The Ultimate List of Crystals That Can’t Get Wet

It’s important to keep your crystals energetically clear. And there are several ways to do this: sage smoke, full moon, grounding, intention setting, and water. Let’s chat about using water! 

Water is known for being cleansing and healing and it’s an accessible way to clear your crystals and with a few small additions, it can become a very meaningful ritual that you undertake. You can use natural water, running water, or still water. My personal favorite is to find a source of running water and gently place my water-friendly crystals in the water. But you can use any water source. 

Running water is a great way to clear those crystals that can get wet. Set your intention and keep it clear in your mind as you hold your crystals in a stream, pour bottled water on them, or hold them under a running tap.

But, some crystals should not get wet or be left in water for long periods of time. The not-so-welcome results can be anything from fractures, loss of their shine to breaking or dissolving to producing a toxic chemical reaction that can be dangerous.

There are lots of other amazing ways to clear your crystals—check out 4 more here—that are all perfect for water-soluble crystals. 

The best way to determine whether a crystal can handle the water is by using the Mohs hardness scale. This is a scale from 1 to 10 that determines the hardness of minerals by testing their resistance. You can use this to assess the water tolerance of a crystal because the softer the crystal, the more likely it is to be water-soluble. If a crystal falls below 5 on the Mohs scale your best bet is to keep it out of the water. 

You can also always refer to our list of these 17 water-soluble crystals!

1. Tangerine Quartz

Tangerine Quartz is the go-to crystal for growth, acceptance, and understanding. When you are looking to address your inner issues, this crystal can help you tackle your problems without self-criticism and judgment getting in the way. It also teaches you how to forgive yourself—and others! Tangerine Quartz gets its beautiful coloring from the inclusion of iron oxide. The iron will rust and discolor in water, so your Tangerine Quartz should not be wet for a prolonged period of time.

2. Turquoise

Ready to embrace your whole self? Then you are ready for Turquoise. This crystal helps you consider every element of who you are and move forward in the world from a place of understanding. Turquoise helps you find balance in your emotions and bring vitality back into your life—because who can’t use a little pep in their step?! You’re good to go if the turquoise is polished or coated.

3. Apatite

A stone of manifestation, Apatite is a Third Eye Chakra crystal that helps to activate your psychic abilities and expand your base of knowledge. It brings inner clarity and gives you the space to reflect on who your authentic self is. While some are comfortable putting Apatite in water for short periods, I recommend keeping natural Apatite dry as it can be a brittle stone. If it’s polished, you can run it under water quickly. Make sure that you dry it thoroughly.

4. Azurite

This soft, deep blue crystal is an excellent all-around emotional cleanser—it helps to unclutter your mind, move past negative thinking, and let go of anxiety. Azurite is also an amazing crystal to help you stand in your own power. It’s wonderful for people-pleasers who tend to hold onto guilt and put themselves in a corner. Because it contains copper, it should not be submerged in water.

5. Apophyllite

Apophyllite is a strong spiritual stone that can connect you to higher plains and help you connect with your guardian angels. If you find yourself constantly swimming in negative energy, Apophyllite will remove blockages, banish negative energy, and help you move past your feelings of stress and anxiety. Apophyllite is best cleared using the moon or sage smoke—it is too soft of a crystal to withstand water. 

6. Fluorite 

If you’re looking for a crystal to help you focus, Fluorite is the perfect choice for you. Fluorite helps to clear your mind so that you can deeply focus, and boost your mental acuity. It’s also amazing for writer’s block! Keep this beauty out of water—especially salt water.

7. Celestite

A 3-4 on the Mohs hardness scale, Celestite is a beautiful crystal with a soft matrix, which can start to crumble when wet. It emanates calming energy and helps to increase your divine intuition. If you are looking to connect with your angels, this is the perfect crystal for you. I love using Celestite when I am using positive affirmations to set the tone for my day! 

8. Halite

Commonly known as rock salt, Halite brings calm, serenity, and peace to those who work with it. It is said to dissolve confusion, clouded thoughts, and self-doubt. But be sure to keep it away from water because even small amounts of water will dissolve Halite. 

9. Hematite

A deeply protective crystal, Hematite is directly connected to the earth and the Root Chakra. These two traits make it an exceptionally grounding stone. It brings security, stability, and calming energy. It is also known as iron ore and that is the reason it cannot be placed in water—iron, and therefore Hematite, rusts when it comes into contact with water.

10. Labradorite 

Labradorite is a crystal brimming with magic! It expands your mind while guiding you towards spiritual growth. Labradorite also shows you everyday magic all around you and lets you see the beauty in your life. This blue stunner, in its natural form) should not be soaked in water as it can cause damage to the crystal.

11. Lepidolite

One of my favorite crystals for those going through the grieving process, Lepidolite has a softness that can help to ease anxiety. It brings calmness and peace into your life and gives you space to rest and recharge. Water will make natural Lepidolite (not polished) even softer than it is which makes it vulnerable to scratches, fractures, and other types of erosion. 

12. Malachite (unpolished)

While Malachite may not be the pink hue you may expect from love crystals, Malachite is all about manifesting and transforming your life from a space of love. Malachite is a wonderful guide when you are working through big life changes and can help you stick to your path when times get tough. Unpolished Malachite will release toxic fumes when it is wet, so be sure to store it safely in a dry area.

13. Pyrite

Pyrite is a stone of abundance—keep it with you to bring an abundance mindset with you wherever you go. It is also a great crystal to help you come out of your shell and become more confident… perfect for the introverts among us. Pyrite is another crystal with high iron content, therefore it can rust or discolor when it comes into contact with water. And this can lower its energetic vibration. 

14. Satin Spar/Selenite

If you are looking for the perfect all-arounder crystal, you’ve found it! Satin Spar/Selenite clears any negativity from your energy field as well as your space, and other crystals! Satin Spar/Selenite has such amazingly powerful cleansing energy, you can use it to clear other crystals—it’s great for all the crystals on this list! But it cannot withstand being in the water for a long time… it will dissolve if left in water for too long.

15. Opal

Another stone of love, Opal promotes unconditional love, loyalty, and faithfulness. It is also a powerful emotional stabilizer that helps you understand what you need to achieve emotional balance and take responsibility for your own emotions. Opals are super fragile and as such should not be cleansed using water.

16. Gypsum

Gypsum is an interesting crystal that is used in a myriad of activities in our modern world. From an energetic standpoint, Gypsum helps get your energy flowing by removing blockages to restore balance to your body, mind, and spirit. But it will dissolve in water, so keep it in a dry place!

17. Ulexite

A crystal of deep focus and concentration, Ulexite can help you when you are making big decisions. It takes away a lot of the stress on your mind by making it easy for you to understand concepts and ideas. Ulexite will dissolve in hot water and also will experience some damage if placed in cold water.

So there you have it—the complete list of water-soluble crystals! Remember, it is important to keep these crystals dry. And it is equally important to continue to clear them—so grab the sage, the Satin Spar Selenite, or turn to the full moon!

Keep Shining, Crystal Lovers!


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