Spring Solstice Brings SO Much Growth!

Do you love spring as much as I do?? The newness, the anticipation, the underlying hum of possibility…I love it all!

Spring is a time of rebirth, of new growth, of new paths and we are doing just that here!! I have made the emotional decision to let the Earth Energy Stones name rest and include all of the crystal beauties, classes, memberships, jewelry, and of course the ongoing information that I am so called to share all under the Sara Bryki Co. name.

This was such a difficult decision for me!! Earth Energy Stones has been a part of me and my life since 2008 and it felt like I was losing a dear friend. It was time to honor all that I learned while Earth Energy Stones was growing and to say Thank You. As I am called to share even more, teach even more and spread not only the crystal light, but also help others to shine their Soul Light, I knew the time was right to bring it all under one umbrella.  This has allowed me to have one beautiful, cohesive space for you to come to find not only your top-quality crystal beauties and jewelry, but also inspiration, tips to help you on your #crystaljourney and your #souljourney, and all the info on upcoming events and exciting news!  

And don’t worry, the live shows are still going to be happening!! In addition, I am going to add recorded shows and I could NOT be more excited about this!! I am excited to be able to have a higher-quality video to show you all the gorgeous details of the Crystal Beauties!

Our email system will be updated within the coming weeks to all come from SaraBryki.com. Until then, you may still see emails coming from earthenergycrystals.com. We don’t want to rush switching them until we know they will work without a hitch! We don’t want to miss out on ANY communication with you!

Change and growth can feel a bit intimidating, but I promise you it is always worth it!!

I encourage you to use this gorgeous spring energy to dig in for some inner cleansing, to get comfortable with welcoming the unknown with open arms, and to send gratitude for the delicious sense of anticipation and possibility that comes with this time of year. Some wonderful crystals to use during this time are Black Moonstone for new beginnings, Septarian to help you see your next steps, and Moss Agate to bring in some new growth and fresh energy! 

Tons of love and light to you!


There Are No “Rules” When It Comes To Working With Crystals


Embracing Your Personal Feminine/Goddess Energy