The Healing Properties of Septarian

Septarian is one of those stones that is a little surprising when you start working with it! The energies of Septarian are not what one would think they would be upon first look. Septarian is made up of three main materials which include limestone, orange calcite, and brown aragonite. The three stones separately have their own unique energies and yet when they come together, they form something completely different!  

Why Septarian is so amazing! 

Septarian’s main purpose is to help illuminate the next steps for you on your spiritual journey. And it does this in a few really beautiful ways! Septarian has a very strong 6th Chakra energy and will help to clear out any blockages in this chakra (also known as your Third Eye Chakra.) This is where you are going to receive the information and receive the guidance that Septarian will help to bring forward for you. In addition, Septarian has a wonderful grounding energy which is fantastic for helping you to stay in that connected, grounded space. Staying in that space is what will help you to bring that information that you receive into your physical world. The third type of energy that Septarian has is strong 3rd Chakra energy. Your 3rd Chakra is also known as your Solar Plexus Chakra. This is your manifestation powerhouse as well as the seat of your personal power. It is from this space where you can bring to fruition and create that which you want in your life.  The combination of these three energies in Septarian makes it so useful to not only receive guidance but also to take action and to see those results in your life!  

Working with Septarian 

So, you may be wondering “Ok, sounds great, buuut how do I do that?” And that's a great question! There are a few ways I recommend working with Septarian.  


The first is through meditation. If you are clear on an area of your life that you would like to focus on, meditating with Septarian while holding the intention to receive guidance and information on that particular aspect is going to be extremely helpful for you. If you are looking for general guidance, meditating with Septarian will help you to tap into your inner wisdom and connection to your spiritual path. Start by holding the intention/focus in your mind's eye as well as in your heart center. Connect with the energy of Septarian during your meditation and welcome the energy up through your hands, and see the energy combining with the intention and focus you set for your meditation. Welcome in that wonderful Septarian energy and be open for any information that it has for you, anything that it will illuminate for you. You can ask specific questions, you can ask for general guidance, or you can simply sit and enjoy the connection and see what unfolds for you. Septarian will work with you to bring forward the innate wisdom and the innate answers that you already have within you! It keeps you grounded in this physical world while reaching up into the higher realms and connecting with your higher self and your soul self to bring those answers that you already have within to your conscious mind. 

Sleep Aid 

Another method I recommend is to sleep with a piece of Septarian nearby. This can help to bring some really great information and guidance through to you while you are in a dream state. Dreams can be very beneficial for us to get a glimpse into parts of our subconscious. It can help us to be aware of things that may be under the surface and that may be bothering us that we may not have brought forward fully into our conscious world yet. And this can happen for a number of reasons! It may be that we are resistant to acknowledging something that is bothering us, it may be that we don't want to face something that we are afraid of, it may be that we are scared of the actions and the choices that we may have to make after we bring that realization into our consciousness. Septarian helps you to know that regardless of what comes forward, you already know what is absolutely best for you. You have all the wisdom and all the knowledge already within! 

Wear it! 

I also love wearing Septarian in jewelry or carrying it as a companion stone. Using it in this manner throughout your day will help you to have flashes of inspiration and “a-ha!” moments as you go through your daily life. The grounding energy of Septarian helps to keep you connected, stable, and calm. The 3rd Chakra energy will help to fuel your personal will and the 6th Chakra energy will help you to receive intuitive hits throughout your day. You will find that you innately trust and rely more on your intuition!  Septarian is a very unassuming-looking stone and that just makes its amazing energies and properties that much more surprising and enjoyable! 

I would love to hear about your experiences with Septarian in the comments below!  

Have a beautiful, crystal-filled day, and keep shining Crystal Lover!  


The Healing Properties of Rhodochrosite


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