The Healing Properties of Smoky Quartz

Let's dive into Smoky Quartz!  Smoky Quartz is one of the most useful crystals for daily life (in my opinion!!). Smoky Quartz is first and foremost an absolutely fantastic grounding crystal! It has a very strong connection to the earth, and it uses that amazing earth connection as the foundation for all the multiple ways it works with you!  

An amazing crystal for grounding!  

Let's start with grounding and let's chat about how important it is in our everyday lives. Grounding is the main way we can stay centered and connected in our bodies and also connected to the earth. Think of grounding for us in the same way as the grounding of electrical currents. It is extremely important for electrical lines to be grounded! That means if there is any type of electrical surge or there is excess electricity, it has somewhere to go and doesn't blow out all of your electronics.   

The same theory and principle apply to us! We have energy fields and we can also attract energies. It is easy to get to a point where we have excess energy and if we are not properly grounded it can, in essence, short us out! This is when we can hit burnout, become overwhelmed, and all-around just feel a little disconnected and maybe even a little out of control. Smoky Quartz has an amazing energy to help us regulate that energy flow, stay connected to the earth (so she can share her beautiful stabilizing energy with us) and help us stay connected to our physical bodies.   

When we are grounded and stabilized, we are in a really good position to make choices and behave in ways that are in alignment with who we are. We are poised to be proactive and create what we want in our lives rather than to be reactive. It also allows us to be more comfortable with allowing for flow in our lives! Doesn’t that all just sound amazing??    

Ready for some heavy-duty transformation?  

Another superpower of Smoky Quartz is its ability to transmute negative energy into positive! It again uses its connection to the earth to accomplish this by taking any negative energy that's around the crystal, or if you are wearing or carrying Smoky Quartz it will take any negative energy that's around you, and absorbs it into the stone. From there, Smoky Quartz sends it down into the earth to be cleansed, recycled, and re-energized as positive energy. It then draws all of that beautiful positive energy up and surrounds the area (and you!) in grounded, stable, positive earth energy!   

Because of its ability to transmute energies, it is very important to keep Smoky Quartz energetically clear. It doesn't need to be cleared as often as most stones and crystals that you may use daily, but you'll be able to feel when it’s time. If you start to notice that it just doesn't seem to be quite as effective or maybe you just kind of feel a little bit of a sluggish energy with it then you know it's time to clear it out! You can do this by running it under water while setting the intention that the running water is clearing out any heavy, stuck energy and any energy that is not inherently a part of that crystal. Another great way to clear it is to use Selenite! You can check out more info on Selenite here!    

But wait, there’s more!  

Did you know Smoky Quartz is also one of the best crystals out there for organization and focus? It is absolutely an energy that you need if you find yourself having a difficult time organizing your time, organizing your space, or organizing activities within your life. It's a great crystal for students and for teachers and it's an amazing energy to work with any time you really need to focus on any one particular topic. And here again, is where the grounding aspect of Smoky Quartz comes in and why it is so helpful! When we are grounded and stable, it is so much easier for us to focus and concentrate!    

I rely on Smoky Quartz for this more than I can tell you! You can ask anyone on my team, and they will tell you, I am not the most organized person! I tend to operate more in ideas and creativity and that is my strength. However, what that means is that I need a lot of help when it comes to actually organizing the programs that I want to bring forward, organizing the information that I want to share, and organizing what it is that I want to accomplish. That’s where Smoky Quartz comes in for me! I keep a gigantic cluster of Smoky Quartz on my desk (I actually have had to touch it a few times to help me finish up this post! Lol!!)     

Need some loving guidance?  

The grounding aspect of Smoky Quartz is fantastic for helping us to bring spiritual guidance, information, and the next steps down into our physical world. I use it quite a bit for this purpose! Smoky Quartz is also going to help you really benefit from the guidance you've received. And it's so important to take action! We can receive guidance all day long and we can receive tons of useful information from our guides and our inner selves, but if we don't actually bring it into the physical world and do something with it to affect this life, then what's the point?   

A great way to do this would be to meditate with Smoky Quartz. Focus on the guidance or information you have received and also focus on the actions you would like to take. Then visualize yourself taking those actions, visualize the results of you taking those actions. The results could be anything from a feeling of relief, a feeling of calm, it could be an accomplishment, or it could be something that appears in your life (just to name a few). The important thing is to visualize and see it happening. The more you visualize it happening and feel the emotions of it happening or having happened, the more you are attracting the energy for the end results!  I would love to hear how Smoky Quartz has helped you and how you use it in your everyday life!  

Keep shining Crystal Lover!   


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