The Healing Properties of Hematite

Get grounded and feel secure with Hematite! A powerful Root Chakra crystal, Hematite has a deep connection to the Earth’s energy. This connection creates a crystal that can keep you grounded in your mind, body, and spirit, while also helping you stay calm and positive. What more could you ask for?!

Hematite has many practical uses in our daily lives and I’m excited to explore them with you now. And this crystal even has an interplanetary secret that I can’t wait to share!

Let’s get geological!

Hematite is the mineral form of iron oxide and is sometimes called iron ore. This steely-grey to black crystal is a very common mineral on Earth. But did you know that it also occurs everywhere on Mars? That’s how the planet gets its distinctive red color!

Found on Earth, in places with standing water, Hematite precipitates out of the water and grows in layers at the bottom of any standing water source. It has also been known to form as the result of volcanic activity. 

While Hematite may precipitate out of water, it should not get wet or else it will start to rust. Be sure to clean your Hematite using a soft cloth to rub off any debris. 

Hematite can be found abundantly around the world. But over the years, most of the production comes from a handful of large deposits—they can be found in China, Australia, Brazil, India, Russia, Ukraine, South Africa, Canada, Venezuela, and the United States.

The healing properties of Hematite

Protection, security, stability, and grounded-ness—all key traits of Hematite. Its connection to the earth and the Root Chakra make this stone an amazing ally when you need to feel safe and secure.

Hematite can strengthen your connection with the earth, fostering a deep sense of security and stability. This grounding energy helps you feel present in your body—you feel centered and balanced even when the energy around you is chaotic and unsettled. 

The masculine energy of Hematite also taps into your logical brain. It can help you think more clearly, improve your concentration, and stimulate your focus. Sometimes called a “stone for the mind”, Hematite can also spur original thinking and creative thought. 

The magnetic energy of Hematite has the inherent power to balance opposites. Whether that be between the physical and spiritual worlds, the feminine and masculine, the positive and negative, Hematite brings energies that are often seen as opposites together in harmony.

Offering calming energy in times of stress, Hematite absorbs negative energy and also prevents you from being affected by negative energy coming from others. When you work with Hematite, you will find your self-esteem gets a boost, you feel more courageous, and you may even discover a deep-seated strength you never knew you possessed.

On the physical side of crystal healing, Hematite has long been used to cure headaches and migraines. It is one of my go-to solutions when I have a bad migraine. It is attributed to its high iron content, which has been linked to improving one’s circulation and blood flow.

How to use your Hematite

When you have a headache, there is nothing better than working with two Hematite spheres—place one on each of your temples and experience a reduction in pain and inflammation. The iron content, as well as the magnetism of the Hematite both, work together to help relieve the headache. 

Hematite is a great stone to keep with you no matter where you go—it makes a marvelous travel companion thanks to its protective and grounding energies. Consider carrying a Hematite palm stone or fidget stone with you and don’t forget to pack one into your carry-on next time you travel!

I also love to use Hematite wands to absorb negative energy and keep myself calm and centered during times of stress. But my favorite way to use a Hematite crystal wand is to place it under my pillow—this helps to bring balance into your life, all while you sleep!

Finally, the calming energy of Hematite makes it a wonderful crystal to use during your meditation practice. Whether you choose to hold a Hematite palm stone or even work with a Hematite sphere or two, adding this crystal to your meditation will help you stay grounded, calm, and connected to your body.

If you’re ready to embrace serenity and let go of the negativity, you can’t go wrong with Hematite. Have you worked with Hematite before? Are you ready to give it a try now? Let me know in the comments!

Keep shining, Crystal Lover!


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