The Meaning and Uses of Crystal Towers and Points

Have you ever ordered a crystal because you were drawn to its energy? But when it arrives you aren’t exactly sure how to best use that particular shape? That’s the issue that Catherine R. dropped into my inbox last week—she had purchased a gorgeous Clear Quartz Tower from the SBCo. Crystal Shop but wasn’t exactly clear (no pun intended!) on how to get the most out of it.

If you didn’t already know, each crystal shape serves a different purpose and can be used differently. Of course, you are welcome to use your crystals however you choose. But some shapes lend themselves to different crystal practices. 

Towers—and points—have a very important role in the crystal universe. When used in alignment with this purpose, you can tap into a deeper connection with your crystal's energy. 

What is a crystal tower?

Crystal towers are usually 4, 6, or 8-sided with a flat base that allows the crystal to stand upright. They can be carved and polished into the tower shape or they can be made from a natural crystals point—although these are often referred to as just points. 

Points are made of natural crystal that has been cut on the bottom so that they can stand. They are often shorter than a polished tower and they have a less defined, more raw shape than the tower form. 

Whether you are using a point or tower, one thing is true for both shapes—they are powerhouses of energy waiting to be channeled. Towers elevate the energy in a space—they direct energy up and out, allowing you to focus energy in the spaces and places it is most needed.

How can I use my crystal tower?

So how can you tap into this awesome power and use it for your healing? I’m so glad to answer this question! There are many ways that crystal towers can be used in your daily life to help you with your spiritual, physical, and emotional healing. It is important to note that each tower's specific healing benefits will depend on the kind of crystal you’re working with.

1. For setting strong intentions

If you are looking for a way to amplify the intentions you are setting, then welcome to the world of crystal towers! Points and towers are an amazing tool for manifestation and setting intentions. And—bonus!—it’s super easy to add a tower into your current intentions practice. All you need to do is hold your crystal tower while you visualize your intention and your crystal will project your intentions into the universe.

2. As part of your crystal grid

Towers make the perfect centerpiece for a crystal grid—they will amplify and heighten the energy that you have channeled into your grid, giving the whole thing a supercharged energy boost. A tower will give your grid that extra push of focused energy to take it to a whole new level of power.

3. While meditating

Meditating with a crystal tower or point is a surefire way to clear your mind and calm your energy. You’ll walk away feeling refreshed and full of renewed energy. Meditating with a tower will help get any blocked energy flowing again—when you are holding your tower, focus on the energy you feel within the tower. You can direct that energy into your body by pointing the point of the tower towards your body and visualizing the energy moving from the tower and through your body. Let it move from chakra to chakra, clearing out any stagnant energy as it goes.

4. In your office

While crystal points and towers are wonderful to have anywhere in your home, there is something particularly powerful about having a crystal tower in your office or workspace. Their energy is very focused and because of this, they immediately bring that focused energy into your space. You can amplify this even further by using a crystal that also supports focus on concentration. A Fluorite tower would be the perfect addition to any office space—the sharp and concentrated energy is bound to help you stay on track throughout your workday! 

8 crystal towers to add to your collection

Now that you know how you can use your crystal points and towers, let’s take a look at some of the gorgeous crystal towers and points currently available in the SBCo online crystal shop!

  1. This stunning Indigo Gabbro Tower can help you channel grounding energy into your life. It also helps to enhance your intuition, which is perfect for anyone looking to get in touch with their spiritual side.

  2. If you’re looking for the perfect tower to help you focus during your workday, look no further than this Yellow Fluorite Tower. Great for mental focus and acuity, Yellow Fluorite is one of the rarest forms of Fluorite which also brings a lovely, calming energy into your space.

  3. There is so much you can do with one of these beautiful Amethyst Points. They are perfect in a crystal grid, can help you get a good night’s sleep when placed near your bedside, and will calm an overactive mind. 

  4. If you need some calming, grounding energy, this is that tower for you! Don’t let the intricate pattern fool you, this Leopard Skin Jasper Tower is unique, beautiful, and exceptionally powerful.

  5. A powerhouse tower if there ever was one, this Prehnite Tower is the premier anti-anxiety crystal. It helps to calm your heart and your mind. And thanks to the inclusions of Epidote, you’ll also benefit from the release of negative and low vibration energies, such as anxiety and fear, from your energetic body.

  6. If you are looking to connect with your angels or guides and create deeper spiritual connections, then you would benefit from working with an Aura Quartz Tower. Plus they are so beautiful to look at!

  7. The magic that is held within this Labradorite Tower will amaze you! Labradorite is a highly mystical crystal that is wonderful for boosting your intuition. It is also a great protector stone as it shields your aura from negative psychic energy!

  8. Clear Quartz is a master healer in the crystal world. This is as good as any reason to place this beautiful XL Clear Quartz Crystal Tower in your home or workspace. Using this tower in any room will help clear the energy, bring high vibrations into the space, and magnify the healing properties of any crystals that are near it!

Now that you know the amazing benefits of working with a tower or point, which one are you going to add to your crystal journey? I can’t wait to find out! Drop a comment below and let me know which crystal tower is speaking to you. 

Keep Shining, Crystal Lovers!


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