The Healing Properties of Carnelian

Carnelian has been referred to by many names throughout the years—–The Singers Stone, The Sunset Stone, and The Artists Stone to name a few. But one thing all these names have in common? They highlight the tremendous creative powers that can be found in Carnelian.

Transformative energy and creativity flow through Carnelian and when you work with this sunset-inspired crystal, they will flow through you as well! So if you’re ready to start a new creative project and want a little boost, or you’re just looking for a little motivation, Carnelian is the crystal for you.

Let’s get geological!

A glass-like crystal, Carnelian is a variety of Chalcedony—a member of the Quartz family. Carnelian can be found in a wide range of colors, from a pale pink-hued orange to a deep rusty brown. 

Carnelian has been used throughout history for many different reasons—warriors would use it to give them courage before battle, and in the Middle Ages, Carnelian was used in the practice of alchemy. It would be boiled and used to amplify the powers of other Chalcedony stones!

The biggest sources of Carnelian in the world can be found in Uruguay, India, Brazil, and Madagascar.

The meaning of Carnelian

Carnelian is the go-getting motivator of the crystal world—if you need a motivational boost, you need Carnelian! Its connection to the Sacral Chakra helps you break through any sluggish energy and gives you the power to take action. Carnelian increases your physical vitality as well, meaning you get a full-body energetic lift. 

Carnelian can also help you take a step beyond motivation. If you’re stuck at the motivation phase and can’t move forward, Carnelian can help you overcome your fear of taking that next step. You’ll be able to let go of the worry that you’ll do things the “wrong” way. Instead, you will be ready and willing to embrace transformation and welcome change into your life.

If you’ve found yourself in a creative rut, Carnelian is excellent for kickstarting your creativity and bringing passion and positivity back into your life. The beautiful, bright color of this crystal is the perfect antidote when you are feeling uninspired or find you’re blocked creatively. 

An interesting aspect of Carnelian is that it is an empowering, stimulating stone, but it also has a stabilizing and nurturing energy. It is the perfect balance between staying motivated and taking the time to care for yourself. 

Finally, if you are on the fence about taking the leap toward your biggest goals and wildest dreams, Carnelian can help. The mix of motivation, courage, and creativity creates a potent mix of energies that can help you achieve your greatest goals. And give you the push you need to get there.

How to use your Carnelian

Because Carnelian is such an amazing motivator, I love to keep it in my office. Having Carnelian in your workspace is a wonderful way to keep yourself motivated through your 9-to-5 or your 5-to-9! No matter what you do for work, Carnelian will give you the motivation boost you need to get through the workday. Think about decorating with Carnelian—I love these Carnelian bowls for any office space!

Need a reminder to stay on the path toward your goals? Carrying Carnelian with you throughout the day is a wonderful way to stay focused. Try carrying a Carnelian touchstone with you—whenever you need a reminder or an extra boost of confidence, simply rub the stone to reconnect with the crystal’s energy.

Carnelian is also a wonderful crystal to use during your meditation practice. Our Carnelian hearts are perfect for mediation—they fit perfectly in a hand and the heart shape adds the energy of love to this powerful crystal motivator.  

When you start working with Carnelian, you’ll quickly find that there is nothing you can’t take on. You’ll be facing each and every day with courage, motivation, and confidence that will take you through the ups and downs of life. 

Keep shining Crystal Lover!


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