though their creativity is boundless. But when the Twin starts to feel themselves dwindling, Carnelian can be their creative booster cables. Carnelian is a grounding crystal that brings vitality and motivation back into your life. It stimulates creativity, which is perfect for the always-going, always-creating Gemini.

3. Tiger Eye 

Geminis are known as the Twin for a reason—while many people assume this means they are two-faced, the reality is that their duality can be an asset. They just need to be able to balance within their duality—giving equal attention to both sides of the twin. Tiger Eye is a wonderful balancing stone for anyone but works especially well for Geminis. It works to restore balance to all aspects of the body, mind, and spirit. Tiger Eye also has the benefit of helping to keep your moods grounded—another amazing benefit for Geminis! 

4. Moonstone 

I mentioned before that Geminis are curious by nature. And while their curiosity can get them into trouble, it is also one of their best traits. Their curiosity is what drives their creativity and their zeal for life. Moonstone is a wonderful crystal to help nurture their curious nature. As a bonus, Moonstone will also help to balance their energy and keep them rooted in their true selves. 

And here are 4 crystals that help to mitigate the challenges Geminis face:

5. Aquamarine 

Aquamarine is a Throat Chakra and Heart Chakra crystal. This connection can help you communicate more intuitively and with greater care for those around you. This is an area where quick-to-respond Geminis can use a bit of support. Aquamarine teaches you when it is worth speaking your piece and when it is better to just keep your thoughts to yourself. It is also a calming stone that can help a fast-paced Gemini to take a beat and slow down a bit. 

6. Fluorite 

A Gemini’s mind can move almost as quickly as a Gemini’s mouth—and that, my friends, is very fast! They are constantly thinking and not just about one thing but about a million and one things at the same time. Sometimes they need to quiet their minds to find focus, but also to find peace. That is where Fluorite comes in handy. Fluorite can help you clear your mind of the mental storm that is raging 24/7. It takes your overactive mind and brings calmness and clarity. It takes the chaos happening inside your mind—and life—and helps you find order. Fluorite is the perfect match for a go-go-go Gemini that can’t seem to turn their brain off. 

7. Sodalite 

It’s time to clear your mind, Gemini! Sodalite brings calming energy that clears your mind and actually gives you clarity. It helps you open up to logical thinking and problem solving—something that Geminis often overlook in their creative thinking processes. And for Geminis who are constantly moving from one interest to another, Sodalite can help you make decisions. If you can’t decide whether to invest your time in painting or sculpting, Sodalite can help to see which path is the right path for you.

8. Clear Quartz

I like to think of Clear Quartz as the Jackie of all trades in the crystal universe. And who would be best suited to the most versatile healing crystal? The most versatile zodiac of course! Clear Quartz works with all seven chakras and can be applied in almost any way. Geminis can benefit from the focus that Clear Quartz brings as they tap into its amazingly positive energy. But most of all, Clear Quartz complements Geminis’ ever-changing nature—as they move through the world exploring new places, new people, and new things, Clear Quartz can be their constant companion.

If you’re looking for more zodiac crystal pairings, you’re in luck!


The Healing Properties of Carnelian


The Meaning and Uses of Crystal Towers and Points