7 Healing Crystal Wands and How To Use Them

This week, I received a great question from one of our community members and I wanted to share my answer with all of you. They had just purchased a crystal wand, but they weren’t sure what to do with it once it arrived!

“I recently bought a Fluorite crystal wand from one of your Facebook Live shows. It was just so beautiful, I couldn’t resist! But now I’m wondering, how do I work with a crystal wand? I’m not 100% sure how to use it in comparison with the crystals I already have!”

I love crystal wands because they are so versatile. I’m going to break down three ways that you can use your healing crystal wand, plus share with you 7 amazing crystal wands and what energy they can bring into your life!


Sometimes called a crystal massage wand, these wands are excellent for massaging! Crystal wands are designed with at least one rounded end for massage. During the massage, the wand uses the energetic qualities of the crystal to soothe, align, relax, or even energize your spirit while also releasing the tension from your body. With every crystal wand, you reap the benefits of the crystal’s energy and can focus your intentions or healing energy on a specific spot in your body. I also love Gua Sha massage tools to help you release tension, improve circulation, and boost your overall well-being!


If you aren’t familiar with Reflexology, it is the study of the links that exist between organs, body parts, and energetic systems with skin and muscles connected by our nerve pathways. The idea is that by touching a point on your hand or foot, for example, you can release pent-up stress. The shape of the crystal wand will amplify a crystal’s power, making it excellent for the practice of reflexology. While rounded wands are great for massage, pointed wands are ideal for reflexology—the point is placed on pressure points to focus the energy for deep healing.


Are you a fan of meditation? Then it’s time to grab your crystal wand! I’ve said before that meditation is an amazing way to connect with your crystals and the same is true for your crystal wands. So when you sit down for your next meditation session, bring your wand with you. Hold it in your hand(s) and focus on your intentions as you breathe. 

My favorite crystal wands

Let’s take a look at some of my favorite crystal wands!

1. Bloodstone Wand

A Bloodstone wand is wonderful to help purify and detoxify your body. It has an amazing ability to ground negative energy and cleanse your body. This powerful healing stone is perfect for massage and reflexology and has the added benefit of bringing courage and wisdom into your life.

2. Jade Wand

There are so many reasons why Jade makes a wonderful wand. It is after all known as the stone of eternal youth, so imagine what it can do when used for a facial massage! Use your Jade wand for health and vitality.

3. Jasper Wand

Jaspers are extremely grounding stones—they have a deep connection to the earth. Their energy is nurturing and comforting, and they bring courage and wisdom with them. I love this Cherry Creek Jasper Wand, with its beautiful patterns of red, green, and cream, and its jovial energy!

4. Satin Spar Selenite Wand

If you are searching for a tool that can help you reduce your stress through massage and energetic changes, then a Satin Spar Selenite wand is what you need! It works with the energy of the moon, clears your energy field, and raises your vibrations. Just remember, Satin Spar Selenite is water-soluble and should not get wet.

5. Moonstone Wand

Get ready to connect with your inner Goddess! Moonstone wands raise your vibrations and bring renewed energy to your life. There are many different kinds of Moonstone, but I particularly like Peach Moonstone wands for their calming energy and Grey Moonstone wands for their ability to amplify your intentions. 

6. Fluorite Wand

Fluorite is a fantastic crystal for mental acuity and focus. A Fluorite wand makes a great study buddy when you need help retaining information. And after a long day hitting the books, it is an amazing crystal massage wand to help work out any knots!

7. Rhodonite Wand

Beautifully marbled Rhodonite wands help you know and understand your self-worth. It can help you truly see the value that you bring to the world and show you how to share those gifts with those around you. It is a wonderful crystal for self-love!

I hope this has helped you come up with a few ideas on how to use your crystal wand! And if you don’t have one yet, hopefully, this has inspired you to try one out! Drop a comment below to let me know how you’re using your crystal wand for well-being!


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