The Perfect Crystals for Each Myers-Briggs Artisan Temperaments

If you’re in the corporate world—or even if you aren’t!—you’ve probably heard of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. It’s a personality typology that shows you how you perceive the world and make decisions based on your answers to a self-reported test. 

It outlines how your psychological preferences impact how you live in the world. The main reason for this test is to help you understand how you prefer to communicate and how you interact with others. A lot of businesses use this test to help uncover how they can work better as teams. 

I love a good personality test, myself! But what I love about these kinds of tests is that they give us a really simple way to determine what kinds of crystals can help us in our lives. If you are new to crystals, you may not be sure where to start. But with personality tests like Myers-Briggs and Enneagram, as well as things like birthstones and zodiacs, we can tap into this deeper understanding of ourselves and how that relates to the crystal world.

Let’s do a quick lesson on Myers-Briggs! The test looks at 4 dimensions of your personality:

  • Where do you focus your attention? — Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I)

  • How do you take in information? — Sensing (S) or iNtuition (N)

  • How do you make decisions? — Thinking (T) or Feeling (F)

  • How do you interact with the world? — Judging (J) or Perceiving (P)

These four elements come together to help you understand how you interact with others. There are 16 possible combinations and today we are going to dig into the 4 Artisan Temperaments of Myers-Briggs—ESTP, ISTP, ESFP, and ISFP. 

The Artisans

The four types that make up the Artisans—ESTP, ISTP, ESFP, and ISFP—share some core characteristics, which is why they have been grouped together. 

They are optimistic, love to have fun, and are extremely focused. As the name would suggest, they have a natural affinity for the arts, but they also love to work with their hands—you can find them in the garden, working with tools, and even fixing cars.

Artisans tend to be quirky, spontaneous, and energetic. They value their freedom above all else—they don’t want to be tied down. They aren’t savers or planners, instead, they choose to live for today and make the most of the present. 

Thirty percent of the population is made up of Artisans which is wonderful because they bring creativity, grace, and beauty for all to enjoy!

Let’s take a closer look at each of the four artisan types and the two crystals that are best suited for them.


Always charismatic, ESTPs have a magnetic personality that you just want to be around. They are very optimistic and persuasive, the life of the party—ESTPs have excellent observation skills that they use to assess the people around them and adapt to any situation to keep life exciting. But they do tend to connect with people on a more superficial level. Using the party example, they like to work the room and make as many people laugh as possible as opposed to connecting with someone on a deeper level. 


Moonstone is a wonderfully powerful crystal that brings patience, strength, and insight to those who work with it. For ESTPs, Moonstone can help you develop your emotional intelligence. While one of ESTPs’ strengths is connecting with many people on a surface level, Moonstone can help them develop the emotional capabilities to take those connections deeper. Working with the strong moon energy of this crystal gives ESTPs everything they need to learn more about themselves as well as those around them.

Clear Quartz 

Because ESTPs live in a state of urgency—moving from one thing to another with little to no planning—they often attract negativity. Sometimes this negative energy comes from those around them, but it can also be found within themselves. Clear Quartz is a great choice because it helps deflect negativity while attracting positive energy. And who can’t use an extra boost of positive energy now and then?! 


Often referred to as the Crafter, ISTP personalities are practical and creative—they have excellent problem-solving skills and can be found using their creativity to fix, repair, and fine-tune anything and everything. ISTPs are also known to be risk-takers and while this is usually a good thing, when they get bored they tend to take bigger risks. They are extremely flexible and adaptable—ISTPs trust their instincts to guide them. 

Green Aventurine 

ISTP personalities are extremely energetic and always going. At the best of times, this energy propels them forward to their goals. At the worst of times, this energy pulls them out of the moment, keeping them from experiencing life as it happens to them. Green Aventurine is a great match for ISTPs because it helps them to stay in the moment and appreciate what they have. It also supports ISTPs' ability to trust their judgment and emotions, which helps them become even more flexible. 

Tiger Eye 

I mentioned before that ISTPs love to take risks. Risk-taking is a part of life, but when ISTPs veer into more reckless behavior Tiger Eye is the crystal to get them back on track. Tiger Eye brings balance between extremes. This beautiful stone will help ISTPs recognize when a risk is a good idea versus when it is simply there to fill the boredom they are experiencing. 


Charming and engaging, ESFPs—sometimes called The Performer—have a joie de vivre that carries them through life. They are fun-loving, talkative, spontaneous, and love to put on a show. They do love to be the center of attention, but they would never hog the spotlight. Instead, they are supportive, empathetic, and love to listen to those around them—ESFPs are not having a good time unless everyone around them is, too. ESFP personalities tend to be sensitive and easily hurt by the words and actions of those around them. They are also so optimistic that they will avoid conflict at all costs. 


ESFPs often have their heads in the clouds and are going a thousand miles a minute. Finding a crystal that helps to ground them and bring calm to their lives can be incredibly beneficial. That’s why I love Agate for ESFPs—it brings grounding energy and an overall sense of calm that can help bring ESFPs back to earth. It also gives you a strong inner confidence boost, which is perfect for the sometimes-sensitive Performer. 


ESFPs are very empathetic people. In social situations, they are all about the give-and-take. While it can sometimes seem like they take on a leadership role, this is only because of their outgoing nature. Instead, ESFPs are all about listening and responding to those around them to ensure everyone’s needs are being met. Rubellite is a crystal swimming in universal love—it is a great addition to any ESFPs crystal collection as it will help them to strengthen their natural empathetic instincts.


Caretakers at heart, ISFPs are known for their subdued enthusiasm, cheerfulness, and go-with-the-flow approach to life. ISFPs are all about aesthetics and seek out the beauty that the world has to offer. ISFPs are perfectionists—they are detail-oriented and extremely observant, but this can sometimes lead to them being overly critical of themselves. Much like their ESFP counterparts, ISFPs can be overly sensitive and have their feelings hurt quite easily. 


When ISFPs get bogged down in their perfectionism, they can become negative towards themselves. They experience harsh self-criticism and then their sensitivity kicks in, taking them even deeper into that negative mindset. Amazonite is a game-changer for ISFPs because it helps to get rid of that self-criticism that comes from perfectionism and allows ISFPs to get comfortable sitting in their truth.

Bumble Bee Jasper 

ISFP personalities are individuals through and through—they dance to the beat of their own drums and have no desire to conform to what is seen as “normal”. Instead, they let their creativity blossom and guide them through life. Bumble Bee Jasper helps to stimulate that creativity so ISFPs can shine their absolute brightest. It is also a wonderful crystal to help you handle change easily—something that the easily bored, always moving from one thing to the next ISFP can take advantage of!

If I didn’t cover your Myers-Briggs personality type today, don’t worry! I will be covering the rest of the personality types over the next few months, so keep your eyes on this space!

Keep Shining Crystal Lovers!


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