The Healing Properties of Selenite

Do you have any Selenite your collection? If so, how many pieces?   

Selenite (technically known as Gypsum) is one of my favorite crystals and I truly believe you can never have too much of it! I literally have Selenite throughout my entire house. If you walked into my house you would see tons of lamps, candle holders, ingots, and wands. Oh, and I can’t forget my harmonizers! They are absolutely a staple in my collection!   

Different ways of using Selenite!

I have always been mindful of the energy in my home, but this has been even more important since I have adopted my new fur-baby, Bailey. He was a rescue and has some fear-based triggers and a bit of PTSD reactions that I have been very aware of. I have been working more and more to transform my home into an energetically safe space. One of the ways I am doing this is by creating clean energy with Selenite. I have realized that just like my body, my home is so important, and I need to treat it just as well as I treat myself!  


One of my favorite ways to use and show my Selenite is by having lamps placed in each room of the house (I don’t keep it in my main bathroom as it is too humid for Selenite). This allows me to keep my sacred space clean, clear, and feeling fresh! Selenite is an energy cleanser, this means it is going to get rid of any and all negative energy that has accumulated in a space, aura, and other crystal beauties.  

I have always been a fan of using natural stones and crystals as lamps! I do this because the light from the bulb helps to push out energy into a much larger space. This is going to help the energy travel further than what it could do on its own. I do want to mention, it is so important to use incandescent bulbs in your stone and crystal lamps! Incandescent lamps produce heat, which helps the energy move. Your traditional LED lightbulb doesn’t get hot, which means you will get the energy from the light, but it won’t travel as far. 


Jewelry is one of my favorite ways to use stones and crystals daily and for extended periods of time. My Selenite bracelet is one of my favs! When you wear Selenite jewelry, it feels like you have a sunny light in your aura. It keeps your aura light and it ensures that you are not picking up outside energies that are going to drain you. Selenite is well-suited for anyone, and I especially recommend it for empaths! After a long day, I take my jewelry off and put it on my Selenite lamps or candle holders to clear them out overnight. It feels so good to put on crystals that are full of white light and radiating their inherent energies.  

Oh! Don’t forget that Selenite is water-soluble! You are going to want to be careful not to submerge it in water. It is totally okay to get it wet here and there but do know that it will start to lose its polish and look a little duller. Don’t worry! This is not going to change the energy of your Selenite! It is still going to work at keeping your energy clean and clear.   


As you can probably tell, I seriously adore Selenite; I use it constantly and it has changed my quality of life. This is an energy that is absolutely necessary if you are doing a lot of work with stones and crystals. The more that you work with stones and crystals the more they are going to pick up outside energy. Keep in mind, this might be energy that you don’t want! Using Selenite is going to keep these stones clear and it will allow your crystal beauties to work to their full potential.  

One of the ways I keep my crystals clean is by placing them on Selenite Ingots. Ingots are long rectangle pieces of Selenite. I love displaying my smaller crystals on ingots! Not only is it gorgeous, but it keeps them light and bright. What a cool way to use crystals for more than one purpose, right?!  

I mentioned how much I love my harmonizers! Now, I have to tell you why. They are a true game changer! They have so many uses, and they feel fantastic when you hold one in each hand. You can feel them harmonizing the energy in your aura; it feels like anything heavy is actively leaving your body and being replaced with very clear and calming energy.  

Harmonizers have also been really helpful in relieving pain and promoting relaxation. When I get migraines, I put them right on my head, Frankenstein-style! This creates an energy circuit that will clear out the energy causing the migraine. I also used them when I broke my foot and I continue to use them while I sleep.  

My harmonizers travel with me everywhere! They are so helpful when I need to spend time around others. A prime example of this is when I am at gem shows! When I am at a show, I am around so many different people and it can be very difficult not to pick up energy from the people and all the crystals! Also, I am constantly tuning into the energy of our community members and checking in to see what crystals I need to bring back. By the end of the day, I am exhausted! Sleeping with my Selenite helps me recharge and fully rejuvenate overnight. 

I could talk about Selenite all day long! I would love to know if you have Selenite and how you are using it! Leave a comment below!  

Keep shining Crystal Lover!  


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