The Healing Properties of Agate

Grounding and stabilization are things we all need in our lives. And that’s where Agate comes in! 

Sometimes called the stabilizer, Agate’s slower vibrational frequencies make it the perfect crystal to help you re-evaluate and rebalance your life. And the wide variety of Agate variations offers a spectrum of energy vibrations that will leave you with tons of options for choosing a favorite (or favorites!)

I’m so excited to unpack for you the amazing energy of Agate —let’s get into it! 

Let’s get geological!

Agate is the name used to refer to several varieties of banded chalcedony, a mineral in the Quartz family. 

Agate tends to form around pre-existing rocks, making it difficult to accurately determine the date of formation. They are commonly found within the cavities of volcanic rocks, where layers of silica-rich fluids from the volcanic material build on each other. As the stone develops, these layers create the bands of chalcedony which often alternate with layers of crystalline quartz. 

Agate occurs in a wide range of colors including brown, white, red, gray, pink, red, and black. 

Deposits of Agate can be found in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico, Poland, Botswana, India, Australia, and the United States (Oregon, Arizona, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Michigan).

Varieties of Agate

Agate comes in a few varieties, all of which are beautiful and have different energies. Here are a few of the most common variations.

1. Blue Lace Agate

Banded in light blue and white, Blue Lace Agate is a great communication stone—it can help when you need to make yourself heard or become more articulate. Blue Lace Agate builds up your confidence to allow you to share your highest truth with the world. It has a centering, calming energy that can help you soothe your nerves and take your disposition from worried and stressed to rooted and stable.

2. Green Moss Agate

Although not banded, Green Moss Agate is still considered an Agate. It is chalcedony with dendritic inclusions and has a moss green color. If you experience mood swings or have a lot of emotional drama in your life, Green Moss Agate can help to calm your emotional body. Its peaceful and grounding energy brings with it a feeling of completeness and inner stability. I love Green Moss Agate because it is a crystal that is beneficial to everyone—its gentle, wholesome vibrations make it a universal crystal. 

3. Red Agate

Ready to bring some get-up-and-go into your life? Red Agate (also known as Carnelian - yep, Carnelian!) is a powerful Sacral Chakra crystal. It can boost your personal power and physical energy, give you courage, and boost your creativity and compassion. Now, that’s a powerful crystal! Need some motivation to tackle a project or finish writing a school paper? Keep a piece of Red Agate in your pocket or on your desk to benefit from its get-up-and-go energy!

4. Dendritic Agate

This gorgeous variation of Agate is usually gray, white, or sometimes a soft purple with intricate tree or fern-like inclusions. Dendritic Agate is the best crystal to use when you are working on yourself—it can help you dig deep to find the truths about who you are. Use this crystal to overcome feelings of shame, guilt, envy, resentment, and other self-destructive emotions you may be grappling with.

5. Natural Agate

Natural agate is the most common form of Agate. If you have any agate wind chimes, candle holders, or lamps, most likely they are natural Agate. The amazing energetic properties of this traditional form of Agate - slow & steady, stabilizing, strengthening, and supportive - are innate to all variations of Agate. Next time you're looking at a piece of natural Agate, hold it up in front of a window during the daylight and see the beautiful banding and Quartz patterns jump out as the sunlight highlights Mother Nature’s artistic skills!

6. Crazy Lace Agate

Looking to bring happiness into your life? Then Crazy Lace Agate is what you need! This stone is all about happiness. Meditating or carrying Crazy Lace Agate can help you stay present in the moment—this is great for anyone who has a lot going on in their lives. It keeps you grounded so that you can appreciate the special moments when they come along. Crazy Lace Agate is also a great confidence booster!

The healing properties of Agate

When we talk about crystals, we’re used to talking about just how powerful they are. In comparison, Agate vibrates at a much slower frequency than other crystals in the mineral world. But here’s the thing—this is what makes Agate so beneficial and powerful!

This gentle and steady frequency makes Agate the ideal crystal for anyone who is looking to slow down the pace of their life. By slowing down and working with Agate, you will be able to connect with Earth’s energy, bringing a sense of harmony to your mind, body, and soul. If you’ve been feeling unbalanced or even untethered, the grounding nature of Agate can help bring you back down to Earth. 

Agate is a great choice for those dealing with stress or suffering from anxiety—it brings with it calming energy that can re-center you when you are feeling overwhelmed.

If you are struggling to find focus in your life, Agate can help. It’s a great crystal for determining what elements of your life are most deserving of your time and attention. It shows you where to direct your energy and even helps guide you through the follow-through by encouraging you to make a plan to restore balance to your life. This is all due to its physical, mental, and spiritual energy-boosting qualities!

For me, the “you’ve got this” energy that comes from Agate can’t be beaten. It is innately grounding, super supportive, and leaves you feeling level-headed—especially great for those scatterbrained days! 

How to use your Agate

Because there are so many different varieties of Agate, there is an abundance of possibilities on how to use the crystal in your everyday life. 

Connect with Agate throughout the day by adding it to your wardrobe. Agate jewelry can help to keep your mind on the things that matter most in your life and keep you from spending your energy on things that, in the long run, aren’t for your highest benefit. It can also bring calmness to your everyday life—I love the idea of wearing it as a necklace so it is close to my heart!

You can also carry a piece of Agate with you in your purse or pocket. Then, when you find that you are feeling off-balance or untethered throughout the day, you can take a moment to hold it. This will help to bring back a sense of calm, alignment, and stability so you can continue to move through your day.

I always recommend bringing crystals into your environment to get the most out of their awesome energy. Try placing it somewhere that you will see every day to bring a sense of calm and balance to your life. Agate lamps and candle holders are great options as the heat from the light or candle amplifies the energy of the Agate. You can also look at decorating with an Agate cluster, freeform, or slab—all three offer something different visually, but make a huge impact energetically. 

Agate also has deep ties to feng shui—consider using it throughout your home to bring gentle energy into your space. If you are aiming to improve your feng shui, consider using natural or polished Agate to get the most from its balancing energy. 

With so many varieties of Agate out there—and just as many shapes and forms—it truly is a crystal that can benefit everyone! If you feel called to Agate, I’d love to know what variety has drawn you into this incredible crystal!

Keep shining, Crystal Lover!


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