4 Benefits of Wearing Healing Crystal Jewelry

There is something magical about a beautiful piece of jewelry—when your necklace or bracelet shines, don’t you feel like you shine just a little bit brighter too?

That’s what I love about healing crystal jewelry! Not only do you get that boost from wearing something beautiful that makes you feel beautiful, but you also get the added benefit of the energetic properties of whatever crystal you choose!

From physical and spiritual to emotional and mental healing, crystal jewelry can bring about amazing things in your life. By wearing the crystal and having it with you all day, you tap into all that awesome energy no matter where you are or what you’re doing. Let’s take a look at some of the concrete ways that wearing healing crystal jewelry can benefit you.

And as a bonus, I’m sharing my 5 favorite crystals to wear—because who doesn’t love a beautiful piece of healing crystal jewelry?!

Crystal jewelry is gorgeous

This is a no-brainer! Whether you are picking out a pendant, a necklace, a bracelet, a ring, or a pair of earrings, crystal jewelry is so beautiful! Crystals catch the light and shimmer in a way that can’t be matched. And no matter what outfit you’re wearing, there is a crystal that will add the perfect finishing touch.

Crystal jewelry is healing

Again… This one is a no-brainer! Crystals have long been used to heal mental, physical, and spiritual ailments and otherwise improve the lives of those who work with them. Every crystal has unique healing properties that can bring powerful, positive change to your life. 

Crystals work to help remove energy blockages, bring in positive energy, and heal the body, mind, and spirit. When you surround yourself with positive energy, it helps you to live a healthier, happier life. Healing crystal jewelry can transform your energy, renew your spirits, and positively affect your physical health and mental well-being in pretty phenomenal ways. 

Crystal jewelry is powerful

If you’ve been working with crystals for some time, you already know how powerful they can be. Whether you meditate with them, use them to decorate your home, or keep them in your space for healing purposes, you’ve seen what they can do. Now imagine that power, but amplified by direct physical contact. 

That is what healing crystal jewelry provides! By having the crystals in your auric field, the energies of the crystals can constantly work their magic—from energetic protection, to confidence boosting, to physical healing. How cool is that?! 

Crystal jewelry is convenient 

What could be easier than popping on a gorgeous necklace or stunning pair of earrings? Especially if you are already one to wear jewelry, adding healing crystal jewelry into your life is a quick and easy way to harness the power of your chosen crystal. 

No matter what you are trying to work through or accomplish, a small-but-mighty crystal set in your favorite piece of jewelry can help!

My 5 favorite crystals to wear

If you’ve followed me for a while, you will know that I LOVE my crystal jewelry! From necklaces and earrings to rings and bracelets, I love it all! But what are my favorite crystals to wear? I am so glad you asked!

Satin Spar/Selenite

Satin Spar/Selenite is a wonderful crystal to wear. It brings a lightness to your aura almost like having a beam of sunshine following you all day! It’s a crystal that works well for anyone, and makes sure that you are not being drained all day by outside energies. 

Satin Spar/Selenite is also an amazing amplifier which is why I absolutely love our Selenite Crystal Bead Bar Necklaces. They are perfect for everyday wear, include a Satin Spar/Selenite bead, and are embraced by a pair of high-quality crystal beads of your choice on either side. With 12 different bead combinations, you’ll be sure to find a necklace that resonates with you.


Whether you are drawn to the romantic Rose Quartz, the versatile Clear Quartz, or the grounding Smoky Quartz, you really can’t go wrong with Quartz jewelry. Because it is a hard and durable crystal, Quartz makes for wonderful, long-lasting jewelry.

Rose Quartz is perfect to bring love of all kinds into your life. Smoky Quartz will help anyone who is feeling unfocused and untethered—it is an exceptionally grounding crystal that can help clear your mind and keep you focused. Clear Quartz is known as the “master healer” and its positive vibrations can help in so many different areas of your life.  


The beautiful color of Amethyst makes it a wonderful choice for jewelry. It is also a natural stress reliever and divine protector, and can transform lower vibrational energies—think stress and anger—into high vibrational energy. I can’t think of a better companion to keep with you throughout the day. Your very own personal energetic bodyguard and calming influence! 


Moonstone is such a beautiful crystal—and it comes in a variety of different colors including a stunning peach and a to-die-for rainbow! Moonstone is known to be a stone of intuition and insight—it can be your guiding light through self-discovery. If you need more patience, strength, and confidence in your inner self, Moonstone can help. 

I love Moonstone so much, I created the Rainbow Moonstone Sara Ring—my favorite ring in my jewelry collection! This ring feels both empowering and comforting to wear!


The cool blue of Aquamarine brings to mind clear Caribbean waters and makes for a beautiful piece of statement jewelry. This crystal is a source of calm, serenity, and peace. By wearing a piece of Aquamarine jewelry, you can keep a sense of relaxation with you throughout the day and bring peace to your often busy mind. It is also a superb crystal to wear to support you through periods of grief. 

Do you have a favorite piece of crystal jewelry? I want to know all about it—drop a comment below and share!


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