7 Purple Crystals to Carry With You

There are crystals for every color in our vivid rainbow. From purple to violet to lavender to everything in between, purple crystals are abundant in the mineral world. And while every crystal has its own amazing healing abilities, purple crystals take cues from their vibrant hue.

So today, let’s take a deeper look at the meaning behind the color purple and at 7 of my favorite purple-hued crystals that should be a part of your crystal journey! 

Unpacking purple

When you think of the color purple, you probably think of royalty and wealth—and that’s not surprising as the color has long been associated with regality. But there is so much more to the color that lives at the intersection of red and blue.

Purple is the perfect balance between the calmness of blue and the stimulation of red. It puts you in the perfect mindset for introspection and focusing on yourself. It is also the color of spirituality—it awakens all your senses and gives you the power to tap into your intuition and make insightful observations.  

Violet is the color of the Crown Chakra, which helps you tap into a deeper spiritual understanding… much like the color purple!

7 purple crystals to bring on your crystal journey

1. Grape Agate

There is something so fun and whimsical about Grape Agate—sure there is the wonderful purple color, but the grape-like formations of this crystal always puts a smile on my face! Much like the color purple, Grape Agate is a very intuitive stone that works to connect the Crown and Third Eye Chakras. It’s a great crystal for helping you understand your dreams, so be sure to keep a piece beside your bed to let the power of the crystal work its magic while you sleep. You’ll start to notice when you wake up, you remember your dreams more and during sleep, you have more control over what happens in your dreams. 

2. Amethyst

Amethyst is one of the most recognizable crystals in the mineral world, and I would say it’s the most recognizable purple crystal for most people. Amethyst can cover every tone of the purple rainbow—from light lilac to deep eggplant. Amethyst has a calming energy that brings peace to your mind. The color purple is all about equilibrium—Amethyst takes this aspect of its color and uses it to help you find balance in your emotions. It can also help you build up your courage so you are confident when making big life decisions that otherwise feel overwhelming. 

3. Charoite

Only discovered in the 1940s, Charoite is an extremely interesting crystal as its rich purple hue is not transparent like most purple crystals. This purple beauty is often called a “stone of transformation” as it helps to transform negative energy and emotions into positive ones. It is also believed to bring inner strength and assertiveness to those who work with it. 

4. Purple Chalcedony

Another amazing protective purple crystal, Purple Chalcedony brings emotional protection from negative thoughts, energy, and emotions. Beyond its protective aspects, Purple Chalcedony is the perfect crystal to help you connect with your higher self. It can help you connect with your psychic abilities and offers you psychic protection. It is also a wonderful dream companion that can enhance your dream states and help you work on your lucid dreaming. 

5. Purple Agate

Make a huge statement with a slice of dyed Agate! The balancing effect that Agate has is amplified by the addition of the color purple. It is an excellent crystal for finding balance within your body, mind, and spirit. Purple Agate is a calming crystal that soothes your mind and builds a sense of security and safety within yourself. It also has the added benefit of enhancing your mental function—it improves concentration, deepens your analytical abilities, and intensifies your perception. 

6. Lepidolite

The stone of transition, Lepidolite is the purple crystal you want to carry when you are going through difficult changes in your life or when you are working to overcome tension and anxiety. Overall, Lepidolite is a sweet, nurturing crystal that works to stabilize your body, mind, and soul. In line with the color purple’s chakra connection, Lepidolite can help to clear any blockages you may be experiencing in the Heart, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras. Combined, these three chakras are the gateway to tapping into the divine connection and expanding our minds to higher levels of being. 

7. Purple Fluorite

Another amazing crystal to bring into the bedroom, Purple Fluorite can help protect you from bad dreams and negative thoughts that come to you at night. The more you work with Purple Fluorite the more protective it becomes, so consider keeping it on your bedside table each night. It is also an extremely powerful stress reliever that brings a calming, cleansing energy to your body and spirit. 

As you can probably see, while each crystal has its own unique healing properties, there are some commonalities that bring all these purple crystals together. They bring calming energy, help you during your dream state, have protective energies, and help you connect with your higher self. 

They are also wonderful for relieving stress and removing mental and spiritual blockages that are holding you back from reaching your full potential. 

So next time you’re exploring the crystal rainbow, take a closer look at some of the purple crystals you come across—you might just find the perfect one to help you on your crystal journey!

Keep Shining, Crystal Lovers!


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