7 Best Crystals for Setting Boundaries and Protection

In our world, being able to set boundaries and feel protected is an incredibly high priority for most of us. There are a lot of demands placed on us every day and finding ways to protect our energy and establish solid boundaries is essential.

The news, people, even our own thoughts are all sources of negative energy. When we effectively set boundaries—personal, emotional, psychic, energetic—we are less affected by the negative energy around us and are able to more easily thrive!

Setting boundaries may be difficult for a lot of people. Thankfully, there are crystals that are excellent for this! We’re going to look at seven crystals that set boundaries and provide protection in different ways and break down how they can help you in your daily life.

Please keep in mind this is not an all-inclusive list. As always, when setting boundaries, trust your intuition and use crystals you are drawn to. Let’s get to it!

1. Amazonite—Personal Boundaries

Amazonite, a feldspar stone known for its stunning blue-green color, is full of harmonious energy and is often touted as a stone of universal love. It also assists in the release of toxic emotions—it helps you overcome the fear of judgment and confrontation, and helps you move through past traumas. 

Amazonite also helps you to identify and set strong, clear boundaries, giving you the clarity to define what you need from personal relationships. Amazonite goes even further by supporting the self-discipline needed to enforce your boundaries. This allows you to maintain a balance within all your relationships—including the one you have with yourself!

2. Black Tourmaline—Energetic Boundaries

Black Tourmaline is a silicate crystal that is black or such a dark blue that it appears black and is an amazing grounding crystal. It is also known for its protective properties. Black Tourmaline works like a force field — it blocks and repels all the negative energy around it. Pretty cool, right?!

Black Tourmaline defends against unwanted negative energy by sending it back to where it originated from, leaving you with an atmosphere of positivity. Not only can this powerful crystal keep your personal energetic boundaries strong, it can also create a protective energetic shield in physical spaces like your home. By placing a piece of Black Tourmaline by your front door, you can keep negative energy out and keep your home a positive place!

3. Shungite—EMF Boundaries

Shungite is a very powerful stone with many benefits when it comes to creating boundaries and protecting yourself. It can help you to set boundaries in your interpersonal relationships and its intense energy can give you the confidence to assert those boundaries. It also absorbs unwanted energies, making it a very strong protection crystal. 

What makes Shungite stand out from the other crystals on this list is its ability to protect against electric and magnetic fields (EMFs). It can absorb and neutralize the harmful frequencies from EMFs because of the fullerenes inside the stone. Shungite is one of the very few materials in the world that contain fullerenes—hollow, pure carbon molecules. Yes, my geek is showing!

Take advantage of the protective powers by wearing a Shungite pendant, placing Shungite throughout your home, or placing a Shungite disk on the back of your cell phone!

4. Black Obsidian—Energetic Boundaries

Created when volcanic lava comes into contact with water, Black Obsidian is a crystal that can be found at the intersection of three elements—earth, fire, and water. It has amazing grounding energy and can help you feel very connected to your body and to the earth. This connection helps provide protection from harsh or disruptive energies that may be around you. It is also a great crystal to use when you need to persevere through any challenging situations! It will help you to stay steady and protected as you navigate through. 

5. Labradorite—Psychic Boundaries

A member of the feldspar family, Labradorite is often one of the first crystals people are drawn to because of its stunningly beautiful colors and flashes of light. But beyond its inherent beauty, Labradorite is an extremely powerful protector stone. 

Labradorite protects against the psychic negativity in the world. It can keep you safe from people’s negative thoughts or the negativity they can bring into your space. I like to call Labradorite the magical cloak of the crystal world—wearing it is like placing a protective cloak around your energetic body. It keeps you shielded from the negativity around you. 

6. Hematite—Energetic & Emotional Boundaries 

Hematite is a very strong Root Chakra mineral that is not only common on Earth but also occurs in abundance on Mars—it results in the planet’s distinctive red color!

Hematite will absorb any negative energy that is in the vicinity and helps you deal with the internal negative thought patterns and emotions that may be holding you back. Because of this characteristic, it is important to clear Hematite often! It has the innate ability to absorb negative emotions and clear away stress, anxiety, and worry. It creates protective energy by pulling negative energy to the Root Chakra, neutralizing it, and balancing your aura. With Hematite on your side, you can live your life without any added negativity—from yourself or others! 

7. Smoky Quartz—Energetic Boundaries 

A smoky-gray, brown to black variety of quartz, Smoky Quartz is one of the best crystals to use for protection. The amazingness of Smoky Quartz is in its continuous ability to take negative energy, send it down into the Earth where it is transformed into positive energy (Thank you, Mother Earth!), and sent back up into your energetic body. A great way to use Smoky Quartz’s protective energy in addition to carrying it or wearing it is having a smoky quartz lamp in your home. The heat from the incandescent bulb pushes the transformative and protective energy out into your space where the lamp sits. You can keep the lamp on all the time to fill your space with high-vibe energy! Pretty cool, right?

As we mentioned above, this is by no means a comprehensive list. But these are the seven crystals that we recommend to anyone looking to establish their boundaries and protect themselves from negativity. Remember, always trust your intuition—use the crystals that speak to you and that you feel a connection to! 

Keep shining, Crystal Lover!


5 Ways To Properly Clear Your Crystals


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