What Is Angel Energy and How Can Crystals Support It?

If you’ve been a part of our Crystal Community for some time now, you’ve probably heard me speak about angels, divine energy, and angel energy before. It’s something I am very passionate about and whenever we talk about it here at SBCo., we always get a million follow-up questions.

I wanted to dig a little deeper into angel energy and the crystals that can help deepen your connection with that energy—really give you everything you need to link with your earth angels and tap into those energies for mental, physical, and spiritual healing. 

What is angel energy?

Whether you’re attuned to them or not, each one of us has a team of angels with us throughout our entire lives. From the moment you’re born, your angels are by your side protecting you, helping you through times of grief, providing you with love and reassurance, and supporting you as you’d expect from a guardian angel. 

Angels have a unique energy that they bring to the world—it is defined primarily by light energy and it is extremely healing. An angel’s ability to heal is all but limitless. From the physical to emotional to spiritual, angels can bring healing to those in their charge.

How can I tap into angel energy?

Much like crystals, you need to put in the effort to get the most from your angels. They aren’t here to interfere with our lives without reason—you need to reach out to your angels and ask for help when you need it. 

This can be as simple as speaking out loud to your angels and asking them for support. You can also meditate while focusing on thoughts or mantras that relate to your angels. This is a great way to connect with them.

It should come as no surprise that using crystals to support this journey of connection is one of the most powerful ways to connect with your angels… it’s also my favorite way! 

Hold them during your meditation and manifestation practices to deepen your connection. You can also place them around your home in the areas that you use the most. By using and seeing these crystals throughout the day, you will be lovingly reminded that you are not alone and that you have a support system, which you can ask for help when times are rough. 

Be open to letting your angels take on some of the burdens that have been holding you back—when we let our angels into our lives you’ll be able to start living your very best life!

So which crystals can help you connect with all that amazing angelic energy? Let’s take a look at 7 crystals that are perfect for opening and deepening your connection with your angels.

1. Celestite 

This crystal is all things heavenly—it is heavenly to look at, but it is also the perfect conduit to connect with your angels. Its serene, calming energy fills you with high vibrations that help you connect directly with your guardian angels. Celestite also has the amazing ability to encourage and increase your divine intuition. If you are planning to meditate or use positive affirmations as your way to connect with your angels, then Celestite is the crystal for you.

2. Seraphinite

Ready to help connect you with the angelic realm, Seraphinite has an incredibly strong spiritual energy. While the green and silver coloring might not make you immediately think “angel” these crystals are often referred to as “Angel Crystals”. Seraphinite has a powerful vibration that helps you open yourself up to other realms—this in turn allows you to gain a deeper connection with the Divine realm and your angels. 

3. Angel Aura Quartz

Spreading joy, love, and happiness wherever it is found, Angel Aura Quartz has a deep connection to the angelic realm and energies. If you are looking to connect with your guardian angels, Angel Aura Quartz bolsters your ability to have spiritual experiences. This can help you establish a connection with your angels. It brings mental clarity and peace to those who work with it and nurtures a deep serenity within.4.

4. Satin Spar Selenite

Satin Spar Selenite is an all-around amazing crystal. But did you know it can also help you connect with your angels?! It can assist you in opening your Crown Chakra which can clear a path for you to connect with your angels. As a protective crystal, Satin Spar Selenite can drive negative energy away and provide protection from the angelic realm. It is also a wonderful clearing crystal—pair it with any of the other crystals mentioned to clear them of any negative energies they may be holding onto.  

5. Mangano Calcite 

Mangano Calcite is a beautiful pink crystal that helps you discover what kind of person you are. By getting in touch with your authentic self, you can find true happiness and joy in life. Mangano Calcite is all about inner peace, tapping into your compassion, and finding a deep well of self-love. It brings a sense of harmony and mental peace that opens you up to the angelic realm and helps you connect more deeply with your angels.

6. Angelite

Building a deep connection with your angels is what Angelite is all about. This crystal is a powerful communication stone that can help you improve your communication skills with everyone around you. Whether you are trying to get through to your family and friends or your angels in the angelic realm, Angelite is here to help. It helps you speak from a place of knowledge and confidence while also keeping you calm and centered. Note: Angelite cannot get wet as it is water-soluble. 

7. Apophyllite 

Apophyllite crystals have a high, unique vibration that helps to give you a boost of spiritual energy and also helps you contact your angels. It is an extremely powerful crystal to help you find the guidance you need from within yourself, and from your angels. It has a calming energy that can help you feel more relaxed and at peace with yourself. 

Looking for the perfect bundle to help you connect with your angels? I’ve put together the Angles Abound Crystal Intention Pouch just for this purpose! This collection contains 5 crystals that will help you connect with your angels and feel their presence and love!

Keep Shining, Crystal Lovers!


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