Top 6 Crystals to Get You Through The Winter Months

Winter is just around the corner—or for our friends in the North, it’s already here!

With winter comes darker, shorter days, cold weather, and a lot of time spent indoors. For many people, winter can trigger their Seasonal Affective Disorder or just gives them a bit of the winter blues. It can be a difficult time to stay positive and keep your head up.

With the help of these 6 crystals, you’ll be able to not only survive the long winter months, but you’ll also be able to thrive and grow through your crystal journey. 

1. Citrine

Linked directly to the sun, Citrine is a sunshine yellow crystal that can help keep you motivated when the winter blahs start to set in. Working with Citrine, you’ll be able to embrace optimism and bring positive energy into your life. Keep yourself busy this winter with a bit of creative inspiration—Citrine is great for awakening the powers of your creativity. Take your energized focus and pick up a new hobby!

2. Satin Spar Selenite

Satin Spar Selenite is a wonderful crystal to keep with you throughout the winter months. Its extremely high vibration helps to keep your energy field at a high vibration as well. Selenite/Satin Spar is so uplifting, it is like bringing light into your life. Sometimes called the ultimate energy tool, Selenite/Satin Spar can be used to cleanse your home, your mind, your aura, and even your other crystals.

3. Ocean Jasper

Nurturing by nature, Ocean Jasper encourages you to embrace happiness, love, and joy even when you’d rather be hiding under a mound of blankets. If you’ve had a long day—or a long month—Ocean Jasper is the perfect crystal to help you unwind and enhance your self-love. It’s also a perfect balance of water and fire—created when water and volcanic rock combine, Ocean Jasper can give you whatever energy you need. 

4. Smoky Quartz

It’s time to take the negative energy swirling around you this winter and transform it into positive energy! With Smoky Quartz, you can literally change the energy around you—take the winter blahs that you’ve been feeling and transform them into light, bright positivity! It is also an amazing crystal for mental focus so be sure to keep Smoky Quartz in your office or study area for an added boost.

5. Orange Calcite

First up on our list is Orange Calcite—this crystal is all about sunshine, smiles, and positive energy. Literally the color of sunshine, these beautiful crystals bring light into every corner of your life. They can help you keep the winter blues at bay and keep you focused on your dreams and goals. It has such an incredibly joyful energy that brings optimism into your life—perfect for those cold winter nights!

6. Carnelian 

Bring your favorite summer sunset into your home with a gorgeous piece of Carnelian. This crystal can be a pale orange, a deep red-orange, and anything in between. Carnelian embodies this fiery energy—it brings vitality into your life and what more could you ask for in the dead of winter?! It will also give a boost to your personal power and physical energy, giving you an energized outlook that will keep you motivated and positive during the winter months.

So there you have it—6 crystals that will keep you positive, motivated, and feeling just a little bit brighter through the winter. For some people, winter is a really difficult season, so don’t be shy about working with more than one of these crystals at a time! I love working with Citrine and Carnelian together for a super boost of creativity and get-it-done energy!

I hope you all stay warm this winter and have a few amazing crystal companions to keep you company, too!

Keep Shining, Crystal Lovers!


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