The Healing Properties of Amazonite

Have you discovered the power of owning your truth and living confidently within it?

If you’re still working to find your authentic voice, then it’s time to pick up a piece of Amazonite—this stunning emerald green-blue crystal is perfect for when you need a boost of authenticity… among other things!

This crystal is all about positivity, empowerment, and success.

So let’s take a dip into the cool blue-green waters of Amazonite! 

Let’s get geological!

Amazonite is named after the Amazon River—its water-like colors bring to mind the majestic and exotic blue-green river. Amazonite is only found in one area of the Amazon, Brazil. But Amazonite doesn’t stick too close to the river, as it is also often found in Canada, Mozambique, India, Madagascar, Russia, and the United States.

Amazonite is part of the feldspar family of crystals and its stunning color is thanks to the mixture of lead and water. 

Amazonite has long been used for jewelry, decoration, and adornments—for at least four thousand years! It can be found in Tutankhamen’s treasures, on the shields of the Amazonian tribes of the 10th century, and it is even believed to have been the third stone in Moses’ breastplate! 

The healing properties of Amazonite

Amazonite is a crystal that is packed full of amazing energies—and I love all of them!

There are so many healing properties of Amazonite that can help you make a positive impact in your life. The first thing I always think of when it comes to Amazonite is its ability to help you find your true, authentic voice. It is a wonderful communication stone that lets you speak your truth in all avenues of your life. And beyond that, it serves as the inspiration you need to keep living and sharing that truth with others every single day.

Amazonite is also a wonderful stone to help you set and maintain your boundaries. We all need boundaries in our lives, but sometimes it is difficult to pinpoint what those boundaries should be. Working with Amazonite, you’ll be able to identify the boundaries you need in your life—this alone is such a game-changer. But it also supports you once you’ve established your boundaries to ensure you are enforcing those boundaries.

We often look for pink and red-ish crystals when we are looking for crystals to support love in our lives. But this bluish-green stunner resonates with the Heart Chakra and is excellent at balancing your emotions and the needs of both your feminine and masculine sides. If you’re searching for love or need to mend a relationship that has been suffering, Amazonite should be in your crystal collection.

The energy of Amazonite brings you the courage to be yourself, and the empowerment to know who you are! Who doesn’t need that now and then?!

How to use your Amazonite

Speaking your truth and staying true to that truth is a big task to undertake. So why not give yourself a leg up, all day, every day? If you’re looking for a communicative boost throughout the day, wearing a piece of Amazonite jewelry is the way to do it. Become comfortable speaking your truth by keeping Amazonite with you 24/7.

Amazonite is also a great crystal to work into your mediation practice. Whether you place an Amazonite tower in your meditation space or hold onto an Amazonite companion heart during your practice, this crystal will help you tackle negative emotions. It keeps you from internalizing negative thoughts and energies. 

If you work in a customer-facing environment or you work closely with co-workers, Amazonite is a great crystal to have with you during your workday. Amazonite helps you constructively share your thoughts and feelings and helps to steady your emotions. What more could you ask for when faced with a difficult customer or a manager who doesn’t understand you? 

Amazonite works well in your home, too. Bring soothing energy of peace and tranquility into your space and leave toxic emotions at the door! You can place Amazonite anywhere in your home to benefit from its wonderful energies!

I can’t wait to hear how you incorporate Amazonite into your life! Drop a comment below and let me know how this gorgeous blue-green stone transformed your life!

Keep shining, Crystal Lover!


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