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8 Crystals To Bring On Your Personal Wellness Journey

Did you know that August is National Wellness Month here in the United States? Focusing on your wellness and well-being is something that too many of us overlook in our fast-paced, go-go-go society.

Crystals are an amazing way to reconnect with yourself and put you first, once and while! And if you’re new to the world of crystal goodness, you might be shocked to find out just how many ways crystals can add to your wellbeing. From healing your mind and body, reclaiming your joy, or even learning to love yourself, crystals can help you no matter what self-care journey you are on!

It’s time to take a look at eight crystals that can help you make the most of wellness month—and beyond!

1. Obsidian — Protect Yourself

Create a shield against negativity and keep yourself protected with the help of Obsidian. This amazing, protective crystal keeps the energy of your environment positive and pure and helps you stay grounded. Its grounding energy is rooted in all three elements—earth, fire, and water—making it an extremely powerful tool for keeping yourself protected from negative energies. 

2. Turquoise — Balance Your Emotions

Turquoise is a stone of wholeness—it helps us recognize every part of ourselves and lets us act from a place of understanding. Because of this, it can help with your overall well-being and the state of your emotions. Use Turquoise to balance your emotions and create a sense of peace, clarity, and tranquility. Additionally, Turquoise can boost your spirits and bring vitality back into your life. 

3. Bloodstone — Strengthen Your Body

For many of us, wellness is all about our physical bodies. And Bloodstone—a wonderful purifier—is the stone for strengthening your body. This stone grounds you in your own body. And this grounding energy translates into an enhancement of your body’s strength and overall determination. As its name suggests, it helps to strengthen and fortify your blood, helping you to move past many physical ailments. 

4. Citrine — Reclaim Your Joy

Are you ready to smile? Are you ready to embrace joy? Then you are ready for Citrine! This sunshiney crystal harnesses the energy of the sun and funnels it into pure happiness. Keeping Citrine in your home or on your person is a perfect way to bring more joy, more creativity, and more jubilance into your life. It also keeps negative energy at bay—Citrine is a real positivity heavy-hitter!

5. Golden Tiger Eye — Motivate Your Mind

Get out of your rut and find the motivation you’ve been searching for with Golden Tiger Eye. This crystal helps you move past the boundaries you’ve set for yourself and gives you the confidence and courage to believe in yourself. Golden Tiger Eye encourages action, and inspires you to start taking steps towards your goals—and never stop!

6. Jasper — Empower Your Spirit

It is time to bring life back to your spirit, Crystal Lover! If you are looking to empower yourself and your spirit, then Jasper is the crystal for you. Jasper stimulates the base chakra which then awakens powerful energy in your spirit—think of it as a boost to your life force! It taps into the natural world to harness this awesome energy that empowers your spirit and brings a renewed invigoration to your life.   

7. Clear Quartz — Heal Your Body, Mind & Soul

One of the most versatile crystals out there, Clear Quartz can be used for almost any purpose and has been called the “Master Healer”. By programming your Clear Quartz, you can use its power and energy to bring light and clarity to any aspect of your life. Whether you are looking to heal your mind, soul, or physical body, working with Clear Quartz will help you visualize your path to restoration and revitalization. 

8. Rose Quartz — Love Yourself

The stone of love, Rose Quartz, is such an amazing stone when it comes to well-being and self-care. Why? Because while we often think of love as a partnership between two people, Rose Quartz also works to amplify self-love! Working with this beautiful pink crystal can help you to break down boundaries, connect with compassion, and show yourself the unconditional love you deserve!

No matter what you are hoping to achieve with your self-care and wellness journey, crystals are the perfect companion to take along. Let me know in the comments below which crystal speaks to you and why—I love hearing what crystals spark something within you!