Finding The Right Crystal for You

When you are trying to decide what crystal to buy for yourself, what criteria do you use? There are so many different ways to choose a crystal—you can choose a crystal based on its healing properties, its color, its shape, or even the Chakras it aligns with.

It all depends on how you plan on using the crystal.

But if you’re still not sure how to find the crystal that is right for you, I want to help you make that decision! I’ve pulled together some of the most common traits, activities, and characteristics and the crystals that are complementary to each other.

Let’s break it all down and take a look at some ways you can find the right crystal for you!

I want to meditate

If you already meditate—or you are looking to add meditation into your life—working with crystals can amplify your experience and add a whole new dimension to your practice. The great thing about crystals is that they can all be used to elevate your meditation. All you need to do is hold a crystal, set your intention, and go. 

I like to use Clear Quartz in meditation—it is a real Jackie-of-all-trades kind of stone that really shines during meditation. It helps you clear your mind and filter out distractions when they arise. I also love Amethyst as a meditation companion. It is a calming crystal that helps you keep your thoughts calm while bringing clarity of mind that helps you tap into how you are feeling on a deeper, more personal level. 

I want to tap into my intuition

There is something so powerful about our intuition as humans. It allows us to make hard choices with our hearts and can guide us through really difficult times in our lives. Whether you already feel very in tune with your intuition or you aren’t exactly sure when your intuition is speaking to you, there are crystals that can help anyone bolster their intuition. 

Bursting with feminine energy, Moonstone is an extremely powerful intuition crystal. Feminine energy has long been linked with intuitive strength—they don’t call it feminine intuition for nothing!—and Moonstone harnesses that power to become your guiding light. As a stabilizing crystal, it can also calm tumultuous emotions which often cloud our intuition.   

Another amazing crystal for intuition is Labradorite. I always say that this stone is all kinds of magic and its ability to strengthen your intuition is just that! It brings to light things inside of yourself that may be hidden, giving you the power to see truths you may have once been obscured. This newfound insight is a boost to your intuition and can give you the confidence to trust those instincts. 

I want more love energy in my life

Who doesn’t want more love energy in their life?! Now, this doesn't necessarily mean you are looking for a partner. Love means so many different things—self-love, romantic love, love for the earth, and even simply the feeling of love and being loved. There are so many different crystals that can help support all facets of love. In fact, I find having a love-supporting crystal with me during my day helps to keep my interactions positive and gives me a sense of love and calm all day long!

I wrote an article on the 8 best crystals to help you support and attract love into your life. With everything from Amazonite and Rose Quartz to Rhodochrosite and Opal, there is a crystal that will help you bring more love energy into your life. Be sure to check it out!

I want to connect with my zodiac

If you already have a love for astrology, just wait! Once you pair it with crystals, you’ll be amazed! We all have characteristics that are linked to our zodiac signs and when you work with crystals that complement those characteristics, it is honestly magic! I happen to be an Aquarius and love to keep Rose Quartz nearby as it helps me remember the importance of my own needs, which I sometimes ignore—typical Aquarius! 

Looking for your crystal pairings? Find them here!

I want more joy and vitality in my life

Who doesn’t want to bring a little more joy and happiness into their lives? Whether you’ve found yourself struggling to find joy lately, or you simply want to amp up your already-happy demeanor, crystals are an excellent way to tap into happiness.

If you’re ready to embrace joy and smiles and delight, picking up Citrine is a must. If the sunshine-yellow color isn’t enough to make you smile, then its ability to harness energy and transform it into pure joy will definitely convince you! Mookaite Jasper is a wonderful stone for powering up your spirit and tapping into your innate vitality and inner child. This empowering stone is all you need for a boost that brings a renewed sense of exuberance. 

It’s important to remember that there are over 200 kinds of crystals and gemstones that naturally occur in our world. If you are looking for a crystal to serve a specific purpose in your life, it exists—trust me! 

If you are struggling to find the right crystal for you, drop a comment below and let me know what you are looking for—I’d love to help you make your next crystal connection!

Keep Shining, Crystal Lovers!


Top 6 Crystals to Get You Through The Winter Months


5 Crystals to Help You Focus on YOU