The Healing Properties of Rhodochrosite

Rhodochrosite is not only gorgeous to look at but it's also amazing to work with! Rhodochrosite is the epitome of self-love energy. It is amazing for helping to bring forward your innate talents and gifts and is overall a wonderful stone for emotional healing.  

Why Rhodochrosite is so amazing! 

Rhodochrosite is wonderful for helping to heal any wounds or traumas that you may have experienced throughout your life. These types of experiences can drain energy and cause us to be blinded to our unique light. When we have unhealed wounds, it takes energy for those to continue to reside within our spiritual and emotional bodies. They draw energy that could be used towards developing and enhancing the gifts and shining the light we have. Working with Rhodochrosite can help to bring those traumas forward in a loving and supportive way so you can heal them, release them, and free up that energy to use in a more loving manner towards yourself.  

Rhodochrosite is fantastic for helping you not only see what your beautiful gifts are but also to be more comfortable with them. When you are more comfortable with shining your light and using your gifts, you allow yourself to grow within! Each one of us has our own unique abilities, our own unique talents, and our own light that we bring to the world. That individual light contributes to the beauty of the whole!   

A stone of self-love! 

Rhodochrosite is all about helping you see who you are at your core, see clearly what your gifts are, and to fully see the brightness of your light. It is absolutely a stone of self-love!  When you fully and truly love yourself and you can see how amazing you are, doing the inner work of healing past wounds isn't as scary. It then becomes a beautiful gift to yourself and is work you are willing to do in order to allow yourself grace and freedom from the hold that wounds and traumas can have.  

Your light, your gifts, and what you bring is unlike anyone else. This is where I have had some people say: “Ok, but how is it then that there are so many people doing the same kind of thing? I don’t think I have more to offer in that area.” And to that point, I remind people that everybody has a unique energy and it's this energy that infuses whatever it is you do with your essence, with your vibrations and that is what will resonate with the people it is meant to resonate with. This is why there can be so many people who do the same thing and yet people will react differently to each person.  

Rhodochrosite helps you to let go of any insecurities, fears, or questions that you may have about letting your light shine and using your talents and gifts. It is such an amazing, supportive, loving energy to work with!  Let your inner child come forth! 

Even though Rhodochrosite is so helpful on a deep level, it is also all about fun, play, and letting your inner child be nurtured! This can be a bit of a surprise given how serious the topics are that this stone can really help with. However, when you look at how it helps you to heal those past wounds those past traumas, and it can even help you do past life work as well, it makes sense then that we are healing that inner child, healing those inner issues and letting ourselves be fully who we are here to be.  

When we are looking at ourselves as a whole, part of that includes our inner child. Some ways to nurture our inner child can be spending time outside, letting nature fill us up, and helping us to be connected and grounded. Any type of play, joy, or laughter is always to help nurture our inner child!  

All of these aspects can get muted and covered up when we are dealing with past hurts past wounds and past traumas. When we can do that work when we allow ourselves that space and that time when we give ourselves that gift of healing, we are making space and making room for our inner child to come forth to bring more joy to bring more fun and to bring more peace, satisfaction, and contentment into our lives! 

How you can use Rhodochrosite 

Any way that you choose to use Rhodochrosite will be beneficial for you. If you are looking for a direct way to use it, try placing Rhodochrosite over your heart chakra and meditating. This helps you to connect from a heart space with the Rhodochrosite and can bring about some powerful healing. When you do this work, it is going to be important to create a very safe space for yourself both physically and energetically. Keep some beautiful grounding protection stones around you (Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, and Jet are all great ones for this), try visualizing protective white light around you, and reach out to your angels to ask for protection during that time as well.  

If you are looking for a bit more of an indirect method, it can also be very helpful to sleep with Rhodochrosite close by. You can try holding a piece as you fall asleep or placing a piece underneath your pillow. This will allow it to work with you subconsciously and energetically while your body is rejuvenating during sleep. This may bring forward some dreams as well that can help you to sort out and identify underlying wounds and traumas that may need to be healed and released. If you are going to sleep with Rhodochrosite, also set the intention that you are going to be protected and safe while you are in that sleep state.  

For everyday use, wearing Rhodochrosite as jewelry can help to infuse your day with more love! It can help to remind you of how important it is to love yourself unconditionally and can help to bring more connection in your life!  As you can see, Rhodochrosite is an amazing love energy stone! Whenever you feel called to work with Rhodochrosite I have no doubt that it will be loving and powerful.  

Have a beautiful day and keep shining Crystal Lover! 


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