The Perfect Crystals for Enneagram Type One - The Reformer

The Enneagram—the latest personality test sweeping the world—is so much more than just a personality test. It’s a growth tool, a helpful look into what makes someone tick, and, honestly, it’s just a lot of fun!

Crystals are great for personal growth and when you pair your personality with a crystal, it is magic. That’s why I’m breaking down the perfect crystals for each Enneagram Type—to help you find a crystal that helps you bring out your best!

Let’s get started with Type One.

Not sure what your Enneagram is? Take the test and find out!

Type One—The Reformer

Often called The Idealist or The Reformer, Enneagram Type Ones are rational and idealistic. They have strong principles, are often considered perfectionists, and are extremely ethical. Ones have a strong sense of right and wrong that guides all of their actions. 

They are always working towards changing the world—they want to make the world a better place but are afraid of making mistakes. They are well organized and hold themselves to high standards which can sometimes lead to Ones being self-critical. 

Ones are driven by a fear of being corrupt, immoral, or wrong—it is this fear that drives them towards perfectionism. Above all else, they want to be good, have integrity, and live a balanced life.

At their best, Ones are exceptionally wise, bring a realistic view to all situations, and are noble.

7 Perfect Crystals for Enneagram Type One

1. Tiger Eye

Enneagram Type One personalities tend to see the world in extreme dualities—good versus bad, right versus wrong, moral versus immoral. With this dichotomic worldview, it can be hard to find mental, spiritual, and emotional balance. That is where Tiger Eye can help Type Ones—this crystal is great for finding a balance between extremes and seeing all the shades of grey in the world. Tiger Eye will also help you stay grounded and protected, thanks to its strong earth energy.

2. Jade 

Perhaps one of the most perfectly matched crystals for the Enneagram Type One personality is Jade. This crystal is linked to purity—this doesn’t mean those that work with it are completely pure, but instead, it helps you keep a clear mind and heart to embrace all aspects of yourself. Jade helps to bring harmony to your life and surrounds you with heart energy. This green crystal is known for helping you embrace self-love and self-acceptance. 

3. Onyx 

The road traveled by Type Ones is not always an easy one. As activists and idealists, Type Ones need to consistently work on their self-control, self-discipline, and self-mastery. Onyx is the perfect crystal to help you build up your self-control—it can anchor you into a stable pattern. This beautiful black crystal brings inner strength and endurance with it and helps you see through even your most difficult tasks. 

4. Carnelian 

Let go of your fears and take action, Type Ones! With the fiery energy of Carnelian, you can do just that! Carnelian brings vitality into your life and amplifies your power—just what you need to release your fears of being wrong or immoral and take action towards your goals. Carnelian will inspire a positive outlook and help to keep you motivated while you’re working towards your goals.

5. Pyrite 

Enneagram Type One personalities have a lot of drive—they have lofty goals that they are continuously working towards. With Pyrite by their side, Type Ones can harness the crystal’s energy to magnify their ambition and motivations to accomplish what is most important to them. Pyrite helps you tap into your potential and make the very most of it. And best of all, Pyrite will also help keep Type Ones grounded and stable while they pursue their goals. 

6. Rhodochrosite

Rhodochrosite is a wonderful crystal for the socially-minded Type One who often finds themself guided by their moral compass. Type Ones can be hindered by their fear of being wrong—this can hold them back from taking action when it is needed. Rhodochrosite helps them move past their fear and take action to what is truly important in their heart of hearts. This stunning pink-hued crystal brings supportive, loving energy into your life and helps embrace your gifts and let go of any insecurities you may have.

7. Mookaite Jasper 

Type Ones are extremely driven. And while this is usually an excellent aspect of their personalities, they can become so wrapped up in work and thinking about work that it consumes all of their time. Mookaite Jasper is the reminder Type Ones need to embrace their inner child. Often referred to as the stone of everlasting youth, Mookaite Jasper reminds you to stop thinking and working and take some time to feel and play!

I love the power that combining your Enneagram with crystals can create. It’s a wonderful way to explore new crystals that you may not have considered before. If you’re a Type One, I can’t wait to hear from you! 

Let me know in the comments below which crystals do you use that support your personality traits and why you find them so effective!


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