The Healing Properties of Aquamarine

Have you ever wanted to bottle up the feeling of the ocean and bring it with you? Aquamarine is the next best thing!

The cool, calming energy radiating from Aquamarine helps you relieve stress, take change in stride, and learn to appreciate yourself a little bit more. I love that Aquamarine is such a powerful tool for dealing with grief—this blue crystal can help you get through the difficulty of losing someone close to you.

Let’s break down all the healing properties of Aquamarine and how you can use it in your everyday life.  

The geological properties of Aquamarine

One of the most popular gemstones in the world, Aquamarine can be found in most jewelry stores across the United States. Aquamarine forms in cavities below the Earth’s surface in the magma during the final stages of crystallization—the cavities give the crystals enough space to grow! 

Aquamarine is a member of the beryl family and is blue like the water they’re named for—they range from light to medium blue and can be such a pale blue that they almost seem clear.

Brazil is the world’s leading producer of gem-quality Aquamarine—and has been for over 100 years! It is also found in Afghanistan, Kenya, Pakistan, Russia, Madagascar, Malawi, Tanzania, India, Sri Lanka, and the United States. 

The meaning of Aquamarine

Calming and emotionally cleansing, working with Aquamarine feels like you’re taking a dip in the crystal clear waters of the Caribbean. The soothing energy of Aquamarine works wonders on your nerves, but that is just the start. 

Aquamarine is a Throat Chakra and Heart Chakra crystal—this connection helps you realize that you are, in fact, a beautiful person inside and out. Aquamarine helps to build your inner strength and resilience. It also pumps you up through gentle nurturing to let you step into your light. It is an amazing manifestation tool that helps you take your dreams and turn them into reality.

Aquamarine’s calming nature helps if you have a hard time adjusting to change—it can help you become more flexible and adapt when you’re faced with change. 

If you are stuck in a cycle of negative self-talk and blame, Aquamarine can help you release those negative behaviors so you can move forward. The calm and supportive energy Aquamarine brings lets you see the wonderful things you bring to the world and helps align your thoughts and speech to that fact!

Aquamarine is a powerful crystal for helping you through a period of grief. It helps you release your attachment to someone’s physical presence. When someone passes, it is this physical presence that you are grieving. Aquamarine helps you take comfort in the love and spiritual connection that still exists, even after their passing.

It’s a wonderful communication stone, as well. If you have a hard time with any form of communication—from public speaking or speaking frankly to your friends to setting boundaries at work or sharing your needs with your loved ones—Aquamarine brings you strength and helps to keep your voice steady and powerful. It leaves you clear-headed so you can communicate with clarity.

How to use your Aquamarine

Aquamarine is an amazing stone for anyone who needs more calm in their life or is working through the passing of a loved one. It brings serenity, clear-headedness, and a newfound appreciation for who you are.

Wearing Aquamarine jewelry is a great way to soak up all the amazing calming energy emanating from this crystal. You get the benefit of having the power of Aquamarine with you all day, helping to keep your emotions balanced, your nerves in check, and your voice strong.

I also love keeping Aquamarine in the bathroom at home… what better place to channel the energy of the sea than in your bathroom! At the end of a long day, having a piece of Aquamarine near you while you complete your before-bed routine is a great way to help remove the stress from your day. 

Aquamarine is also a great meditation partner—it helps bring you new insights from your higher self. When holding your piece of Aquamarine, focus on yourself and your thoughts. The clarity of mind and calmness this blue crystal brings gives you the peace of mind to truly focus on your meditation practice. 

So, the next time you’re feeling stressed or need a bit of peace in your life, pick up a piece of Aquamarine! And once you do, let me know how you’re using your Aquamarine by dropping a comment below. 

Keep Shining, Crystal Lovers!


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