Embracing Your Personal Feminine/Goddess Energy

How comfortable are you with your personal power? With your feminine power? With your inner Goddess?

Does the thought of any of those questions make you feel a bit uncomfortable? I can tell you there was (and sometimes still is!!) a time when the thought of my personal power made me so uncomfortable, I would literally want to shake it off. The thought of stepping into, let alone completely owning and sharing, my feminine power left me with a combination of shame, discomfort, fear, and a constant stream of negative self-talk (along the lines of: what if I offend someone? What if I come off as ‘too much’ for someone? What if someone is embarrassed by me? And those are just a FEW).

And you know what? That felt so. Damn. Heavy. I was exhausted.

I didn’t realize how much it was all weighing me down both energetically and physically. The energetic weight materialized as physical weight. And it is a cycle I have known before. When the fear of being true and being seen is allowed to run free, my actions are those that I believe will make me want to be looked at less. Something along the lines of “Well, if I weigh more, who will want to look at me? If no one looks at me, I won’t be judged. I won’t be ridiculed. I will be safe.” Holy HEAVY!

I knew I was here to spread light, to teach, to learn, to inspire, to be inspired. I knew I had a larger purpose here than what I was allowing in my life. And so I began the work. I began the digging in, the inner searching, the questioning, the healing, the rewiring, the affirming.

When I write that, it looks so non-threatening….and yet it was anything but. It shook me to my core and I needed some backup, some support. I leaned on my soul-sisters and soul-brothers to help me through it. My fur babies were endless supportive energies, snuggles, and kisses when I needed them. And I of course turned to my crystals!

Chrysocolla has been instrumental in my feminine-power, Goddess-energy journey! The energy of chrysocolla helped me to remember that my personal power, my feminine power, my Goddess energy are there regardless of what I do to try to push them down or hide them. And since they are there, I needed to figure out what I had to change. How could I get really comfortable with integrating them into my way of being? And why did I want to? Once I knew the answer, I knew there was no turning back. 

I wanted to become more whole and authentic. Whoa.

All the behaviors, the self-limiting beliefs, the layers of self-doubt and fear were stopping me from being my whole, authentic self! Living an authentic life, a connected life, a meaningful life has become so important to me. I wasn’t willing to let my fear prevent me from experiencing that any longer.

As I worked more with Chrysocolla and started digging in to release old patterns, I made room for light to fill more of the spaces that were occupied by heaviness. Chrysocolla is a very gentle stone that works with you by allowing you to see your divine feminine power. This stone helps you alleviate fear, guilt, or anxiety that is accompanied with new opportunities. It helps you push through any stagnant energy and get started on the things that you have been procrastinating or afraid of starting. It is the gentle push that is sometimes needed to move forward on our journey. It has been especially helpful at allowing me to acknowledge any negative feelings, be compassionate with myself, and then letting those feelings go.  

And by doing the digging, the healing, and the releasing, I made room for self-appreciation, self-love and started treating myself with more kindness, love and compassion!

If you are ready to start working with Chrysocolla, feel free to try one of the suggestions here!

  • You can set an intention or goal by sitting with your Chrysocolla tumble or heart, focusing on what you want to achieve and letting the energy start to flow through you.

  • You can start adding Chrysocolla to your daily jewelry. This will allow the energy to work with you throughout the day

  • You can try sleeping with a tumbled or polished piece to allow the energy to work with you while your body and mind rest.

These are just a few suggestions! Tap into your intuition and see what feels best for you. Remember, stressing about something without taking action will keep you where you are. Focusing on a situation and taking action will help bring about a solution and move you further into your journey. Embrace your beauty and feel comfortable in your own power!   

Shine on Crystal Lover!


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