The Benefits of Full Moon Energy

It’s time for a Blue Moon!! And on Halloween! How lucky are we?! A Blue Moon is the second of two full moons to occur in a single calendar month. Blue moons typically occur every 2 ½ - 3 years. The phrase “Once in a blue moon” came from this lunar occurrence to represent something out of the ordinary or rare.

Full moons are a wonderful time not only for you energetically but also for your crystals!

Crystals Are Affected By Outside Energy

Did you know that most crystals absorb and hold outside energies that affect their innate vibration? As you work with your crystals, either through meditation, wearing them as jewelry or having them in your home/office, they pick up energetic gunk that will get in the way of their inherent energy. This is why it's important to cleanse and clear your crystals and crystal jewelry regularly!  While there are several ways to do that, the energy of a full moon is a beautiful way to purify, reset, and charge your crystals! So, how does one go about doing this? There are many ways you can use the full moon to charge your crystals. The following practice is one that many people use, and it can add a lot to your crystals’ energetic health.

Using Full Moon Energy to Clear Your Crystals


Just after sunset, lay your crystals on the earth or any natural surface. If it is humid or there is a chance of rain, you will want to protect any water-soluble crystals or crystals that should not get wet. You don't want any of your cherished crystal beauties dissolving or taking on any damage! Next, create a sacred space around your crystals. You can use music, incense, chanting, whatever feels best for you. 

After you have created your sacred space, it's now time to set your intention for the full moon energy to connect with your crystals and cleanse and recharge them. You can do this as you lay each piece or after you have set out all of your crystals. Feel free to speak your intention out loud or in your mind. Both thoughts and vocalized words are powerful and carry their own unique energy vibrations. 

You can leave your crystals in the moonlight for however long you feel they need to be there to release any accumulated energy and to fully recharge. Trust your heart, inner voice, and intuition to not only know what your crystals need but to guide you during this process of revitalization!


If you are unable to leave your crystals outside, you can do this inside as well! If you have a window you want to place your crystal in front of, that is great. If not, setting the intention and creating the sacred space inside for your crystals is such a powerful and beautiful thing to do and will absolutely allow them to be cleared and recharged by the full moon energy! Remember, the full moon energy is strong (just think of the way the tides are affected by the moon phases!!) and the fact that your crystals are inside will not stop that energy from clearing and charging your crystal beauties.

Using Full Moon Energy to Clear Your Aura

Full moon energy is not only amazing for your crystals, but you can use it for your own energy clearing as well!! Standing outside in full moonlight is a wonderful way to connect with the goddess moon energy while also focusing on grounding to the earth. Allowing those energies to surround and move through you will help you to release blockages, clear out stale energy, allow outdated beliefs to be released, and will leave you feeling more energized and at peace. You can also create a sacred space for yourself as you did for your crystals! This will amplify the intention of the practice and help you to feel truly supported.

There is no denying full moon energy is beautiful, powerful, and cleansing! I hope you enjoy this time and the full moons to come! 

Keep shining Crystal Lover!


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