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Feminine and Masculine Energy—What’s The Difference?

When I talk about crystals, you’ll often hear me referring to feminine and masculine energy. For most people, when anyone mentions masculine and feminine your mind immediately goes to gender. But masculine and feminine energies have nothing to do with gender. Every person has both masculine and feminine energies within us!

You can think of masculine and feminine energies as a sliding scale—everyone has both energies but some lean more towards the masculine energy side of the scale while others are closer to the feminine energy side. 

The ideal is to find a happy medium—an energetic balance between our feminine and masculine energies. But there are times when it is essential to tap into one of these energies more than the other.

Working with crystals can help you find balance and keep it! Many amazing crystals can tap into your feminine energy, your masculine energy, and those that work to balance the energies. 

Ready to explore the world of feminine and masculine energy crystals? Let’s get started, Crystal Lover!

Feminine energy crystals

Feminine energy is often associated with creativity and inspiration, being nurturing and supportive, intuition and empathy, and makes decisions based on what is in your heart. This energy is fluid, emotional, and often passionate—it is truly right-brained energy. Working with crystals that support these traits—and feminine energy in general—can help you connect with the feminine in yourself.

1. Moonstone

If you are looking to tap into your feminine energy, you should consider working with Moonstone. The moon itself is seen as having feminine energy—it has even been called an emblem of femininity—and Moonstone is no different. Working with Moonstone will help you become more in touch with your feminine side—it promotes gentleness and balanced emotions and can help you think nonlinearly. For those who already have strong feminine energy, Moonstone enhances your feminine intuition as well. 

2. Hemimorphite

Hemimorphite is a wonderful stone to help you look inside yourself. It can help you understand who you are, what you want to become, and where you want to go in life. By boosting your self-esteem, Hemimorphite will help you believe in yourself and what you can achieve in life. It brings peaceful, yet productive, energy into your life. 

3. Peridot

Compassion is a key trait associated with both feminine energy and Peridot. This beautiful green stone is wonderful for balancing emotions and bringing good mental and physical health. Peridot inspires creativity and gives you an eloquence to be admired! It also brings happiness with it—if you need to smile or laugh a little more, Peridot can help!

4. Chrysocolla

Connect with the Divine Feminine using Chrysocolla! This gorgeous green crystal is full of Goddess energies and helps to bring joy, harmony, and balance to your life. If you are looking for a crystal to help you find your confidence and speak your truth, Chrysocolla is ideal for finding your voice.

5. Rose Quartz

The crystal of unconditional love, Rose Quartz embodies the divine feminine and is a vessel for pure feminine energy. Rose Quartz helps you to open your heart to all forms of love and helps you consult your heart when it comes to making life choices. It also helps to boost your self-esteem by showing you the beauty within yourself.

Masculine energy crystals

Masculine energy is dynamic and focuses on action—when this energy faces a problem it needs to fix it… asap! It is a protective energy that is strong, stable, and independent. Masculine energy is very self-confident, brings competitive energy, and is extremely logical. Masculine energy is analytic and very indicative of the left brain. 

1. Hematite

A wonderful stone for grounding, Hematite’s energy is intertwined with masculine energy. It helps you feel stable, secure, and safe. Hematite also works closely with your logical brain—it offers clear thinking, improves your concentration, and even enhances your focus and memory recall. 

2. Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz has long been a symbol of power and it is an amazingly grounding crystal. Its direct connection with the earth is what makes it such a powerful grounding crystal. Smoky Quartz also works to transform negative energy into positive energy. It can also help you through moments of uncertainty by inviting mental clarity into your life. 

3. Pyrite

Connected to the masculine side of energy Pyrite is filled with the energies of earth and fire. This is a crystal of action and vitality, and it will help you tap into your potential. This masculine crystal is empowering and can help you overcome bad habits while also establishing new, healthy habits to take their place. 

4. Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is a protective crystal that is amazing at creating energetic boundaries. It repels negative thoughts and energy, and at the same time, helps to protect the confidence and strength you already have within yourself. Black Tourmaline also helps to increase your physical vitality and is great to carry with you throughout the day. 

5. Carnelian

Historically used by warriors to give them courage before battle, Carnelian is an active crystal that is all about embracing the new and saying goodbye to the old. It is a powerful Sacral Chakra that can help boost your creativity and motivation—this beautiful red crystal is the perfect go-getter stone to keep you moving positively towards your goals.

Crystals for balanced masculine/feminine energy

As I mentioned before, masculine and feminine energies are both important and needed in our lives. To have a truly balanced self, you need to have both feminine and masculine energies balanced within you. It’s all about knowing when each energy is called for in your daily life. Let’s take a look at a few crystals that can help you find a balance between your masculine and feminine. 

1. Prehnite

If you are looking to harmonize all the elements found within your body, Prehnite does just this by balancing the feminine and masculine energies in you. By balancing the intellectual, physical, and emotional energies, Prehnite will open your heart and give you space to release your deep-seated fears.

2. Kambaba Jasper

Connected with the Divine Masculine, Kambaba Jasper is an ancient stone that dates back to 3 billion years ago. Because of this, it amplifies many of the masculine energy traits such as action, logic, protection, and assertiveness. But because it is a Jasper it is also grounded in feminine energy, making it the perfect balance between the two.

3. Shiva Lingam

Shiva Lingam is an egg-shaped stone that is found in India. This stone is the literal embodiment of both masculine and feminine energies and their union is represented in the stone. It supports fertility and sexuality no matter your gender and brings confidence and balance to your life.  

4. Amazonite

If the first thing that comes to mind when you hear Amazonite is the tribe of women warriors, you are not alone. This imagery is the perfect mirror for how Amazonite balances the masculine and feminine energies. It is a balancing stone that promotes self-determination, allows you to share your feelings constructively, and keep your emotions steady. 

Whether you are looking for a crystal to help invoke your feminine energy, enhance your masculine energy, or bridge the gap between the two, I hope you’ve been able to find a crystal that resonates with you. 

Shine on, Crystal Lover!