The Perfect Crystals for Enneagram Type Two — The Giver

The Enneagram is all about understanding people using an emotionally-focused system. It takes a deep look at your core emotional fears and motivations and then categorizes you into one of nine types. 

If you aren’t familiar with Enneagram Types, these personality tests are used to help you understand your personality and give you an understanding of how to better relate to the people in your life—from work to family and friends. 

Today, we’re continuing our series with Type Two.

Not sure what your Enneagram is? Take the test and find out!

Type Two — The Giver 

Enneagram Type Two is known as The Giver—they are extremely helpful, nurturing, and giving to those around them. “No” isn’t a word you’ll hear from a Type Two often, as they are always willing to help others. 

Givers are, above all else, empathetic. They tend to put the needs of others before their own as they find great joy being the person who is always there for their friends, families, and coworkers. If you have a Giver in your life, odds are they are your ride-or-die!

They are very intuitive and can actually foresee the emotional needs of others and be there to support them through those feelings. 

Givers fear being unloved and, ultimately, being alone. They cope with this fear by becoming central in others’ lives and becoming their friends' go-to shoulder to cry on.  

At their best, Twos are selfless people who find fulfillment in giving love unconditionally to those in their lives. They can share their own needs with others and because of this, their relationships are balanced and healthy. 

7 Perfect Crystals for Enneagram Type Two

1. Amethyst

Everyone needs a little bit of calm in their lives and Type Twos are no different. Amethyst is a wonderful stone to help you achieve a calm mind and connect with your higher self—perfect for Twos who are already so deeply connected to their intuitive powers. It also helps bring balance to your life, which is helpful for The Giver who can sometimes lose sight of their own needs in favor of serving the needs of others. 

2. Black Tourmaline

When you are a giving, empathetic person, it is easy to get bogged down in negative energy. Type Twos are very giving—it’s literally their name!—and so, they unintentionally attract a lot of negative energy. Working with Black Tourmaline, Givers can protect themselves against all that low-vibrational energy. This beautiful black crystal keeps you safe from unwanted energy by returning it to where it came from, leaving Givers surrounded by positive energy!

3. Rose Quartz

Twos are no strangers to unconditional love—they give it to others all the time. But, when it comes to themselves, they can be neglectful at best and downright unkind at worst. With the help of the universal love crystal, Rose Quartz, Twos can start to learn to not only give to others but also give to themselves. From love and kindness to grace and space, Rose Quartz can lead Twos along the path of self-love to help them truly connect with themselves.

4. Green Aventurine

When Twos are operating from a place of fear, they are motivated by needing to be needed by others. With the help of Green Aventurine, Twos can gain self-confidence so that they can give from a space of love and true desire to help others. When this is the case, Twos are functioning as their best selves and are unstoppable. As a bonus, Green Aventurine has a calming effect and can help you release any energy blockages you may be dealing with. 

5. Rhodochrosite

Every single one of us—no matter what our Enneagram Type—has our own unique abilities, talents, and gifts that we bring to the world. Rhodochrosite is an amazing crystal to help you see those gifts and to give you the confidence to show them to the world. Rhodochrosite helps Twos to lean in and fully develop their gifts as a way to enrich the lives of others thereby enriching their own lives.

6. Labradorite 

I mentioned before that Givers can sense the emotional needs of those around them. They do this using their amazing intuition. And that’s where Labradorite comes in. This crystal has been said to have a little bit of magic about it… and I agree! For Givers, it will help them ramp up their intuition so they can get a better read on any situation or person and better understand how to help those around them. Labradorite also acts as a psychic protector. It creates an energetic shield around you to ward off both unintentional and intentional psychic attacks.

7. Golden Healer Quartz

I wanted to end on a high (vibrational!) note, so I saved Golden Healer Quartz for last! This stunning crystal is filled with all-encompassing universal love. It shows you the blessings that surround you and find the beautiful grace that comes from being grateful for everything you have in life. For Twos, Golden Healer Quartz keeps them in a space of gratitude and high vibration—what more could you want?! 

Well, there you have it, 7 amazing crystals to help support Enneagram Type Twos through their daily lives. If you’re new to crystals, your Enneagram is a great way to find a crystal that resonates with you. And if you’ve been on your crystal journey for some time, use your Enneagram to explore a crystal you may have never considered before!


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