4 Ways You Can Use A Crystal Palmstone

Here at Sara Bryki Co, we love a good palm stone! They are one of the most versatile types of crystals and are a great way for people new to their journey to enter into the world of crystals. 

Sometimes called a touch stone, palm stones come in all different shapes and types of crystals. They are generally on the “smaller” side of crystals—they can fit in your palm after all!

The simplest way to work with your palm stone is to do exactly what its name implies, hold it in your hand. Just by holding a palm stone in your hand, you can connect with the energy of the crystal and reconnect with your intentions for the day.

Carrying a palm stone with you is a great way to be able to stay in sync with your intentions throughout the day. And the size makes them perfect to fit into your pocket or your purse. Any time throughout the day you can simply hold onto your palm stone, take a few deep breaths and reconnect with the energetic vibe of the crystal. 

But there are so many other ways for you to use palm stones in your everyday life. So let’s get into it!

1. Meditate with Palm Stones

A wonderful way to enjoy the energy of a palm stone is to meditate with it. They are extremely easy to integrate into your meditation practice—it’s as easy as holding a palm stone in your hand. You can also hold one crystal in each hand to create a sense of balance in your body to help achieve balance in your mind and energy. 

All crystals can be used in your meditation practice. It’s all about setting an intention and using a crystal whose energy works well with that intention. I love to use Rose Quartz palm stones during meditation. The high vibration of Rose Quartz is wonderful as it helps you tune into self-love, stillness, and happiness while you meditate. 

Satin Spar Selenite is another great crystal for meditation—it is one of the more commonly used crystals as it helps you connect to a higher consciousness which is ideal for meditation.

2. Feel Protected with Palm Stones

Palm stones work very well as protection talismans because they are so transportable. 

As they are easy to keep on your person, by putting one in your purse, pocket, or somewhere else on your person, you can keep the protective powers with you wherever you go. And who wouldn’t want to be continually protected from unwanted influences?

If you are looking for a protective palm stone to keep with you, I would recommend Black Tourmaline which blocks and repels negative energy. You could also choose a Smoky Quartz palm stone, which will transform that negative energy into positive and supportive energy for you throughout the day.  

3. Work on Healing with Palm Stones

Many crystals can help you with healing your emotional and physical bodies, mind, and spirit. When you want to experience the healing effects of a crystal, use a palm stone on the area or chakra you are looking to heal. 

If you’re struggling with the loss of a loved one, I always turn to a Lepidolite palm stone. Place it on your heart or your forehead (to connect with the crown chakra) to connect to its soothing, calming energies and help soften the sharp pain of grief that is ever-present at the beginning and ebbs and flows later on.

It’s hard to find someone nowadays who doesn’t have some stress in their lives. Finding a way to heal from that stress can make a huge difference in how you live and enjoy your daily life. Clear Quartz is a wonderful crystal for stress relief—a multi-chakra crystal, it can also be placed on your heart to help you release your stress and worries.

4. Express Your Emotions with Palm Stones

Have you ever tried journaling? It can be an extremely therapeutic practice to release your emotions and thoughts that seem to get trapped in your mind. You can use journaling to release your frustrations in a healthy way, to manifest your hope and dreams, and even to work through your thoughts to gain a new perspective. 

Next time you are journaling, pick up a palm stone to bring more mindfulness and added energy to your practice. Labradorite is a great crystal to add to your journaling. This magical stone is a wonderful source of inspiration and perspective, plus it helps you see the positive lessons that you may have otherwise missed.

If you are stumped and looking for guidance on journaling with crystals as well as connecting with some of the most popular crystals, you may want to see if my Crystal Connection Online Retreat is a good fit for you!! One of the bonuses for embarking on this crystal journey retreat is a Journaling Guide! You can hop on over to connectwithyourcrystals.com for all of the info!

The Perfect Crystal Companion

The portability and affordability of palm stones make them a great entry point for those looking to start their crystal journey. They can be used in your crystal grids, fit perfectly into your pocket or purse, and the good new is that most crystals can be found as palm stones. 

How do you use your palm stones? Drop a comment below and let me know which is your favorite!


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