Crystals for Your Zodiac Sign — The 8 Best Virgo Crystals

Practical, logical, and extremely hard-working, Virgos are symbolized by the maiden holding a shaft of wheat—this is indicative of Virgos' desire to serve and their long-standing ability to separate the wheat from the chaff. 

Born between August 23 and September 22, Virgos are governed by Mercury, the planet of communication. They are the mutable earth sign which makes them more open to hearing many sides of a problem or argument. It is this trait that makes them somewhat indecisive, but once they do come to a decision you can feel confident knowing that they have explored every possibility.

They pride themselves on being organized, and detail-oriented, and they always strive for perfection. Virgos hold everything in their lives to very exacting standards—they want the best of the best and work to ensure everything in their lives runs smoothly. This can sometimes come off as judgy, as the lovely Virgo holds everything to these standards—including their friends, family, co-workers, and peers.

Virgos are exceptionally modest, while they love the best of the best and want to be the best of the best, you won’t likely find them bragging about this. Virgos should take a page out of their Leo friends' playbook and boost a bit more—their modesty can lead to a dip in self-confidence.

If you need a helping hand, you can always turn to a Virgo. They are always ready to help out those around them and take great pride in being seen as “the helpful friend”. They can be the shoulder you need to cry on, the person you turn to when you have questions or even the one who’s always ready to help move a friend.

Virgos are extremely intuitive but they keep their emotions close to their chest. They are also very intelligent—they love information from textbooks to gossip and will find a way to use their knowledge to help those around them.

Like every zodiac, there is a positive and negative side to every Virgo characteristic… Good thing some crystals can help bolster their strengths and weaknesses! Let’s take a look at 4 crystals for Virgos’ strengths:  


Virgos naturally have very strong intuition—it’s one of their most impressive traits. But when they are looking to give their intuition a little boost, Labradorite is the perfect crystal for them. Labradorite helps expand your mind and connects you with higher consciousness, something Virgos are already familiar with. It has also been called “the stone of transformation” which is perfect for Virgos who already embrace the natural ebbs and flows that come with living life.

Natural Citrine 

Virgos are smart, there’s no doubt about that. When they work with natural Citrine, it brings out the best of their mental capabilities. It helps them think quickly, set goals, and achieve big things. Just like anyone else, Virgos feel more fulfilled and happy with Citrine in their corner. Their inner critic can sometimes be pretty loud, but Citrine can help to quiet this unhelpful voice and lift Virgos' spirits.


Virgos love to help others—a consequence of this is that they sometimes give too much of themselves in their relationships. But their love of helping and giving to others is a wonderful trait, so to protect this and keep it in balance, Virgos can keep Amethyst by their side. It not only helps them understand themselves and their own needs better, but it also helps Virogs accept and understand their partners. Amethyst also helps Virgos balance their spiritual and analytical sides.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is an amazing crystal for Virgos—it reconnects them with their element, Earth, and helps to keep them grounded in our world. Additionally, Smoky Quartz helps Virgos get rid of any negative energy hanging around… even self-inflicted negativity. Virgos’ perfectionist nature and high standards mean they expect a lot from themselves. Smoky Quartz can help them calm their mind and forgive themselves for past mistakes.

And here are 4 crystals that help to mitigate the challenges Virgo face:


Even though Virgos are governed by Mercury—the planet of communication—they sometimes have a difficult time expressing their feelings. Analytical to a fault, Virgos tend to suppress their emotions and focus on the more “practical” side of things. To help them express their feelings openly, Aquamarine is a top choice for Virgos. Aquamarine gives Virgos the strength and confidence to voice their emotions and helps them keep a clear mind so they can effectively communicate.

Unakite Jasper 

Virgos can spend more time focusing on the moment when they work with Unakite Jasper. What I love about Unakite Jasper for Virgos is that it helps them keep calm in all situations and also gives them a strong dose of patience. Along with patience, Unakite Jasper helps Virgos stay persistent—while they are patient as they work, they keep their passion for achieving their goals.


Virgos tend to be stubborn—their exacting standards coupled with their need for perfection means that they can often get stuck in a pattern of obstinance. When Virgos work with Rhodochrosite, they can tap back into the grounding nature of their element, Earth. And Rhodochrosite’s loving energy allows Virgos to bring a sense of calm to their energy and become more receptive to other possibilities.

Yellow Topaz

We all face dark, difficult moments in our lives, and Virgos are no different. For Virgos, it is important to always be able to bring light and joy into their lives, even when the dark moments seem to become too much. Yellow Topaz is the perfect crystal to help bring light and positivity to the dark moments Virgos experience. Yellow Topaz is also a fountain of knowledge that can help Virgos dig into their latest academic or educational pursuit.

If your zodiac sign is Virgo, I hope these crystals can help you tap into your intuition, connect with yourself, and recognize that your analytic and emotional selves are one and the same!

If you’re looking for more zodiac crystal pairings, you’re in luck!


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