8 Crystals Perfect For Every Entrepreneur

Ready for a little boost to your business? Ready to work with crystals that resonate with your entrepreneurial spirit? Ready to find an additional source of support to help your business flourish? 

Then I’m ready for you!

Sara Bryki Co. was founded when I decided to make the leap from my comfortable corporate career and pursue my passion—helping to inspire, educate, and empower others to create connections in their lives and embrace their crystal journey!

I understand what it takes to build a business from the ground up and if I know one thing for sure… that it never hurts to have a little extra support in your corner.

I’m sharing my top 8 crystals that every entrepreneur needs to have.

1. Orthoceras 

The perfect stone to help you succeed in business is Orthoceras. The fossilized remains of an extinct marine animal, Orthoceras are approximately 400 million years old. This beautiful marbleized, black and white stone (and sometimes brown and white) promotes pride and fills you with confidence—both wonderful characteristics for entrepreneurs. But above all else, Orthoceras is a crystal for success. Keep it in your workspace to help your business achieve great success.  

2. Rhodonite

Pretty in pink, Rhodonite is a beautiful crystal that can help you tap into your success in an unexpected way. Every one of us has unique gifts to share with the world. Rhodonite helps you tap into those gifts and talents to truly let them shine through. And what could be better for your business than embracing and leveraging the talented parts of yourself? This gorgeous crystal helps you value your gifts, find a new, refreshing self-confidence, and share it all with the world!

3. Amazonite

Something I hear from a lot of the entrepreneurs in my life—especially those who are just starting—is that setting healthy boundaries is both important and extremely difficult. When we are starting a new venture, it is easy to say yes to everything, to put yourself last, to let people overstep your boundaries when it seems to benefit your business. Remember, if it doesn’t benefit you, it doesn’t benefit your overall business… As an entrepreneur, you are your business! Amazonite is a wonderful crystal to help you identify and set healthy boundaries. It gives you the clarity to define what you need and the strength to enforce those boundaries when the time comes. 

4. Tiger Eye

When you are an entrepreneur, you are faced with a lot of decisions—some big, some small. A lot of the time, these decisions require you to find a balance between two extremes. That’s where Tiger Eye comes into play. It can help you find a middle ground between extremes. It can help to keep you balanced. Tiger Eye also lets you see past a world of extremes, and embrace a world full of options—perfect for any seasoned or budding entrepreneur.  

5. Ammonite

Ammonite fossils are sometimes beautifully iridescent (when this happens, they are referred to as Ammolite”) because of the compression and mineralization of the fossils. Other times Ammonite fossils are a beautiful balance of black, brown, grey, and off-white. The spiral shape of these fossils is a symbol of change, of cycles, of evolution. Ammonite helps you recognize and acknowledge the importance of cycles—in your life and your business. When you can embrace the ebb and flow that will inevitably come from owning and running a business, you will be in a much better headspace to tackle everything that comes your way. 

6. Fluorite

Make the most of your working hours with a crystal for focus and concentration—Fluorite! This gorgeous crystal comes in a variety of colors and can help you boost your productivity. It’s known as The Stone of Clarity and can help you enhance your focus, deepen your concentration, and even improve your memory. Keep a stone in your workspace to keep you focused throughout the day.

7. Pyrite

One of my favorite crystals for entrepreneurs has to be Pyrite. This is a crystal for wealth, a crystal for ambition, a crystal for motivation. Pyrite has a masculine energy that brings action, vitality, and a deep motivation to succeed. Tap into your full potential and release all your fears—with Pyrite by your side you’ll invite abundance and prosperity into your life. It also serves as a great visual reminder to go after your goals… another great source of motivation!

8. Carnelian

Ready to light a fire in your creative heart? Carnelian has an abundance of energy that spreads vitality and vivacity! It is a great crystal for creativity—keep a piece of Carnelian near your workspace to keep your mind buzzing with ideas throughout the day. What I love about Carnelian is that while it is an extremely stimulating crystal, it also brings with it a strong, stabilizing energy. It’s a great crystal to nurture your creativity while keeping you grounded in the realities of running a business.

Think of this as your entrepreneur crystal toolkit. With any—or all!—of these crystals on your side, you’ll be ready to face all the challenges of entrepreneurship. 

If you’re facing another challenge in your journey as an entrepreneur and are looking for a crystal to help, drop a comment below and I will get back to you with a crystal that can help!

Keep Shining, Crystal Lovers!


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