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5 Crystals to Help You Focus on YOU

How high are you on your priority list? 

First? Second? Maybe even lower than that? 

No matter what your circumstances are in life, there are times when you won’t be a priority in your own life. But here’s the thing, if you aren’t your own priority, who is going to stand up and focus on you?

Remember what they say to you every time you get on an airplane—you need to put your oxygen mask on yourself before you help others.

If you aren’t focusing on yourself and spending time making yourself the best you can be, you won’t be in any state to help others. Whether you are hoping to work on your self-love, build your self-esteem, or reconnect with yourself, there are crystals that can help you with that important work.

Ready to make yourself a priority? Let’s get started, Crystal Lovers!

1. Chrysocolla

Are you ready to bring new, vibrant energy to your life? Are you ready to move past the old patterns and behaviors that you keep finding yourself stuck in? Then you are ready to work with the amazing energy of Chrysocolla. 

Chrysocolla is a beautiful water element crystal that will help you tune into your inner voices and let you accept your importance—this crystal will show you how to embrace the power of your own experiences and knowledge. With a wonderful influx of positive energy, Chrysocolla can help you connect with yourself and guide you towards your fulfilling life path.

Chrysocolla can also help you tap into your Goddess energy—it reminds you that this feminine power is there inside yourself, even if you haven’t connected with it in a while. So, why not connect with it?!

2. Aquamarine

Do you ever feel like you’re hard on yourself? Maybe when things don’t go your way, you immediately look inwards and blame yourself. Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s time to go easy on yourself—and Aquamarine s here to help.

Aquamarine can work with the Heart Chakra by helping you to realize your innermost truth - that you are a beautiful soul! Also, it can facilitate the release of old patterns of behavior that no longer serve, such as negative self-talk and blame, that can actually inhibit one's growth. Try meditating with Aquamarine to bring in its calm, supportive energy and to help you see all the amazing things you bring to life on a daily basis!

3. Amazonite

A super-protective crystal, Amazonite is a wonderful crystal to help you focus on yourself. If you are looking to amp up your motivation, Amazonite can give you that needed boost to help you move forward. 

It can also help you focus on your intuition. This is one of my favorite things about Amazonite. It’s easy to start second-guessing yourself, it happens to the best of us. But we all have intuition, and its power should never be underestimated. When you focus on your intuition and allow yourself to be guided by it, you’ll be amazed at the change you’ll feel in your life. 

4. Almandine Garnet

Say hello to improved self-esteem and a new outlook on life—say hello to Almandine Garnet, the most popular Garnet out there! This gorgeous red crystal can help you let go of worry and panic and bring a sense of calm back to your life. 

It is closely tied to the heart chakra and helps you balance your head with your heart. This balance helps you focus on the things in your life that truly matter to you while also showing you what things you can let go of to minimize your stress and worry. Garnet is also a wonderful grounding stone that can help improve your outlook and give you the confidence you need to be your best self.

5. Rose Quartz

You may have heard of Rose Quartz when people are talking about love but did you know that Rose Quartz can help with all different types of love—including self-love! Tap into the power of hope, compassion, kindness, and benevolence and harness it for yourself. 

When you connect with Rose Quartz, you can take all that hope, compassion, love, and kindness and funnel it into your relationship with yourself. It is the perfect crystal to reconnect with you and there is no better crystal to take with you on your journey to self-love.

These crystals can be a wonderful addition to your crystal practice and they will help you connect with yourself on a deeper level. If you’re looking for ways to incorporate these crystals into your daily life, check out my post How To Incorporate Crystals Into Your Everyday Life.

Keep Shining, Crystal Lovers!